
Defines functions RootNodeDistance.character RootNodeDistance.numeric RootNodeDistance SisterSize.character SisterSize.numeric SisterSize

Documented in RootNodeDistance RootNodeDistance.character RootNodeDistance.numeric SisterSize SisterSize.character SisterSize.numeric

#' "Stemwardness" of a leaf
#' Functions to describe the position of a leaf relative to the root.
#' "Stemmier" leaves ought to exhibit a smaller root-node distance and a
#' larger sister size.
#' `RootNodeDistance()` calculates the number of nodes between the chosen leaf
#' and the root of `tree`.
#' This is an unsatisfactory measure, as the range of possible
#' distances is a function of the shape of the tree
#' \insertCite{Asher2020}{TreeTools}.
#' As an example, leaf _X1_ in the tree `(.,(.,(.,(.,(X1,(a,b))))))`
#' falls outside the clade _(a, b)_ and has a root-node distance of 4,
#' whereas leaf _X2_ in the tree `(.,((.,(.,.)),(b,(X2,a))))`
#' falls within the clade _(a, b)_, so should be considered more "crownwards",
#' yet has a smaller root-node distance (3).
#' \insertFig{Stemwardness.png}{TreeTools}{
#'   par(mfrow = c(1, 2), mar = rep(0.3, 4))
#'   plot(ape::read.tree(text="(.,(.,(.,(.,(X1,(a,b))))));"))
#'   ape::nodelabels(1:4, 9:12)
#'   ape::edgelabels(1:2, 11:12)
#'   plot(ape::read.tree(text="(.,((.,(.,.)),(b,(X2,a))));"))
#'   ape::nodelabels(1:3, c(9, 12, 13))
#'   ape::edgelabels(1, 12)
#' }
#' `SisterSize()` measures the number of leaves in the clade that is sister to
#' the chosen leaf, as proposed by \insertCite{Asher2020;textual}{TreeTools}.
#' In the examples above, _X1_ has a sister size of 2 leaves, whereas _X2_,
#' which is "more crownwards", has a smaller sister size (1 leaf), as desired.
#' @template treeParam
#' @param tip Either a numeric specifying the index of a single tip, or a
#' character specifying its label.
#' @return `SisterSize()` returns an integer specifying the number of leaves
#' in the clade that is sister to `tip`.
#' `RootNodeDist()` returns an integer specifying the number of nodes between
#' `tip` and the root node of `tree`.
#' @references \insertAllCited{}
#' @examples
#' bal8 <- BalancedTree(8)
#' pec8 <- PectinateTree(8)
#' SisterSize(bal8, 3)
#' SisterSize(pec8, "t3")
#' SisterSize(RootTree(pec8, "t3"), "t3")
#' RootNodeDist(bal8, 3)
#' RootNodeDist(pec8, "t3")
#' RootNodeDist(RootTree(pec8, "t3"), "t3")
#' @template MRS
#' @name Stemwardness
#' @family tree characterization functions
#' @export
SisterSize <- function(tree, tip) UseMethod("SisterSize", tip)

#' @rdname Stemwardness
#' @export
SisterSize.numeric <- function(tree, tip) {
  edge <- tree[["edge"]]
  parent <- edge[edge[, 2] == tip, 1]

  # Return:
  CladeSizes(tree, nodes = parent) - 1L # Subtract the tip itself

#' @rdname Stemwardness
#' @export
SisterSize.character <- function(tree, tip) {
  SisterSize(tree, which(tree[["tip.label"]] == tip))

#' @rdname Stemwardness
#' @export
RootNodeDistance <- function(tree, tip) UseMethod("RootNodeDistance", tip)

#' @rdname Stemwardness
#' @export
RootNodeDistance.numeric <- function(tree, tip) {
  edge <- tree[["edge"]]
  parent <- edge[edge[, 2] == tip, 1]
  depths <- NodeDepth(tree)

  # Return:
  depths[NTip(tree) + 1L] - depths[parent]


#' @rdname Stemwardness
#' @export
RootNodeDistance.character <- function(tree, tip) {
  RootNodeDistance(tree, which(tree[["tip.label"]] == tip))

#' @rdname Stemwardness
#' @aliases RootNodeDist
#' @export
RootNodeDist <- RootNodeDistance

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TreeTools documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:27 a.m.