
Defines functions Tb_lizard_Fei

Documented in Tb_lizard_Fei

#' @title Operative Temperature of a Lizard Using Fei et al. (2012)
#' @description The function predicts body temperature (C, operative environmental temperature) of a lizard based on \insertCite{Fei2012;textual}{TrenchR}.
#' @param T_a \code{numeric} air temperature at lizard height (C).
#' @param T_g \code{numeric} surface temperature (C).
#' @param S \code{numeric} total (direct + diffuse) solar radiation flux (\ifelse{html}{\out{W m<sup>-2</sup>}}{\eqn{W m-^2}{ASCII}}).
#' @param lw \code{numeric} downward flux of near-infrared radiation (\ifelse{html}{\out{W m<sup>-2</sup>}}{\eqn{W m-^2}{ASCII}}).
#' @param shade \code{numeric} proportion of shade.
#' @param m \code{numeric} lizard mass (g).
#' @param Acondfact \code{numeric} proportion of the lizard projected area that is in contact with the ground. \code{Acondfact = 0.1} for standing and \code{Acondfact = 0.4} for lying on ground.
#' @param Agradfact \code{numeric} proportion of the lizard projected area exposed to radiation from the ground. \code{Agradfact = 0.3} for standing and \code{Agradfact = 0.0} for lying on ground.
#' @return \code{numeric} predicted body (operative environmental) temperature (K).
#' @family biophysical models
#' @author Ofir Levy
#' @details Thermal radiative flux is calculated following \insertCite{Fei2012;textual}{TrenchR} based on \insertCite{Bartlett1967;textual}{TrenchR} and \insertCite{Porter1973;textual}{TrenchR}.
#' @export
#' @references
#'  \insertAllCited{}
#' @examples
#'   Tb_lizard_Fei(T_a       = 20,
#'                 T_g       = 27,
#'                 S         = 1300, 
#'                 lw        = 60, 
#'                 shade     = 0.5, 
#'                 m         = 10.5, 
#'                 Acondfact = 0.1, 
#'                 Agradfact = 0.3)
Tb_lizard_Fei <- function(T_a, 
                          Agradfact) {
  stopifnot(T_a       >  -50, 
            T_a       <  100, 
            T_g       >  -50, 
            T_g       <  100,
            S         >= 0, 
            lw        >= 0, 
            shade     >= 0, 
            shade     <= 1, 
            m         >= 0, 
            Acondfact >= 0, 
            Acondfact <= 1, 
            Agradfact >= 0, 
            Agradfact <= 1)
  # Constants

    # thermal absorptivity (proportion), Bartlett & Gates 1967

      alpha_L <- 0.965 

    # convective heat transfer ceofficient (W m-2 C-1) (Fei et al. 2012, Porter et al. 1973)

      h_L <- 10.45 

    # emissivity of lizard's skin (proportion)

      epsilon_lizard <- 0.95 

    # thermal conductivity (W C-1 m-1)

      K_lizard <- 0.5 

    # lizard mean thickness in meters (diameter)

      lambda <- 0.015

    # specific heat capacity (J kg-1 C-1)

      c_lizard <- 3762

    # time interval in seconds

      dt <- 120

    sigma <- stefan_boltzmann_constant() 
  # Convert mass to kg

    mass_kg <- m / 1000
  # Estimate areas

    # Surface area m2

      A_L <- 0.0314 * pi * mass_kg^(2 / 3) 

    # Estimate projected lizard area for radiation from the ground

      A_down <- Agradfact * A_L 

    # Estimate projected lizard area that contacts the ground
      A_contact <- Acondfact * A_L 

    # convert to Kelvin
      T_a= celsius_to_kelvin(T_a)
      T_g= celsius_to_kelvin(T_g)
  # Initial operative environmental temperature

    # Initial body temperature in kelvin, assume Ta 

      T_o <- T_a  
  # solar radiation

    # projected lizard area for direct and scattered solar radiation

      A_p <- 0.4 * A_L 
  # Check

    dQ_solar <- (1 - shade) * alpha_L * A_p * S

  # Net longwave radiation

    # Proportion of surface area facing toward the sky

      A_up <- 0.6 * A_L 

    # (10.11) clear sky emissivity

      epsilon_ac <- 9.2 * 10^-6 * (T_a)^2 
  # Iterate to calculate steady state

    for (i in c(1:50)) {
      # Thermal radiation

        dQ_IR <- epsilon_lizard * A_down * sigma * (T_g^4 - T_o^4) + epsilon_lizard * A_up * sigma * (T_a^4 - T_o^4)

        # alternative version
        #   dQ_IR <- epsilon_lizard * A_down * sigma * (T_g^4 - T_o^4) + epsilon_lizard * A_up * ((1 - shade) * lw + shade * sigma * T_a^4) - epsilon_lizard * A_up * sigma * T_o^4

      # Conduction

        dQ_cond <- A_contact * K_lizard * (T_g - T_o) / (lambda / 2)
      # Convection, assuming no wind

        # skin area that is exposed to air

          Aair <- 0.9 * A_L
          dQ_conv <- h_L * Aair * (T_a - T_o)
      # Metabolism

        TinC <- kelvin_to_celsius(T_o)
        dQ_meta <- 0.348 * exp(0.022 * TinC - 0.132) * mass_kg

        # alternative version
        #   ew <- exp(-10.0+0.51*log(m)+0.115*(T_o-273)) *3 #Buckley 2008
        #   dQ_meta <- ew/3600. #metabolic rate (j/s)

      # Respiratory loss

        if (TinC < 20) {

          dQ_resp <- 0.272 * mass_kg

        } else if (TinC > 36) {

          dQ_resp <- 0.003 * mass_kg * exp(0.1516 * TinC)

        } else {

          dQ_resp <- 0.0836 * mass_kg * exp(0.0586 * TinC)

      dQe <- (dQ_solar + dQ_IR + dQ_meta + dQ_cond + dQ_conv - dQ_resp)
      dTe <- dQe / ((mass_kg) * c_lizard)
      T_o <- T_o + dTe * dt


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TrenchR documentation built on Sept. 14, 2023, 1:07 a.m.