custom.trend: Isolate trend component from mean sea level records via...

Description Usage Arguments Details Value References See Also Examples

View source: R/custom.trend.R


Isolate trend component from mean sea level records via customised input parameters and analysis


custom.trend(object, station_name = " ", iter = 10000, trend = c(1),
  DOF = " ", vlm = " ", plot = "TRUE", wdir = " ",
  save_summary = "FALSE")



an annual average mean sea level time series (refer ts) with NO missing data or an object of class "gap.fillview" (refer gap.fillview) with water levels (in millimetres).

Warning: If input data files do not conform to these pre-conditions, the analysis will be terminated. It should be further noted that the existence of long period oscillations in global mean sea level have been well recognised in the literature (eg. Chambers et al. (2012); Minobe (1999)). Therefore, in order to be effective for climate change and sea level research, time series input files are recommended to have a minimum length of at least 80 years in order that the analysis can identify and isloate such signals. Time series less than 80 years in length will be analysed but a warning will be displayed. Time series less than 30 years are not permitted though.


character string, providing the name of the data record.

Note: This field can be left blank, however, it is retained for use in banner labelling of graphical outputs.


numeric, enables a user defined number of iterations for bootstrapping to determine error margins. The user range is [500 to 10000] where 10000 is the default setting.

Warning: Although the default setting provides a more accurate basis for estimating error margins, the degree of iterations slows the analysis and can take several minutes to run.


numeric, enables the user to select the trend components directly in the form of a single component or multiple components (eg., c(1) or c(1,2,3)). The default setting is c(1) as the first component will always be trend, however, other components might also have trend characteristics which can be diagnostically observed and optimised via the check.decomp function.


numeric, enables the user to optimise the degrees of freedom for the fitted cubic smoothing spline to be applied to the trend. The default setting is based on 1 degree of freedom every 8 years (Watson, 2018) and this default is written to the console to enable the user to directly compare with manually entered DOF settings. The DOF can be diagnostically observed and optimised via the check.decomp function.


numeric, enables a user defined quantum for vertical land motion in mm/year within the range [-20 to 20]. This rate is used to convert the rate of relative sea level rise to an estimate of geocentric sea level rise. Positive rates of vlm are associated with land uplift, while conversely negative rates of vlm are associated with subsidence. This can be left blank in which case only estimates of relative mean sea level will be determined.


logical, if “TRUE” then the original time series is plotted to the screen along with the trend component and the result of gap filling (where necessary). 95% confidence intervals have also been applied. Default = “TRUE”.


character string, providing the name of the directory to send output files (e.g., “C:/myproject/”) when the save_summary argument is set to “TRUE”. If this field is left blank the save_summary argument is switched off and a message will be sent to the console.


logical, if “TRUE” the object$Summary portion of the returned value is exported direct to the defined directory (wdir) and saved as "detailed_summary_output.csv". Default = “FALSE”.


This function permits the customisation of key input parameters to enable improved isolation of trend components (mean sea level) and estimated associated velocities and accelerations. This function provides more flexibility for the expert analyst than the msl.trend function which has fixed inbuilt parameterisation based on the recommendations espoused in Watson (2018). The selection of the "trend" and "DOF" parameters would be undertaken following diagnostic analysis of the input time series via the check.decomp function. The trend is isolated using Singular Spectrum Analysis, in particular, aggregating components whose spectral energy in the low frequency bands exhibit trend-like characteristics. Associated velocities and accelerations are determined through the fitting of a cubic smoothing spline to the trend.


An object of class “custom.trend” is returned with the following elements:


the name of the data record.


a summary data frame of the relevant attributes relating to the trend and the inputted annual average data set, including:


outputs the peak relative velocity and the year in which it occurred.


outputs the vertical land motion used to convert relative to geocentric velocity (user supplied input).


outputs the peak geocentric velocity and the year in which it occurred (if vertical land motion supplied).


outputs the peak acceleration and the year in which it occurred.


outputs details of the start, end and length of the input data set.


outputs the extent of missing data (years) in the original record and the gap filling method used (where necessary).


outputs the number of iterations used to generate the respective standard deviations for error margins.


outputs the number and time at which changepoints in the variance of the uncorrelated residuals occur (if any). Where changepoints are identified, block bootstrapping procedures are used with residuals quarantined between changepoints.


outputs the components from the SSA decomposition of the original time series used to estimate the trend.


outputs the degrees of freedom used to fit the cubic smoothing spline to the trend in order to estimate velocity and acceleration.


Chambers, D.P., Merrifield, M.A., and Nerem, R.S., 2012. Is there a 60 year oscillation in global mean sea level? Geophysical Research Letters, 39(18).

Minobe, S., 1999. Resonance in bidecadal and pentadecadal climate oscillations over the North Pacific: Role in climatic regime shifts. Geophysical Research Letters, 26(7), pp.855-858.

Watson, P.J., 2018. Improved Techniques to Estimate Mean Sea Level, Velocity and Acceleration from Long Ocean Water Level Time Series to Augment Sea Level (and Climate Change) Research. PhD Thesis, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.

See Also

msl.trend, gap.fillview, check.decomp, t, ts, msl.fileplot, msl.screenplot, summary, Balt.


data(Balt) # Baltimore mean sea level record
ts1 <- ts(Balt[2], start = Balt[1, 1]) # create time series input object
g <- gap.fillview(ts1, station_name = "Baltimore", fillgaps = 1) # SSA gap fill
t <- custom.trend(g, station_name = "Baltimore (USA)", iter = 500, trend = c(1,2),
vlm = 0.6)

str(t) # check structure of object

TrendSLR documentation built on Aug. 7, 2019, 9:03 a.m.