
Defines functions signalMatchABand

### Change on August 2nd 2007.  Created vectors of penalties above

### Performs nonlinear monotone transformation of the time
### axis to align to signals
### s and r are assumed to be two signals of the same length

### Uses implementation of the DTW algorithm to find the shortest path
### through a square matrix from top left to bottom right
### (path length is sum of the elements)
### s and r are the signals
### lambda is a non-diagonal step penalty
### s is assumed to be reference and r is aligned to it in this version.

#' @noRd
signalMatchABand <- function(reference, query,
                             lambda = rep(0.0, length(reference)),
                             maxshift = 50){

  nr <- length(reference)
  nq <- length(query)

  if(nq + maxshift < nr)
    stop("length(query) + maxshift should be greater than or equal to length(reference) \n")

  pp <- .C("signalMatchWrapABand",
           reference = as.double(reference),
           query = as.double(query),
           nr = as.integer(nr),
           nq = as.integer(nq),
           path = integer(nr),
           lambda = as.double(lambda),
           maxs = as.integer(maxshift),
           PACKAGE = "VPdtw")

  path <- pp$path
  path[path == 0] <- NA
  minp <- min(path, na.rm = TRUE)
  maxp <- max(path, na.rm = TRUE)

  xIndices <- path
  xVals <- seq_len(length(path))
  if (minp > 1) {
    xIndices <- c(seq_len(minp - 1), xIndices)
    xVals <- c(seq(to = 0, len = minp - 1, by = 1), xVals)
  if(maxp < length(query)) {
    xIndices <- c(xIndices,(maxp + 1):length(query))
    xVals <- c(xVals, seq(from = max(xVals) + 1, by = 1,
                         len = length(query) - (maxp)))

  if (FALSE) {
    plot(reference, type = "l", lwd = 2, xlim = c(1 - maxshift, nr + maxshift))
    lines(which(!is.na(path)), query[na.omit(path)], col = 2)
    lines(xVals, query[xIndices], col = 3, lty = 2)

  ## Should we warn when we get close to maxshift?
  shift <- xVals - xIndices
  if (max(abs(shift), na.rm = TRUE) > (3*maxshift/4))
    warning("Observed shift more than three quarters of maxshift")

  ## Come up with a nice summary
  output <- matrix(NA, length(xVals), 4)
  colnames(output) <- c("xVals", "reference", "warped query", "shift")
  output[, "xVals"] <- xVals
  str <- which(xVals == 1)
  end <- which(xVals == nr)
  output[seq(str, end, by = 1),"reference"] <- reference

  output[, "warped query"] <- query[xIndices]
  output[, "shift"] <- shift

  zz <- output

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VPdtw documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:16 p.m.