summary.WCE: Summarize the results of a WCE object

View source: R/summary.WCE.R

summary.WCER Documentation

Summarize the results of a WCE object


This is a method to summarize the results from either the best fitting or all of the estimated models from a WCE object.


## S3 method for class 'WCE'
summary(object, allres = FALSE, ...)



A WCE object.


Logical. If TRUE, then a summary is produced for every model from the WCE object. If FALSE, then a summary is produced only for the best fitting model, as determined by AIC or BIC. Default to FALSE.


Optional; other parameters to be passed through to summary.


The summary method prints to screen the estimated coefficients, standard errors and p-values for the coefficients (if any) included in the WCE model. It also provides the partial likelihood and AIC or BIC value, and the number of events used in the estimation of the model.


Sylvestre, M. P., & Abrahamowicz, M. (2009). Flexible modeling of the cumulative effects of time-dependent exposures on the hazard. Statistics in medicine, 28(27), 3437-3453.


wce <- WCE(drugdata, "Cox", 1, 90, constrained = "R", id = "Id", event = "Event",
start = "Start", stop = "Stop", expos = "dose", covariates = c("age", "sex"))

WCE documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:40 a.m.