Defines functions ESS

Documented in ESS

#' Compute effective sample size of weighted sample
#' @description
#' Computes the effective sample size (ESS) of a weighted sample, which
#' represents the size of an unweighted sample with approximately the same
#' amount of precision as the weighted sample under consideration.
#' The ESS is calculated as \eqn{(\sum w)^2/\sum w^2}.
#' @param w a vector of weights
#' @seealso
#' [summary.weightit()]
#' @references
#' McCaffrey, D. F., Ridgeway, G., & Morral, A. R. (2004).
#' Propensity Score Estimation With Boosted Regression for Evaluating Causal
#' Effects in Observational Studies. Psychological Methods, 9(4), 403–425. \doi{10.1037/1082-989X.9.4.403}
#' Shook‐Sa, B. E., & Hudgens, M. G. (2020). Power and sample size for
#' observational studies of point exposure effects. Biometrics, biom.13405. \doi{10.1111/biom.13405}
#' @examples
#' library("cobalt")
#' data("lalonde", package = "cobalt")
#' #Balancing covariates between treatment groups (binary)
#' (W1 <- weightit(treat ~ age + educ + married +
#'                   nodegree + re74, data = lalonde,
#'                 method = "glm", estimand = "ATE"))
#' summary(W1)
#' ESS(W1$weights[W1$treat == 0])
#' ESS(W1$weights[W1$treat == 1])

#' @export
ESS <- function(w) {

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WeightIt documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:48 a.m.