Man pages for aba
Automated Biomarker Analysis

abaAutomated biomarker analysis in R
aba_adjustCreate an aba_adjust object.
aba_controlCreate an aba control object.
aba_demographicsCreate a demographics table from a fitted aba model.
aba_emmeansCalculated estimated marginal means.
aba_fitFit an aba model.
aba_longpowerRun power analysis on a longitudinal-based aba model.
aba_modelCreate an aba model.
aba_plotPlot an aba object
aba_plot_coefPlot coefficients of an aba model summary
aba_plot_metricPlot metrics of an aba model summary
aba_plot_rocPlot ROC curves from an aba model
aba_readRead an aba object from file
aba_robustEvaluate the robustness of an aba model to systematic and...
aba_screenCreate an aba screen object.
aba_selectionRun model selection on an aba model.
aba_summarySummarise a fitted aba model.
aba_writeWrite an aba object to file.
adnimergeA sample of ADNI data in long format
all_combosCreate all possible combinations of a set of variables
as_reactableConvert an aba summary to a interactive react table
as_tableConvert an aba summary to a nicely formatted table
everyoneUse all data rows as a group in an aba model.
fit.abaModelFit an aba model.
pipePipe operator
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
set_covariatesSet the covariates of an aba model.
set_dataSet the data of an aba model
set_groupsSet the groups of an aba model.
set_outcomesSet the outcomes of an aba model.
set_predictorsSet the predictors of an aba model.
set_statsSet the stats of an aba model
stat_ancovaCreate an ancova stat object.
stat_glmCreate a glm stat object.
stat_lmCreate an lm stat object.
stat_lmeCreate an lme stat object.
stat_mmrmCreate an mmrm stat object.
stat_retestCreate a retest stat object.
stat_rocCreate a roc stat object.
aba documentation built on Dec. 17, 2021, 1:06 a.m.