
Defines functions warn_extra_access_cols warn_extra_cols

#' @keywords internal
warn_extra_cols <- function(travel_matrix, travel_cost, group_id, groups) {
  travel_matrix_extra_cols <- setdiff(names(travel_matrix), groups)
  travel_matrix_extra_cols <- setdiff(travel_matrix_extra_cols, travel_cost)
  if (group_id == "from_id") {
    travel_matrix_extra_cols <- setdiff(travel_matrix_extra_cols, "to_id")
  } else {
    travel_matrix_extra_cols <- setdiff(travel_matrix_extra_cols, "from_id")

  if (!identical(travel_matrix_extra_cols, character(0))) {
      "Found columns in 'travel_matrix' not listed in either ",
      "'travel_cost' or 'group_by': {",
      paste0("'", travel_matrix_extra_cols, "'", collapse = ","),
      "This can result in excessive aggregation when calculating ",
      "accessibility, if these columns serve as group ids in 'travel_matrix'.",
      call. = FALSE


#' @keywords internal
warn_extra_access_cols <- function(accessibility_data, opportunity, group_id) {
  extra_cols <- setdiff(
    c("id", opportunity, group_id)

  if (!identical(extra_cols, character(0))) {
      "Found columns in 'accessibility_data' not listed in either ",
      "'opportunity' or 'group_by': {",
      paste0("'", extra_cols, "'", collapse = ","),
      "This can result in excessive aggregation when calculating ",
      "inequality measures, if these columns serve as group ids in ",
      call. = FALSE


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accessibility documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:29 a.m.