Man pages for acs
Download, Manipulate, and Present American Community Survey and Decennial Data from the US Census

acs-classClass '"acs"'
acs.fetchDownloads demographic data (ACS, SF1, SF3) via the Census API...
acs.lookupSearch for relevant demographic variables and tables from the...
acs.lookup-classClass '"acs.lookup"'
acs-packageDownload, Manipulate, and Present American Community Survey...
acs.tables.installDownloads and stores XML tables used to lookup variable...
api.key.installInstalls an API key from the US Census to use with calls to...
api.key.migrateAfter updating the acs package, installs an archived API key...
cbind.acsCombine acs Objects by Columns
confint.acsReturn upper and lower bounds of given confidence intervals...
cpiConsumer Price Index data (1913-2015).
currency.convertConvert dollar values of acs object to a new base year.
currency.yearReturn (or change) currency.year value from the metadata of...
divide.acsDivide one acs object or variable by another.
endyearReturn or replace endyear value from the metadata of an acs...
fips.stateFIPS codes and geographic names for use in searching and...
flatten.geo.setConvenience function to "flatten" a nested geo.set object.
geographyReturn or replace geography metadata of an acs object.
geo.lookupSearch Census geographies
geo.makeCreate a new geo.set object for use with the acs package.
geo.set-classClass '"geo.set"'
kansas07County-level data from the 2007 American Community Survey for...
kansas09County-level data from the 2005-2009 American Community...
lawrence10Tract-level data from the 2006-2010 American Community Survey...
plot-methodsacs Methods for Function 'plot'
prompt.acsPrompt for new values for metadata in an acs object.
rbind.acsCombine acs Objects by Rows
read.acsReads a comma-delimited file from the American Community...
sum-methodsacs Methods for Function 'sum'
acs documentation built on May 1, 2019, 8:41 p.m.