acs.lookup: Search for relevant demographic variables and tables from the...

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) See Also Examples


The acs.fetch function is used to download data from the US Census American Community Survey. The acs.lookup function provides a convenience function to use in advance to locate tables and variables that may be of interest.

acs.lookup takes arguments similar to acs.fetch — in particular, "table.number", "", and "keyword", as well as "endyear","span", and "dataset" — and searches for matches in the meta-data of the Census tables. When multiple search terms are passed to a given argument (e.g., keyword=c("Female", "GED")), the tool returns matches where ALL of the terms are found; similarly, when more than one lookup argument is used (e.g., table.number="B01001", keyword="Female"), the tool searches for matches that include all of the terms (i.e., terms are combined with a logical "AND", not a logical "OR").

Results from acs.lookup — which are acs.lookup class objects — can then be inspected, subsetted (with [square brackets]), and combined (with c or +) to create custom acs.lookup objects to store and later pass to acs.fetch.


acs.lookup(endyear, span = 5, dataset = "acs", keyword,, table.number, case.sensitive = T)



an integer indicating the latest year of the data in the survey (e.g., for data from the 2007-2011 5-year ACS data, endyear would be 2011; limited by acceptable values currently provided by the Census API); for 2016 and later, the 2015 lookup tables are used (see details).


an integer indicating the span (in years) of the desired ACS data (should be 1, 3, or 5); defaults to 5. Ignored and reset to 0 if dataset="sf1" or "sf3".


either "acs" (the default), "sf1", or "sf3", indicating whether to look for tables and variables in the American Community Survey, the SF1 dataset (decennial/"short-form"), or the SF3 dataset (decennial/"long-form").


a string or vector of strings giving the search term(s) to find in the name of the ACS census variable (for example, "Male" or "Haiti"); accepts multiple words, which must all be found in the returned variable names.

a string giving the search term(s) to find in the name of the ACS census table (for example, "Sex" or "Age" or "Age by Sex"); accepts multiple words, which must all be found in the returned table names.


a string (not a number) indicating the desired table from the Census to fetch; examples: "B01003" or "B23013"; always case-sensitive. Used to identify all variables for a given table number.


a logical flag indicating whether searching is case-sensitive (the default) or not. Note that the Census is not entirely consistent in capitalization in table and variable names, so setting case.sensitive=F may be useful in finding all possible matches.


In many cases, acs.lookup is called internally by acs.fetch, to determine the variable codes to use for a given or table.number. Since each lookup involves a search of static XML tables (provided by the census for each endyear/span combination, and included by the acs package in /extdata), searches involving more recent years (e.g., for version 2.0, endyears > 2014) may fail. In such situations, users may wish to call acs.fetch with the "variable=" option, perhaps reusing variables from a saved acs.lookup search for a previous year.

For example, once the 2011-2015 5-year ACS data is available via the API, users can attempt the following to access Table B01003, even before the new version of the package is installed with the correct variable lookup tables: acs.fetch(endyear=2015, span=5, variable=acs.lookup(endyear=2014, span=5, table.number="B01003")).

Note: version 2.1.3 of the package implements a "workaround" to address a problem accessing data from 2016, when the Census Bureau seems to have changed the format for their XML variable lookup tables, causing calls to acs.lookup (and acs.fetch) to fail for "endyear=2016". The (hopefully) temporary solution was to simply use the 2015 lookup tables for these requests, which should be safe in most situations, since table numbers and variable codes generally do not change from year to year. In certain situations, this may not be true: see


Returns an acs.lookup class object with the results of the query. acs.lookup objects can be subsetted and combined, and passed to the "variable" argument of acs.fetch.


Ezra Haber Glenn

See Also



## Not run: acs.lookup(endyear=2014, span=5, table.number="B01001")
acs.lookup(endyear=2012, span=1, table.number="B01001", keyword="Female")
acs.lookup(endyear=2012, span=1, keyword=c("Female", "GED"))
acs.lookup(endyear=2000, dataset="sf3", table.number="P56")
acs.lookup(endyear=1990, dataset="sf3", table.number="H058"), span=5,"Age by Sex")[4:6]

## End(Not run)

Example output

Loading required package: stringr
Loading required package: plyr
Loading required package: XML

Attaching package: 'acs'

The following object is masked from 'package:base':


[1] NA
Warning message:
In acs.lookup(endyear = 2012, span = 1, table.number = "B01001",  :
  As of the date of this version of the acs package
  no variable lookup tables were available
  for this dataset/endyear/span combination;
  perhaps try a different combination...?
  Returning NA;
[1] NA
Warning message:
In acs.lookup(endyear = 2012, span = 1, keyword = c("Female", "GED")) :
  As of the date of this version of the acs package
  no variable lookup tables were available
  for this dataset/endyear/span combination;
  perhaps try a different combination...?
  Returning NA;
[1] NA
Warning message:
In acs.lookup(endyear = 2000, dataset = "sf3", table.number = "P56") :
  As of the date of this version of the acs package
  no variable lookup tables were available
  for this dataset/endyear/span combination;
  perhaps try a different combination...?
  Returning NA;
[1] NA
Warning message:
In acs.lookup(endyear = 1990, dataset = "sf3", table.number = "H058") :
  As of the date of this version of the acs package
  no variable lookup tables were available
  for this dataset/endyear/span combination;
  perhaps try a different combination...?
  Returning NA;
Warning message:
In acs.lookup(endyear = 2014, span = 5, = "Age by Sex") :
  As of the date of this version of the acs package
  no variable lookup tables were available
  for this dataset/endyear/span combination;
  perhaps try a different combination...?
  Returning NA;
[1] NA
[1] NA NA NA

acs documentation built on May 1, 2019, 8:41 p.m.