
Defines functions plot_utilization_rates

Documented in plot_utilization_rates

#' Additional plotting functions for transaction studies
#' These functions create additional experience study plots that are not
#' available or difficult to produce using the [autoplot.trx_df()] function.
#' @param object An object of class `trx_df` created by the function
#' [trx_stats()].
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to [autoplot.trx_df()].
#' @details
#' [plot_utilization_rates()] - Create a plot of transaction frequency and
#' severity. Frequency is represented by utilization rates (`trx_util`).
#' Severity is represented by transaction amounts as a percentage of one or
#' more other columns in the data (`{*}_w_trx`). All severity series begin with
#' the prefix "pct_of_" and end with the suffix "_w_trx". The suffix refers to
#' the fact that the denominator only includes records with non-zero
#' transactions. Severity series are based on column names passed to the
#' `percent_of` argument in [trx_stats()]. If no "percentage of" columns exist
#' in `object`, this function will only plot utilization rates.
#' @return a `ggplot` object
#' @examples
#' study_py <- expose_py(census_dat, "2019-12-31",
#'                       target_status = "Surrender") |>
#'   add_transactions(withdrawals) |>
#'   left_join(account_vals, by = c("pol_num", "pol_date_yr"))
#' trx_res <- study_py |> group_by(pol_yr) |>
#'   trx_stats(percent_of = "av_anniv", combine_trx = TRUE)
#' plot_utilization_rates(trx_res)
#' @seealso [autoplot.trx_df()]
#' @name plot_special_trx
#' @rdname plot_special_trx
#' @export
plot_utilization_rates <- function(object, ...) {


  .groups <- groups(object)
  pct_of <- paste0("pct_of_", attr(object, "percent_of"), "_w_trx")
  piv_cols <- c("trx_util", pct_of)

  object <- pivot_plot_special(object, piv_cols)

  # special logic to ensure that `Series` will not be used as an
  #   x or color variable
  if (length(.groups) == 0) {
    .groups <- rlang::parse_expr("All")
    object[["All"]] <- ""
  if (length(.groups) == 1) {
    .groups <- append(.groups, rlang::parse_expr(".no_color"))
  attr(object, "groups") <- c(.groups, rlang::expr(Series))

  autoplot(object, y = Rate, scales = "free_y", ...)

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actxps documentation built on June 26, 2024, 9:07 a.m.