
# GUI for within function
"dialog.within" <- function(show, history)
# Main dialog window with title
	tt <- tktoplevel()
# Variables for text fields
	dudioutvar <- tclVar()
	dudivar <- tclVar()
	facvar <- tclVar()
	nfvar <- tclVar()
# Checkboxes
	scannfvar <- tclVar(1)
# Title
	TFrame <- tkframe(tt, relief="groove")
	labh <- tklabel(TFrame, bitmap="questhead")
	tkgrid(tklabel(TFrame,text="Within analysis", font="Times 18", foreground="red"), labh)
	tkbind(labh, "<Button-1>", function() print(help("within", package = "ade4")))
# Input and output dudis
	IOFrame <- tkframe(tt, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
	tkgrid(tklabel(IOFrame,text="- Input & output -", foreground="blue"), columnspan=3)
	dudiout.entry <- tkentry(IOFrame, textvariable=dudioutvar)
	dudi.entry <- tkentry(IOFrame, textvariable=dudivar)
	choosedudi.but <- tkbutton(IOFrame, text="Set", command=function() choosedudi(dudi.entry))
	tkgrid(tklabel(IOFrame,text="Input dudi name : "), dudi.entry, choosedudi.but)
	tkgrid(tklabel(IOFrame,text="Output dudi name : "), dudiout.entry)
# Grouping factor
	GFFrame <- tkframe(tt, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
	tkgrid(tklabel(GFFrame,text="- Groups -", foreground="blue"), columnspan=3)
	fac.entry <- tkentry(GFFrame, textvariable=facvar)
	choosefac.but <- tkbutton(GFFrame, text="Set", command=function() choosefac2(fac.entry, dudi.entry))
	tkgrid(tklabel(GFFrame,text="Grouping factor : "), fac.entry, choosefac.but)
# Number of axes
	NAFrame <- tkframe(tt, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
	tkgrid(tklabel(NAFrame,text="- Number of principal axes -", foreground="blue"), columnspan=2)
	nf.entry <- tkentry(NAFrame, textvariable=nfvar, width=4, state="disabled")
	scannf.cbut <- tkcheckbutton(NAFrame,text="Ask number of axes interactively", variable=scannfvar,
		command=function() if (!as.logical(tclObj(scannfvar))) tkconfigure(nf.entry, state="normal") else tkconfigure(nf.entry, state="disabled") )
	tkgrid(scannf.cbut, sticky="w", columnspan=2)
	tkgrid(tklabel(NAFrame,text="Number of axes : "), nf.entry, sticky="w")
# Local variables
	done <- tclVar(0)	# To terminate the dialog
# Function to build the command line from dialog widgets
	"build" <- function()
	# Check that the input dudi is not empty and get its name
		if (tclvalue(dudivar) != "") {
			dudi  <- parse(text=tclvalue(dudivar))[[1]]
		} else {
	# Check that the factor is not empty and get its name
		if (tclvalue(facvar) != "") {
			fac  <- parse(text=tclvalue(facvar))[[1]]
		} else {
	# If scannf is false, check that nf is not empty and get it
		scannf <- as.logical(tclObj(scannfvar))
		if (!scannf) {
			if (tclvalue(nfvar) != "")
				nf <- parse(text=tclvalue(nfvar))[[1]]
				else nf <- 2
		} else nf <- 2
	# Make the command line
		substitute(wca(x = dudi, fac = fac, scannf = scannf, nf = nf))
# Function to reset all dialog elements to default values
	"reset" <- function()
# Function to launch computations
	"execcomp" <- function()
	# Check that the analysis name is not empty and get it
		if (tclvalue(dudioutvar) == "") tkinsert(dudiout.entry, "end", "untitled1")
		dudiname <- parse(text=paste("\"",tclvalue(dudioutvar)[[1]],"\"",sep=""))
	# Build and display the command line so that the user can check it
		cmd <- build()
		if (cmd == 0) return(0)
		if (show) {
			# Echoe the command line to the console
			pr1 <- substr(options("prompt")$prompt, 1,2)
			cat(eval(dudiname), " <- ", deparse(cmd, width.cutoff = 256), "\n", pr1, sep="")
	# Execute the command
		assign("ade4TkGUIFlag", 1, envir=env_ade4tkgui)
		mydudi <- eval.parent(cmd)
		assign(eval(dudiname), mydudi, envir=env_ade4tkgui)
		dialog.dudi.display(show, history, eval(dudiname))
		rm("ade4TkGUIFlag", envir=env_ade4tkgui)
		if (history) {
			commande = paste(eval(dudiname), " <- ", deparse(cmd, width.cutoff = 500), sep = "")
# Reset and Submit buttons
	RCSFrame <- tkframe(tt, relief="groove")
	reset.but <- tkbutton(RCSFrame, text="Reset", command=reset)
	cancel.but <- tkbutton(RCSFrame, text="Dismiss", command=function() tkdestroy(tt))
	submit.but <- tkbutton(RCSFrame, text="Submit", default="active", command=function() execcomp())
	tkgrid(cancel.but, submit.but, reset.but, ipadx=20)	
# If window is closed by user, terminate the dialog
	tkbind(tt, "<Destroy>", function() tclvalue(done)<-2)
	tkbind(tt, "<KeyPress-Return>", function() execcomp())
	tkbind(tt, "<KeyPress-Escape>", function() tkdestroy(tt))
# User closed the window
	if(tclvalue(done)=="2") return()

Try the ade4TkGUI package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

ade4TkGUI documentation built on Dec. 3, 2020, 5:07 p.m.