
"asc2spixdf" <- function(a)
      ## Verifications
      if (!inherits(a, "asc"))
          stop("a should be of class \"asc\"")

      ## creates the data frame of coordinates
      xyc <- getXYcoords(a)
      xc <- rep(xyc$x, times=length(xyc$y))
      yc <- rep(xyc$y, each=length(xyc$x))

      ## keep only the mapped areas for the variable
      cons <- (1:length(c(a)))[!is.na(c(a))]
      var <- c(a)[cons]
      xyc <- xyc[cons,]
      names(xyc) <- c("x","y")

      ## created the spatial data frame
      df1 <- data.frame(xyc, var)
      coordinates(df1) <- c("x","y")
      gridded(df1) <- TRUE

      ## Output

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adehabitat documentation built on Jan. 28, 2018, 5:02 p.m.