
derive_param_tte Test 6: an error is issued if some of the by variables are missing

  derive_param_tte(dataset_adsl = adsl, by_vars = exprs(AEBODSYS, AEDECOD),
  start_date = TRTSDT, event_conditions = list(ttae), censor_conditions = list(
    eos), source_datasets = list(adsl = adsl, ae = ae), set_values_to = exprs(
    PARAMCD = paste0("TTAE", as.numeric(as.factor(AEDECOD))), PARAM = paste(
      "Time to First", AEDECOD, "Adverse Event"), PARCAT1 = "TTAE", PARCAT2 = AEDECOD))
  Error in `extend_source_datasets()`:
  ! The source dataset must include all or none of the by variables.
  i Only `AEDECOD` is included in source dataset `ae`.

derive_param_tte Test 7: errors if all by vars are missing in all source datasets

  derive_param_tte(dataset_adsl = adsl, by_vars = exprs(AEBODSYS), start_date = TRTSDT,
  event_conditions = list(ttae), censor_conditions = list(eos), source_datasets = list(
    adsl = adsl, ae = ae), set_values_to = exprs(PARAMCD = paste0("TTAE",
    as.numeric(as.factor(AEDECOD))), PARAM = paste("Time to First", AEDECOD,
    "Adverse Event"), PARCAT1 = "TTAE", PARCAT2 = AEDECOD))
  Error in `extend_source_datasets()`:
  ! The by variable `AEBODSYS` is not contained in any of the source datasets.

derive_param_tte Test 8: errors if PARAMCD and by_vars are not one to one

  derive_param_tte(dataset_adsl = adsl, by_vars = exprs(AEDECOD), start_date = TRTSDT,
  event_conditions = list(ttae), censor_conditions = list(eos), source_datasets = list(
    adsl = adsl, ae = ae), set_values_to = exprs(PARAMCD = "TTAE", PARCAT2 = AEDECOD))
  Error in `derive_param_tte()`:
  ! For some values of "PARAMCD" there is more than one value of "AEDECOD"
  i Call `admiral::get_one_to_many_dataset()` to get all one-to-many values.

derive_param_tte Test 9: errors if set_values_to contains invalid expressions

  derive_param_tte(dataset_adsl = adsl, by_vars = exprs(AEDECOD), start_date = TRTSDT,
  event_conditions = list(ttae), censor_conditions = list(eos), source_datasets = list(
    adsl = adsl, ae = ae), set_values_to = exprs(PARAMCD = paste0("TTAE",
    as.numeric(as.factor(AEDECOD))), PARAM = past("Time to First", AEDECOD,
    "Adverse Event"), PARCAT1 = "TTAE", PARCAT2 = AEDECOD))
  Error in `process_set_values_to()`:
  ! Assigning variables failed!
  * `set_values_to = exprs(PARAMCD = paste0("TTAE", as.numeric(as.factor(AEDECOD))), PARAM = past("Time to First", AEDECOD, "Adverse Event"), PARCAT1 = TTAE, PARCAT2 = AEDECOD)`
  See error message below:
  i In argument: `PARAM = past("Time to First", AEDECOD, "Adverse Event")`. Caused by error in `past()`: ! could not find function "past"

list_tte_source_objects Test 13: error is issued if package does not exist

  list_tte_source_objects(package = "tte")
  Error in `list_tte_source_objects()`:
  ! No package called tte is installed and hence no <tte_source> objects are available.

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admiral documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:06 a.m.