
create_period_dataset Test 4: error if no period/phase variable on RHS

  create_period_dataset(adsl, new_vars = exprs(USUBJ = USUBJID))
  Error in `create_period_dataset()`:
  ! The right hand side values of `new_vars` have to be CDISC style subperiod, period, or phase variables.
  I.e., they must contain the xx or w fragment, e.g., APxxSDT, PxxSwSDT, or PHwSDT.

create_period_dataset Test 5: error if different type of RHSs

  create_period_dataset(adsl, new_vars = exprs(APERSDT = APxxSDT, ASPRSDT = PxxSwSDT))
  Error in `create_period_dataset()`:
  ! More than one type of subperiod, period, or phase variables
  is specified for `new_vars`:
  subperiod: `PxxSwSDT`
  period: `APxxSDT`

create_period_dataset Test 6: error if RHS variable not in input dataset

  create_period_dataset(adsl, new_vars = exprs(PHSDT = PHwSDT))
  Error in `create_period_dataset()`:
  ! No variables of the form `PHwSDT` were found in the input dataset.

derive_vars_period Test 10: error if no period/phase variable on LHS

  derive_vars_period(adsl, dataset_ref = period_ref, new_vars = exprs(USUBJ = USUBJID))
  Error in `derive_vars_period()`:
  ! The left hand side values of `new_vars` have to be CDISC style subperiod, period, or phase variables.
  I.e., they must contain the xx or w fragment, e.g., APxxSDT, PxxSwSDT, or PHwSDT.

derive_vars_period Test 11: error if different type of LHSs

  derive_vars_period(adsl, dataset_ref = period_ref, new_vars = exprs(APxxSDT = APERSDT,
    PxxSwSDT = ASPRSDT))
  Error in `derive_vars_period()`:
  ! More than one type of subperiod, period, or phase variables
  is specified for `new_vars`:
  subperiod: `PxxSwSDT`
  period: `APxxSDT`

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