
Defines functions derive_vars_extreme_event

Documented in derive_vars_extreme_event

#' Add the Worst or Best Observation for Each By Group as New Variables
#' Add the first available record from `events` for each by group as new
#' variables, all variables of the selected observation are kept. It can be used
#' for selecting the extreme observation from a series of user-defined events.
#' @param events Conditions and new values defining events
#'   A list of `event()` or `event_joined()` objects is expected. Only
#'   observations listed in the `events` are considered for deriving extreme
#'   event. If multiple records meet the filter `condition`, take the first
#'   record sorted by `order`. The data is grouped by `by_vars`, i.e., summary
#'   functions like `all()` or `any()` can be used in `condition`.
#'   For `event_joined()` events the observations are selected by calling
#'   `filter_joined()`. The `condition` field is passed to the `filter_join` argument.
#' @param tmp_event_nr_var Temporary event number variable
#'   The specified variable is added to all source datasets and is set to the
#'   number of the event before selecting the records of the event.
#'   It can be used in `order` to determine which record should be used if
#'   records from more than one event are selected.
#'   The variable is not included in the output dataset.
#' @param order Sort order
#'   If a particular event from `events` has more than one observation, within
#'   the event and by group, the records are ordered by the specified order.
#'   `r roxygen_order_na_handling()`
#'   *Permitted Values:* list of expressions created by `exprs()`, e.g.,
#'   `exprs(ADT, desc(AVAL))`
#' @param mode Selection mode (first or last)
#'   If a particular event from `events` has more than one observation,
#'   `"first"`/`"last"` is used to select the first/last record of this type of
#'   event sorting by `order`.
#'   *Permitted Values:* `"first"`, `"last"`
#' @param source_datasets Source datasets
#'   A named list of datasets is expected. The `dataset_name` field of `event()`
#'   and `event_joined()` refers to the dataset provided in the list.
#' @param new_vars Variables to add
#'   The specified variables from the events are added to the output
#'   dataset. Variables can be renamed by naming the element, i.e., `new_vars =
#'   exprs(<new name> = <old name>)`.
#' @inheritParams filter_extreme
#' @inheritParams derive_summary_records
#' @details
#'   1. For each event select the observations to consider:
#'       1. If the event is of class `event`, the observations of the source dataset
#'       are restricted by `condition` and then the first or last (`mode`)
#'       observation per by group (`by_vars`) is selected.
#'           If the event is of class `event_joined`, `filter_joined()` is called to
#'           select the observations.
#'       1. The variables specified by the `set_values_to` field of the event
#'       are added to the selected observations.
#'       1. The variable specified for `tmp_event_nr_var` is added and set to
#'       the number of the event.
#'   1. All selected observations are bound together.
#'   1. For each group (with respect to the variables specified for the
#'   `by_vars` parameter) the first or last observation (with respect to the
#'   order specified for the `order` parameter and the mode specified for the
#'   `mode` parameter) is selected.
#'   1. The variables specified by the `new_vars` parameter are added to
#'   the selected observations.
#'   1. The variables are added to input dataset.
#' @return The input dataset with the best or worst observation of each by group
#'   added as new variables.
#' @family der_adsl
#' @keywords der_adsl
#' @seealso [event()], [event_joined()], [derive_extreme_event()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(tibble)
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(lubridate)
#' adsl <- tribble(
#'   "PILOT01", "01-1130", ymd("2014-08-16"), ymd("2014-09-13"),
#'   "PILOT01", "01-1133", ymd("2013-04-28"), ymd(""),
#'   "PILOT01", "01-1211", ymd("2013-01-12"), ymd(""),
#'   "PILOT01", "09-1081", ymd("2014-04-27"), ymd(""),
#'   "PILOT01", "09-1088", ymd("2014-10-09"), ymd("2014-11-01"),
#' )
#' lb <- tribble(
#'   ~STUDYID,  ~DOMAIN,  ~USUBJID, ~LBSEQ,             ~LBDTC,
#'   "PILOT01",    "LB", "01-1130",    219, "2014-06-07T13:20",
#'   "PILOT01",    "LB", "01-1130",    322, "2014-08-16T13:10",
#'   "PILOT01",    "LB", "01-1133",    268, "2013-04-18T15:30",
#'   "PILOT01",    "LB", "01-1133",    304, "2013-05-01T10:13",
#'   "PILOT01",    "LB", "01-1211",      8, "2012-10-30T14:26",
#'   "PILOT01",    "LB", "01-1211",    162, "2013-01-08T12:13",
#'   "PILOT01",    "LB", "09-1081",     47, "2014-02-01T10:55",
#'   "PILOT01",    "LB", "09-1081",    219, "2014-05-10T11:15",
#'   "PILOT01",    "LB", "09-1088",    283, "2014-09-27T12:13",
#'   "PILOT01",    "LB", "09-1088",    322, "2014-10-09T13:25"
#' ) %>%
#'   mutate(
#'     ADT = convert_dtc_to_dt(LBDTC)
#'   )
#' derive_vars_extreme_event(
#'   adsl,
#'   by_vars = exprs(STUDYID, USUBJID),
#'   events = list(
#'     event(
#'       dataset_name = "adsl",
#'       condition = !is.na(DTHDT),
#'       set_values_to = exprs(LSTALVDT = DTHDT, DTHFL = "Y")
#'     ),
#'     event(
#'       dataset_name = "lb",
#'       condition = !is.na(ADT),
#'       order = exprs(ADT),
#'       mode = "last",
#'       set_values_to = exprs(LSTALVDT = ADT, DTHFL = "N")
#'     ),
#'     event(
#'       dataset_name = "adsl",
#'       condition = !is.na(TRTEDT),
#'       order = exprs(TRTEDT),
#'       mode = "last",
#'       set_values_to = exprs(LSTALVDT = TRTEDT, DTHFL = "N")
#'     )
#'   ),
#'   source_datasets = list(adsl = adsl, lb = lb),
#'   tmp_event_nr_var = event_nr,
#'   order = exprs(LSTALVDT, event_nr),
#'   mode = "last",
#'   new_vars = exprs(LSTALVDT, DTHFL)
#' )
#' # Derive DTHCAUS from AE and DS domain data
#' adsl <- tribble(
#'   "STUDY01", "PAT01",
#'   "STUDY01", "PAT02",
#'   "STUDY01", "PAT03"
#' )
#' ae <- tribble(
#'   "STUDY01", "PAT01", 12, "SUDDEN DEATH", "FATAL", "2021-04-04",
#'   "STUDY01", "PAT01", 13, "CARDIAC ARREST", "FATAL", "2021-04-03",
#' )
#' ds <- tribble(
#'   "STUDY01", "PAT02", 2, "RANDOMIZATION", "RANDOMIZATION", "2021-04-11",
#'   "STUDY01", "PAT02", 3, "DEATH", "DEATH DUE TO PROGRESSION OF DISEASE", "2022-02-01",
#'   "STUDY01", "PAT03", 1, "DEATH", "POST STUDY REPORTING OF DEATH", "2022-03-03"
#' )
#' derive_vars_extreme_event(
#'   adsl,
#'   by_vars = exprs(STUDYID, USUBJID),
#'   events = list(
#'     event(
#'       dataset_name = "ae",
#'       condition = AEOUT == "FATAL",
#'       set_values_to = exprs(DTHCAUS = AEDECOD, DTHDT = convert_dtc_to_dt(AEDTHDTC)),
#'       order = exprs(DTHDT)
#'     ),
#'     event(
#'       dataset_name = "ds",
#'       condition = DSDECOD == "DEATH" & grepl("DEATH DUE TO", DSTERM),
#'       set_values_to = exprs(DTHCAUS = DSTERM, DTHDT = convert_dtc_to_dt(DSSTDTC)),
#'       order = exprs(DTHDT)
#'     )
#'   ),
#'   source_datasets = list(ae = ae, ds = ds),
#'   tmp_event_nr_var = event_nr,
#'   order = exprs(DTHDT, event_nr),
#'   mode = "first",
#'   new_vars = exprs(DTHCAUS, DTHDT)
#' )
derive_vars_extreme_event <- function(dataset,
                                      tmp_event_nr_var = NULL,
                                      source_datasets = NULL,
                                      check_type = "warning",
                                      new_vars) {
  tmp_event_nr_var <- assert_symbol(enexpr(tmp_event_nr_var), optional = TRUE)

  new_obs <- derive_extreme_event(
    dataset = NULL,
    by_vars = by_vars,
    events = events,
    tmp_event_nr_var = !!tmp_event_nr_var,
    order = order,
    mode = mode,
    source_datasets = source_datasets,
    check_type = check_type

    dataset_add = new_obs,
    new_vars = new_vars,
    by_vars = by_vars

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