Couepia: Spatial pattern of Couepia caryophylloides in Paracou, a...

CouepiaR Documentation

Spatial pattern of Couepia caryophylloides in Paracou, a canopy tree species of French Guiana.


Spatial pattern of 34 mature individuals and 173 young individuals of the tree species Couepia caryophylloides (Chrysobalanaceae) in a 25-ha forest plot in Paracou, French Guiana.




A list with 4 components:
$rect is a vector of coordinates (xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax) of the origin and the opposite corner of a 500 by 500 m rectangular plot.
$tri is a list of vertex coordinates (ax,ay,bx,by,cx,cy) of contiguous triangles covering swampy parts of the plot.
$trees is a list of tree coordinates (x,y).
$stage is a factor with 2 levels ("mature","young").


Collinet, F. 1997. Essai de regroupement des principales especes structurantes d'une foret dense humide d'apres l'analyse de leur repartition spatiale (foret de Paracou - Guyane). These de doctorat, Universite Claude Bernard, Lyon, France.


Goreaud, F. & P?Pelissier, R. 2003. Avoiding misinterpretation of biotic interactions with the intertype K12-function: population independence vs. random labelling hypotheses. Journal of Vegetation Science, 14: 681-692.


coca.spp <- spp(Couepia$trees, mark=Couepia$stage, window=Couepia$rect, triangles=Couepia$tri)

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