Paracou15: Tree spatial pattern in control plot 15, Paracou experimental...

Paracou15R Documentation

Tree spatial pattern in control plot 15, Paracou experimental station, French Guiana


Spatial pattern of 4128 trees of 332 different species in a 250 m X 250 m control plot in Paracou experimental station, French Guiana.




A list with 5 components:
$rect is a vector of coordinates (xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax) of the origin and the opposite corner of a 250 by 250 m rectangular plot.
$trees is a list of tree coordinates (x,y).
$species is a factor with 332 levels corresponding to species names of the trees.
$spdist is an object of class "dist" giving between-species distances based on functional traits (see Paine et al. 2011).


Gourlet-Fleury, S., Ferry, B., Molino, J.-F., Petronelli, P. & Schmitt, L. 2004. Experimental plots: key features. Pp. 3-60 In Gourlet-Fleury, S., Guehl, J.-M. & Laroussinie, O. (Eds.), Ecology and Management of a Neotropical rainforest - Lessons drawn from Paracou, a long-term experimental research site in French Guiana. Elsevier SAS, France.


Paine, C. E. T., Baraloto, C., Chave, J. & Herault, B. 2011. Functional traits of individual trees reveal ecological constraints on community assembly in tropical rain forests. Oikos, 120: 720-727.


P15.spp <- spp(Paracou15$trees, mark = Paracou15$species, window = Paracou15$rect)
plot(P15.spp, chars = rep("o", 332), cols = rainbow(332), legend = FALSE, maxsize = 0.5)

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