
Defines functions afmBaselineCorrection

Documented in afmBaselineCorrection

#' @title Performs a baseline correction to an AFM F-z curve
#' @description
#' This function performs the baseline correction to an AFM F-z curve within an
#' \code{afmdata} structure.
#'  It substracts a best fit line to the cuve: for the approach and contact 
#'  segments, it fits a line to the approach curve
#' points where for which |z|>ZPointApp and for the retract segment,
#' it fits a line to the retract curve where |z|> ZpointRet.
#' If no ZPointApp is given and the contact point has been already estimated 
#' (via \code{afmContactPoint()} function), then it is found as
#' \deqn{
#' ZPointApp = 0.7 ContactPoint + 0.3 max(Z)
#' }
#' @usage afmBaselineCorrection(afmdata, ZPointApp = NULL, ZPointRet = NULL,
#' fitpause = c("approach","retract","none"), vsTime = FALSE)
#' @param afmdata An \code{afmdata} structure.
#' @param ZPointApp Point in the approach segment of the curve
#' that defines the approach baseline
#' @param ZPointRet Point in the retract segment of the curves that 
#' defines the retract baseline
#' @param fitpause Behaviour for the baseline correction at the pause segment: if "approach" (default), 
#' the pause segment is correted using the best line fit done on the approach segment, 
#' if "retract" the best line fit of the retract segment is used, if "none", no baseline correction 
#' is done on the pause segment. 
#' @param vsTime Logical. If TRUE then the baseline correction is performed following the Force vs time approach 
#' described by S. Moreno-Flores (\cite{Moreno Flores (2016)}). 
#' @return \code{afmdata} An \code{afmdata} structure identical to the one in 
#' the input, but with an additional \code{ForceCorrected} column in the
#'  \code{data} dataframe of the \code{afmdata} structure.
#' @importFrom stats lm predict
#' @examples
#' AFMcurve <- afmReadJPK("force-save-JPK-2h.txt.gz", path = path.package("afmToolkit"))
#' ZPointApp <- 6.43e-6
#' ZPointRet <- 6.45e-6
#' AFMcurve <- afmBaselineCorrection(AFMcurve,ZPointApp = ZPointApp,ZPointRet = ZPointRet)
#' plot(AFMcurve)
#' # Without providing ZPointApp
#' AFMcurve <- afmReadJPK("force-save-JPK-3h.txt.gz", path = path.package("afmToolkit"))
#' AFMcurve <- afmContactPoint(AFMcurve,width = 10,mul1 = 1,mul2 = 20, 
#'                              loessSmooth = FALSE)
#' AFMcurve <- afmBaselineCorrection(AFMcurve)
#' plot(AFMcurve)
#' @section References: 
#' Moreno Flores (2016). 
#' Baseline correction of AFM force curves in the force-time representation.
#' Microscopy Research and Technique, 79, (11), pp. 1045-1049.
#' @export
afmBaselineCorrection <-
           ZPointApp = NULL,
           ZPointRet = NULL, fitpause = c("approach","retract","none"), vsTime = FALSE) {
    Segment <- Z <- NULL
    fitpause <- match.arg(fitpause)
    if (is.afmexperiment(afmdata)){
      data <- lapply(afmdata, function(x) afmBaselineCorrection(x,
                                                                ZPointApp = ZPointApp,
                                                                ZPointRet = ZPointRet))
    }else if (is.afmdata(afmdata)){
    # First determine how many segments are in the curve
    N <- nlevels(afmdata$data$Segment)
    Zapp <- subset(afmdata$data, Segment == "approach")$Z
    if (is.null(ZPointApp)) {
      if ("CP" %in% names(afmdata)) {
        ZPointApp <- 0.3 * max(Zapp) + 0.7 * afmdata$CP[["CP"]]
      } else {
          'ZPointApp should be given or, otherwise afmContactPoint() function
          should have been run first and results appended to the afmdata structure
          (see append.afmdata())'
    data.approach <- subset(afmdata$data,
                            Segment == "approach" &
                              Z > ZPointApp,
                            select = c("Z", "Force","Time"))
    fit.approach.time <- lm(Force  ~ Time, data = data.approach)
    afmdata$data$ForceCorrected <-
      afmdata$data$Force -
      predict(fit.approach.time, data.frame(Time = afmdata$data$Time))
    fit.approach <- lm(Force ~ Z, data = data.approach)  
    F.corrected.approach <-
      subset(afmdata$data, Segment == "approach")$Force -
      predict(fit.approach, data.frame(Z = subset(afmdata$data,
                                                  Segment == "approach")$Z))
    if (N == 1) {
      # If N = 1 there is only the approach segment.
      afmdata$data$ForceCorrected <- c(F.corrected.approach)
    } else if (N == 2 | N == 3) {
      # If N = 2 there are approach and retract segments.
      Zret <- subset(afmdata$data, Segment == "retract")$Z
      if (is.null(ZPointRet)) {
        if ("DP" %in% names(afmdata)) {
          ZPointRet <- 0.3 * max(Zret) + 0.7 * afmdata$DP[["DP"]]
        } else if ("CP" %in% names(afmdata)) {
          ZPointRet <- 0.6 * max(Zret) + 0.4 * afmdata$CP[["CP"]]
        } else{
            'ZPointRet should be given or otherwise afmDetachPoint()
            and/or afmContactPoint() function(s) should have been run first.'
      data.retract <- subset(afmdata$data,
                             Segment == "retract" &
                               Z > ZPointRet,
                             select = c("Z", "Force"))
      fit.retract <- lm(Force ~ Z, data = data.retract)
      F.corrected.retract <-
        subset(afmdata$data, Segment == "retract")$Force -
        predict(fit.retract, data.frame(Z = subset(afmdata$data,
                                                   Segment == "retract")$Z))
      if (N == 2) {
        afmdata$data$ForceCorrected <- c(F.corrected.approach,
      } else{
        # a <- F.corrected.approach[length(F.corrected.approach)]
        # b <- F.corrected.retract[1]
        # t_pause <- subset(afmdata$data, Segment == "pause")$Time
        # lambda <- (t_pause - t_pause[1])/(t_pause[length(t_pause)]-t_pause[1])
        # Fpause <- subset(afmdata$data, Segment == "pause")$Force
        # F.corrected.pause <- Fpause - ((1-lambda)*(Fpause[1] - a) + 
        # lambda*(Fpause[length(Fpause)]- b))
        if (fitpause == "approach"){
        F.corrected.pause <-
          subset(afmdata$data, Segment == "pause")$Force -
          predict(fit.approach, data.frame(Z = subset(afmdata$data,
                                                      Segment == "pause")$Z))
        }else if (fitpause == "retract"){
          F.corrected.pause <-
            subset(afmdata$data, Segment == "pause")$Force -
            predict(fit.retract, data.frame(Z = subset(afmdata$data,
                                                        Segment == "pause")$Z))
          F.corrected.pause <- 
            subset(afmdata$data, Segment == "pause")$Force
        afmdata$data$ForceCorrected <- c(F.corrected.approach,
    stop("input is not a valid afmdata or afmexperiment.")

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afmToolkit documentation built on May 1, 2019, 9:20 p.m.