Man pages for ambit
Simulation and Estimation of Ambit Processes

acf_ExpAutocorrelation function of the exponential trawl function
acf_LMAutocorrelation function of the long memory trawl function
acf_supIGAutocorrelation function of the supIG trawl function
AddSlices_RcppAdd slices and return vector of the sums of slices
AddWeightedSlices_RcppAdd slices and return vector of the weighted sums of slices
asymptotic_varianceComputing the true asymptotic variance in the CLT of the...
asymptotic_variance_estEstimating the asymptotic variance in the trawl function CLT
c4estEstimating the fourth cumulant of the trawl process
LebA_estNonparametric estimation of the trawl set Leb(A)
LebA_slice_estNonparametric estimation of the trawl (sub-) sets Leb(A),...
LebA_slice_ratio_est_acfbasedNonparametric estimation of the ratios Leb(A intersection...
nonpar_trawlestNonparametric estimation of the trawl function
rqComputing the scaled realised quarticity
sim_weighted_trawlSimulation of a weighted trawl process
sim_weighted_trawl_genSimulation of a weighted trawl process with generic trawl...
test_asymnormComputing the infeasible test statistic from the trawl...
test_asymnorm_estComputing the feasible statistic of the trawl function CLT
test_asymnorm_est_devComputing the feasible statistic of the trawl function CLT
trawl_derivEstimating the derivative of the trawl function using the...
trawl_deriv_modEstimating the derivative of the trawl function
trawl_ExpEvaluates the exponential trawl function
trawl_LMEvaluates the long memory trawl function
trawl_supIGEvaluates the supIG trawl function
ambit documentation built on Aug. 19, 2022, 5:19 p.m.