#' Methods that power time_decompose()
#' @inheritParams time_decompose
#' @return A `tbl_time` object containing the time series decomposition.
#' @seealso [time_decompose()]
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' tidyverse_cran_downloads %>%
#' ungroup() %>%
#' filter(package == "tidyquant") %>%
#' decompose_stl(count)
#' @references
#' - The "twitter" method is used in Twitter's [`AnomalyDetection` package](
#' @name decompose_methods
# 2A. Twitter ----
#' @export
#' @rdname decompose_methods
decompose_twitter <- function(data, target, frequency = "auto", trend = "auto", message = TRUE) {
# Checks
if (missing(target)) stop('Error in decompose_twitter(): argument "target" is missing, with no default', call. = FALSE)
# if (!is.null(median_spans))
# if (!is.numeric(median_spans)) stop('Error in decompse_twitter(): argument "median_spans" must be numeric.', call. = FALSE)
data <- prep_tbl_time(data)
date_col_vals <- tibbletime::get_index_col(data)
target_expr <- dplyr::enquo(target)
date_col_name <- timetk::tk_get_timeseries_variables(data)[[1]]
date_col_expr <- rlang::sym(date_col_name)
freq <- time_frequency(data, period = frequency, message = message)
# trnd <- time_trend(data, period = trend)
# Time Series Decomposition
decomp_tbl <- data %>%
dplyr::pull(!! target_expr) %>%
stats::ts(frequency = freq) %>%
stats::stl(s.window = "periodic", robust = TRUE) %>%
sweep::sw_tidy_decomp() %>%
dplyr::select(-c(index, seasadj)) %>%
# forecast::mstl() %>%
# as.tibble() %>%
tibble::add_column(!! date_col_name := date_col_vals, .after = 0) %>%
purrr::set_names(c(date_col_name, "observed", "season", "trend", "remainder")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(seasadj = observed - season) %>%
dplyr::select(!! date_col_expr, observed, season, seasadj, trend, remainder)
# Median Span Logic
trnd <- time_trend(data, period = trend, message = FALSE)
median_spans_needed <- round(nrow(data) / trnd)
decomp_tbl <- decomp_tbl %>%
.period_groups = rep(1:median_spans_needed, length.out = nrow(.)) %>% sort()
) %>%
dplyr::group_by(.period_groups) %>%
dplyr::mutate(median_spans = median(observed, na.rm = T)) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
if (message) {
med_span <- decomp_tbl %>%
dplyr::count(median_spans) %>%
dplyr::pull(n) %>%
median(na.rm = TRUE)
med_scale <- decomp_tbl %>%
timetk::tk_index() %>%
timetk::tk_get_timeseries_summary() %>%
message(glue::glue("median_span = {med_span} {med_scale}s"))
# Remainder calculation
decomp_tbl <- decomp_tbl %>%
remainder = observed - season - median_spans
) %>%
dplyr::select(!! date_col_expr, observed, season, median_spans, remainder)
decomp_tbl <- anomalize::prep_tbl_time(decomp_tbl)
# Helper function for decompose_twitter
# time_median <- function(data, target, period = "auto", template = time_scale_template(), message = TRUE) {
# # Setup inputs
# data <- prep_tbl_time(data, message = F)
# date_col_expr <- tibbletime::get_index_quo(data)
# date_col_name <- dplyr::quo_name(date_col_expr)
# target_expr <- dplyr::enquo(target)
# # For median_span (trend) = "auto" use template
# if (period == "auto") {
# # Get timeseries summary attributes
# ts_summary <- data %>%
# tibbletime::get_index_col() %>%
# timetk::tk_get_timeseries_summary()
# ts_scale <- ts_summary$scale
# period <- template %>%
# target_time_decomposition_scale(ts_scale, "trend", index_shift = 0)
# }
# # Use time_apply()
# ret <- data %>%
# time_apply(!! target_expr, period = period,
# .fun = median, na.rm = T, clean = F, message = message) %>%
# dplyr::rename(median_spans = time_apply)
# if (message) message(glue::glue("median_span = {period}"))
# return(ret)
# }
# 2B. STL ----
#' @export
#' @rdname decompose_methods
decompose_stl <- function(data, target, frequency = "auto", trend = "auto", message = TRUE) {
# Checks
if (missing(target)) stop('Error in decompose_stl(): argument "target" is missing, with no default', call. = FALSE)
data <- prep_tbl_time(data)
date_col_vals <- tibbletime::get_index_col(data)
target_expr <- dplyr::enquo(target)
date_col_name <- timetk::tk_get_timeseries_variables(data)[[1]]
date_col_expr <- rlang::sym(date_col_name)
freq <- time_frequency(data, period = frequency, message = message)
trnd <- time_trend(data, period = trend, message = message)
# Time Series Decomposition
decomp_tbl <- data %>%
dplyr::pull(!! target_expr) %>%
stats::ts(frequency = freq) %>%
stats::stl(s.window = "periodic", t.window = trnd, robust = TRUE) %>%
sweep::sw_tidy_decomp() %>%
# forecast::mstl() %>%
# as.tibble() %>%
tibble::add_column(!! date_col_name := date_col_vals, .after = 0) %>%
dplyr::select(!! date_col_expr, observed, season, trend, remainder)
decomp_tbl <- anomalize::prep_tbl_time(decomp_tbl)
# # 2C. Multiplicative
# #' @export
# #' @rdname decompose_methods
# decompose_multiplicative <- function(data, target, frequency = "auto", trend = "auto", message = TRUE) {
# # Checks
# if (missing(target)) stop('Error in decompose_multiplicative(): argument "target" is missing, with no default', call. = FALSE)
# # Setup inputs
# data <- prep_tbl_time(data)
# date_col_vals <- tibbletime::get_index_col(data)
# target_expr <- dplyr::enquo(target)
# date_col_name <- timetk::tk_get_timeseries_variables(data)[[1]]
# date_col_expr <- rlang::sym(date_col_name)
# frequency <- anomalize::time_frequency(data, period = frequency, message = message)
# # Note that trend is unused in super smoother (`supsmu()`)
# # Time Series Decomposition
# decomp_tbl <- data %>%
# dplyr::pull(!! target_expr) %>%
# stats::ts(frequency = frequency) %>%
# stats::decompose(type = "multiplicative") %>%
# sweep::sw_tidy_decomp() %>%
# dplyr::select(-index) %>%
# dplyr::rename(remainder = random) %>%
# dplyr::select(observed, season, seasadj, trend, remainder) %>%
# tibble::add_column(!! date_col_name := date_col_vals, .after = 0) %>%
# # Fix trend and remainder
# dplyr::mutate(
# trend = stats::supsmu(seq_along(observed), seasadj)$y,
# remainder = observed / (trend * season)
# ) %>%
# dplyr::select(-seasadj)
# decomp_tbl <- anomalize::prep_tbl_time(decomp_tbl)
# return(decomp_tbl)
# }
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