
context("Function loadFactor")

sapply(studyPathS, function(studyPath){

  opts <- setSimulationPath(studyPath)

  mydata <- readAntares(clusters = "all", thermalModulation = TRUE,
                        mcYears = "all", showProgress = FALSE)

  describe("loadFactor", {

    lf <- suppressWarnings(loadFactor(mydata))

    it ("returns an antaresDataTable with correct number of row and columns", {
      expect_is(lf, "antaresDataTable")
      expect_true(all(c("loadFactor", "propHoursMaxGen", "propHoursMinGen") %in% names(lf)))
      expect_equal(nrow(lf) / length(simOptions()$mcYears),
                   nrow(unique(mydata[, .(area, cluster)])))

    it("returns values between 0 and 1", {
      expect_true(all(lf$loadFactor %between% c(0, 1)))
      expect_true(all(lf$propHoursMinGen %between% c(0, 1)))
      expect_true(all(lf$propHoursMaxGen %between% c(0, 1)))
      expect_true(all(lf[, propHoursMinGen + propHoursMaxGen] %between% c(0, 1)))

    mydata <- readAntares(clusters = "all", thermalModulation = TRUE,
                          mcYears = "all", showProgress = FALSE, thermalAvailabilities = TRUE)
    lfA <- suppressWarnings(loadFactor(mydata, loadFactorAvailable = TRUE))

    it("returns values between 0 and 1", {
      #due to travis precision #bug
      #see https://travis-ci.org/rte-antares-rpackage/antaresProcessing/jobs/394465604

      expect_true(all(na.omit(lfA$loadFactorAvailable) %between% c(0 - 1e-7, 1 + 1e-7)))

      expect_equal(max(lfA$loadFactorAvailable, na.rm = TRUE), 1)
      expect_equal(min(lfA$loadFactorAvailable, na.rm = TRUE), 0)




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antaresProcessing documentation built on June 25, 2024, 5:07 p.m.