
Defines functions orsf_train_ orsf_time_to_train orsf_train orsf_data_prep.recipe orsf_data_prep.list orsf_data_prep orsf

Documented in orsf orsf_time_to_train orsf_train

#' Oblique Random Survival Forest (ORSF)
#' Fit an oblique random survival forest
#' @param data a `r roxy_data_allowed()` that contains the
#'  relevant variables.
#' @param formula (_formula_) The response on the left hand side should
#'   include a time variable, followed by a status variable, and may be
#'   written inside a call to [Surv][survival::Surv] (see examples).
#'   The terms on the right are names of predictor variables.
#' @param control (*orsf_control*) An object returned from one of the
#'  `orsf_control` functions:
#'  - [orsf_control_fast] (the default) uses a single iteration of Newton
#'    Raphson scoring to identify a linear combination of predictors.
#'  - [orsf_control_cph] uses Newton Raphson scoring until a convergence
#'    criteria is met.
#'  - [orsf_control_net] uses `glmnet` to identify linear combinations of
#'    predictors, similar to Jaeger (2019).
#'  - [orsf_control_custom] allows the user to apply their own function
#'    to create linear combinations of predictors.
#' @param weights (_numeric vector_) Optional. If given, this input should
#'   have length equal to `nrow(data)`. Values in `weights` are treated like
#'   replication weights, i.e., a value of 2 is the same thing as having 2
#'   observations in `data`, each containing a copy of the corresponding
#'   person's data.
#'   *Use* `weights` *cautiously*, as `orsf` will count the number of
#'   observations and events prior to growing a node for a tree, so higher
#'   values in `weights` will lead to deeper trees.
#' @param n_tree (_integer_) the number of trees to grow.
#' Default is `n_tree = 500.`
#' @param n_split (_integer_) the number of cut-points assessed when splitting
#'  a node in decision trees. Default is `n_split = 5`.
#' @param n_retry (_integer_) when a node can be split, but the current
#'  linear combination of inputs is unable to provide a valid split, `orsf`
#'  will try again with a new linear combination based on a different set
#'  of randomly selected predictors, up to `n_retry` times. Default is
#'  `n_retry = 3`. Set `n_retry = 0` to prevent any retries.
#' @param n_thread `r roxy_n_thread_header("growing trees, computing predictions, and computing importance")`
#' @param mtry (_integer_) Number of predictors randomly included as candidates
#'   for splitting a node. The default is the smallest integer greater than
#'   the square root of the number of total predictors, i.e.,
#'   `mtry = ceiling(sqrt(number of predictors))`
#' @param sample_with_replacement (_logical_) If `TRUE` (the default),
#'   observations are sampled with replacement when an in-bag sample
#'   is created for a decision tree. If `FALSE`, observations are
#'   sampled without replacement and each tree will have an in-bag sample
#'   containing `sample_fraction`% of the original sample.
#' @param sample_fraction (_double_) the proportion of observations that
#'   each trees' in-bag sample will contain, relative to the number of
#'   rows in `data`. Only used if `sample_with_replacement` is `FALSE`.
#'   Default value is 0.632.
#' @param leaf_min_events (_integer_) minimum number of events in a
#'   leaf node. Default is `leaf_min_events = 1`
#' @param leaf_min_obs (_integer_) minimum number of observations in a
#'   leaf node. Default is `leaf_min_obs = 5`.
#' @param split_rule (_character_) how to assess the quality of a potential
#'   splitting rule for a node. Valid options are
#'   - 'logrank' : a log-rank test statistic.
#'   - 'cstat'   : Harrell's concordance statistic.
#' @param split_min_events (_integer_) minimum number of events required
#'   in a node to consider splitting it. Default is `split_min_events = 5`
#' @param split_min_obs (_integer_) minimum number of observations required
#'   in a node to consider splitting it. Default is `split_min_obs = 10`.
#' @param split_min_stat (double) minimum test statistic required to split
#'   a node. Default is 3.841459 if `split_rule = 'logrank'` and 0.50 if
#'   `split_rule = 'cstat'`. If no splits are found with a statistic
#'   exceeding `split_min_stat`, the given node either becomes a leaf or
#'   a retry occurs (up to `n_retry` retries).
#' @param oobag_pred_type (_character_) The type of out-of-bag predictions
#'   to compute while fitting the ensemble. Valid options are
#'   - 'none' : don't compute out-of-bag predictions
#'   - 'risk' : probability of event occurring at or before `oobag_pred_horizon`.
#'   - 'surv' : 1 - risk.
#'   - 'chf'  : cumulative hazard function at `oobag_pred_horizon`.
#'   - 'mort' : mortality, i.e., the number of events expected if all
#'              observations in the training data were identical to a
#'              given observation.
#' @param oobag_pred_horizon (_numeric_) A numeric value indicating what time
#'   should be used for out-of-bag predictions. Default is the median
#'   of the observed times, i.e., `oobag_pred_horizon = median(time)`.
#' @param oobag_eval_every (_integer_) The out-of-bag performance of the
#'   ensemble will be checked every `oobag_eval_every` trees. So, if
#'   `oobag_eval_every = 10`, then out-of-bag performance is checked
#'   after growing the 10th tree, the 20th tree, and so on. Default
#'   is `oobag_eval_every = n_tree`.
#' @param oobag_fun `r roxy_oobag_fun_header()` every `oobag_eval_every`
#'  trees. `r roxy_oobag_fun_default()` `r roxy_oobag_fun_user()`
#'   - `r roxy_oobag_fun_inputs()`
#'   - `r roxy_oobag_fun_ymat()`
#'   - `r roxy_oobag_fun_svec()`
#'   - `r roxy_oobag_fun_return()`
#' For more details, see the out-of-bag [vignette](https://docs.ropensci.org/aorsf/articles/oobag.html#user-supplied-out-of-bag-evaluation-functions).
#' @param importance `r roxy_importance_header()`
#' - `r roxy_importance_none()`
#' - `r roxy_importance_anova()`
#' - `r roxy_importance_negate()`
#' - `r roxy_importance_permute()`
#' For details on these methods, see [orsf_vi].
#' @param group_factors (_logical_) Only relevant if variable importance is
#'   being estimated. `r roxy_group_factors()`
#' @param tree_seeds (_integer vector_) Optional. if specified, random seeds
#'   will be set using the values in `tree_seeds[i]`  before growing tree `i`.
#'   Two forests grown with the same number of trees and the same seeds will
#'   have the exact same out-of-bag samples, making out-of-bag error
#'   estimates of the forests more comparable. If `NULL` (the default),
#'   no seeds are set during the training process.
#' @param attach_data (_logical_) if `TRUE`, a copy of the training
#'   data will be attached to the output. This is helpful if you
#'   plan on using functions like [orsf_pd_oob] or [orsf_summarize_uni]
#'   to interpret the forest using its training data. Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param no_fit (_logical_) if `TRUE`, model fitting steps are defined and
#'   saved, but training is not initiated. The object returned can be
#'   directly submitted to `orsf_train()` so long as `attach_data` is `TRUE`.
#' @param na_action `r roxy_na_action_header("data")`
#'   - `r roxy_na_action_fail("data")`
#'   - `r roxy_na_action_omit("data")`
#'   - `r roxy_na_action_impute_meanmode("data")`. Note that is this
#'     option is selected and `attach_data` is `TRUE`, the data attached
#'     to the output will be the imputed version of `data`.
#' @param verbose_progress (_logical_) if `TRUE`, progress messages are
#'   printed in the console. If `FALSE` (the default), nothing is printed.
#' @param ... `r roxy_dots()`
#' @param object an untrained 'aorsf' object, created by setting
#'   `no_fit = TRUE` in `orsf()`.
#' @return an accelerated oblique RSF object (`aorsf`)
#' @details
#' This function is based on and similar to the `ORSF` function
#'   in the `obliqueRSF` R package. The primary difference is that this
#'   function runs much faster. The speed increase is attributable to better
#'   management of memory (i.e., no unnecessary copies of inputs) and using
#'   a Newton Raphson scoring algorithm to identify linear combinations of
#'   inputs rather than performing penalized regression using routines in
#'   `glmnet`.The modified Newton Raphson scoring algorithm that this
#'   function applies is an adaptation of the C++ routine developed by
#'   Terry M. Therneau that fits Cox proportional hazards models
#'   (see [survival::coxph()] and more specifically [survival::coxph.fit()]).
#' @section Details on inputs:
#' **formula**:
#' - The response in `formula` can be a survival
#'   object as returned by the [Surv][survival::Surv] function,
#'   but can also just be the time and status variables. I.e.,
#'   `Surv(time, status) ~ .` works just like `time + status ~ .`
#' - A `.` symbol on the right hand side is short-hand for using all
#'   variables in `data` (omitting those on the left hand side of
#'   `formula`) as predictors.
#' - The order of variables in the left hand side matters. i.e.,
#'   writing `status + time ~ .` will make `orsf` assume your
#'   `status` variable is actually the `time` variable.
#' - The response variable can be a survival object stored in `data`.
#'   For example, y ~ . is a valid formula if `data$y` inherits
#'   from the `Surv` class.
#' - Although you can fit an oblique random survival forest with 1 predictor
#'   variable, your formula should have at least 2 predictors. The reason for
#'   this recommendation is that a linear combination of predictors is trivial
#'   if there is only one predictor.
#' **mtry**:
#' The `mtry` parameter may be temporarily reduced to ensure there
#'   are at least 2 events per predictor variable. This occurs when using
#'   [orsf_control_cph] because coefficients in the Newton Raphson scoring
#'   algorithm may become unstable when the number of covariates is
#'   greater than or equal to the number of events. This reduction does not
#'   occur when using [orsf_control_net].
#' **oobag_fun**:
#' If `oobag_fun` is specified, it will be used in to compute negation
#'  importance or permutation importance, but it will not have any role
#'  for ANOVA importance.
#' **n_thread**:
#' If an R function must be called from C++ (i.e., user-supplied function to
#'  compute out-of-bag error or identify linear combinations of variables),
#'  `n_thread` will automatically be set to 1 because attempting to run R
#'  functions in multiple threads will cause the R session to crash.
#' @section What is an oblique decision tree?:
#' Decision trees are developed by splitting a set of training data into two
#'  new subsets, with the goal of having more similarity within the new subsets
#'  than between them. This splitting process is repeated on the resulting
#'  subsets of data until a stopping criterion is met. When the new subsets of
#'  data are formed based on a single predictor, the decision tree is said to
#'  be axis-based because the splits of the data appear perpendicular to the
#'  axis of the predictor. When linear combinations of variables are used
#'  instead of a single variable, the tree is oblique because the splits of
#'  the data are neither parallel nor at a right angle to the axis
#' _Figure_ : Decision trees for classification with axis-based splitting
#'  (left) and oblique splitting (right). Cases are orange squares; controls
#'  are purple circles. Both trees partition the predictor space defined by
#'  variables X1 and X2, but the oblique splits do a better job of separating
#'  the two classes.
#' \if{html}{\figure{tree_axis_v_oblique.png}{options: width=95\%}}
#' @section What is a random forest?:
#' Random forests are collections of de-correlated decision trees.
#'   Predictions from each tree are aggregated to make an ensemble
#'   prediction for the forest. For more details, see Breiman at el, 2001.
#' @section Training, out-of-bag error, and testing:
#' In random forests, each tree is grown with a bootstrapped version of
#'   the training set. Because bootstrap samples are selected with replacement,
#'   each bootstrapped training set contains about two-thirds of instances in
#'   the original training set. The 'out-of-bag' data are instances that are
#'   _not_ in the bootstrapped training set. Each tree in the random forest
#'   can make predictions for its out-of-bag data, and the out-of-bag
#'   predictions can be aggregated to make an ensemble out-of-bag prediction.
#'   Since the out-of-bag data are not used to grow the tree, the accuracy of
#'   the ensemble out-of-bag predictions approximate the generalization error
#'   of the random forest. Generalization error refers to the error of a
#'   random forest's predictions when it is applied to predict outcomes for
#'   data that were not used to train it, i.e., testing data.
#' @section Missing data:
#' Data passed to aorsf functions are not allowed to have missing values.
#'   A user should impute missing values using an R package with that purpose,
#'   such as `recipes` or `mlr3pipelines`.
#' @references
#' `r roxy_cite_harrell_1982()`
#' `r roxy_cite_breiman_2001()`
#' `r roxy_cite_ishwaran_2008()`
#' `r roxy_cite_jaeger_2019()`
#' `r roxy_cite_jaeger_2023()`
#' @export
#' @includeRmd Rmd/orsf_examples.Rmd

orsf <- function(data,
                 control = orsf_control_fast(),
                 weights = NULL,
                 n_tree = 500,
                 n_split = 5,
                 n_retry = 3,
                 n_thread = 1,
                 mtry = NULL,
                 sample_with_replacement = TRUE,
                 sample_fraction = 0.632,
                 leaf_min_events = 1,
                 leaf_min_obs = 5,
                 split_rule = 'logrank',
                 split_min_events = 5,
                 split_min_obs = 10,
                 split_min_stat = switch(split_rule,
                                         "logrank" = 3.841459,
                                         "cstat" = 0.50),
                 oobag_pred_type = 'surv',
                 oobag_pred_horizon = NULL,
                 oobag_eval_every = n_tree,
                 oobag_fun = NULL,
                 importance = 'anova',
                 group_factors = TRUE,
                 tree_seeds = NULL,
                 attach_data = TRUE,
                 no_fit = FALSE,
                 na_action = 'fail',
                 verbose_progress = FALSE,

 check_dots(list(...), .f = orsf)

  data <- orsf_data_prep(data)

  data = data,
  formula = formula,
  control = control,
  weights = weights,
  n_tree = n_tree,
  n_split = n_split,
  n_retry = n_retry,
  n_thread = n_thread,
  mtry = mtry,
  sample_with_replacement = sample_with_replacement,
  sample_fraction = sample_fraction,
  leaf_min_events = leaf_min_events,
  leaf_min_obs = leaf_min_obs,
  split_rule = split_rule,
  split_min_events = split_min_events,
  split_min_obs = split_min_obs,
  split_min_stat = split_min_stat,
  oobag_pred_type = oobag_pred_type,
  oobag_pred_horizon = oobag_pred_horizon,
  oobag_eval_every = oobag_eval_every,
  importance = importance,
  tree_seeds = tree_seeds,
  attach_data = attach_data,
  verbose_progress = verbose_progress

 #TODO: more polish
 if(split_rule == "cstat" && split_min_stat >= 1){
  stop("If split_rule is 'cstat', split_min_stat must be < 1",
       call. = FALSE)

 oobag_pred <- oobag_pred_type != 'none'

 if(sample_fraction == 1 && oobag_pred){
   "cannot compute out-of-bag predictions if no samples are out-of-bag.",
   " Try setting sample_fraction < 1 or oobag_pred_type = 'none'.",
   call. = FALSE


  f_oobag_eval <- function(x) x
  type_oobag_eval <- if(oobag_pred) 'cstat' else 'none'

 } else {

  f_oobag_eval <- oobag_fun
  type_oobag_eval <- 'user'

  if(oobag_pred_type == 'leaf'){
   warning("a user-supplied oobag function cannot be",
           "applied when oobag_pred_type = 'leaf'",
           call. = FALSE)


 # can't evaluate the oobag predictions if they aren't aggregated
 if(oobag_pred_type == 'leaf') type_oobag_eval <- 'none'

 formula_terms <- suppressWarnings(stats::terms(formula, data=data))

 if(attr(formula_terms, 'response') == 0)
  stop("formula must have a response", call. = FALSE)

 names_y_data <- all.vars(formula[[2]])

 outcome_type <- infer_outcome_type(names_y_data, data)

 if(outcome_type %in% c('regression', 'classification')) stop("not ready yet")

 if(control$tree_type == 'unknown'){

  if(outcome_type == 'unknown'){
   stop("could not determine outcome type", call. = FALSE)

  control$tree_type <- outcome_type


 if(control$lincomb_type == 'net'){

  if (!requireNamespace("glmnet", quietly = TRUE)) {
    "Package \"glmnet\" must be installed to use",
    " orsf_control_net() with orsf().",
    call. = FALSE


 tree_type_R = switch(outcome_type,
                      'classification' = 1,
                      'regression'= 2,
                      'survival' = 3)

 types_y_data <- vector(mode = 'character',
                        length = length(names_y_data))

 for(i in seq_along(types_y_data)){
  types_y_data[i] <- class(data[[ names_y_data[i] ]])[1]

 unit_y_names <- names_y_data[types_y_data == 'units']

 ui_y <- unit_info(data = data, .names = unit_y_names)

 names_x_data <- attr(formula_terms, 'term.labels')

 names_not_found <- setdiff(c(names_y_data, names_x_data), names(data))

  msg <- paste0(
   "variables in formula were not found in data: ",
   paste_collapse(names_not_found, last = ' and ')
  stop(msg, call. = FALSE)

 types_x_data <- check_var_types(data,
                                 valid_types = c('numeric',

 for(i in c(names_y_data, names_x_data)){

   stop("Please remove infinite values from ", i, ".",
        call. = FALSE)

   stop("column ", i, " has no observed values",
        call. = FALSE)

  # nan values trigger is.na(), so this probably isnt needed.
  # if(any(is.nan(data[[i]]))){
  #  stop("Please remove NaN values from ", i, ".",
  #       call. = FALSE)
  # }


 fctr_check(data, names_x_data)

 fctr_id_check(data, names_x_data)

 fi <- fctr_info(data, names_x_data)

 unit_x_names <- names_x_data[types_x_data == 'units']

 ui_x <- unit_info(data = data, .names = unit_x_names)

 names_x_numeric <- grep(pattern = "^integer$|^numeric$|^units$",
                         x = types_x_data)

 means <- standard_deviations<- modes <- numeric_bounds <- NULL

 numeric_cols <- names_x_data[names_x_numeric]
 nominal_cols <- fi$cols


  modes <- vapply(
   select_cols(data, nominal_cols),
   FUN.VALUE = integer(1),
   w = weights



  numeric_data <- select_cols(data, numeric_cols)

  numeric_bounds <- matrix(
   data = c(
    collapse::fnth(numeric_data, 0.1),
    collapse::fnth(numeric_data, 0.25),
    collapse::fnth(numeric_data, 0.5),
    collapse::fnth(numeric_data, 0.75),
    collapse::fnth(numeric_data, 0.9)
   nrow =5,
   byrow = TRUE,
   dimnames = list(c('10%', '25%', '50%', '75%', '90%'),

  means <- collapse::fmean(numeric_data, w = weights)

  standard_deviations <- collapse::fsd(numeric_data, w = weights)


 if(any(is.na(select_cols(data, names_y_data))))
  stop("Please remove missing values from the outcome variable(s)",
       call. = FALSE)

 if(any(is.na(select_cols(data, names_x_data)))){


   'fail' = {
    stop("Please remove missing values from data, or impute them.",
         call. = FALSE)

   'omit' = {
    data <- collapse::na_omit(data, cols = names_x_data)
    # cc <- stats::complete.cases(data[, names_x_data])
    # data <- data[cc, ]

   'impute_meanmode' = {

    data <- data_impute(data,
                        cols = names_x_data,
                        values = c(as.list(means),



 y <- prep_y(data, names_y_data)
 x <- prep_x(data, fi, names_x_data, means, standard_deviations)

 if(is.null(mtry)) mtry <- ceiling(sqrt(ncol(x)))

 n_events <- collapse::fsum(y[, 2])

 # some additional checks that are dependent on the outcome variable

  arg_value = mtry,
  arg_name = 'mtry',
  bound = ncol(x),
  append_to_msg = "(number of columns in the one-hot encoded x-matrix)"


  control$lincomb_df_target <- mtry

 } else {

   arg_value = control$lincomb_df_target,
   arg_name = 'df_target',
   bound = mtry,
   append_to_msg = "(number of randomly selected predictors)"


  arg_value = leaf_min_events,
  arg_name = 'leaf_min_events',
  bound = round(n_events / 2),
  append_to_msg = "(number of events divided by 2)"

  arg_value = leaf_min_obs,
  arg_name = 'leaf_min_obs',
  bound = round(nrow(x) / 2),
  append_to_msg = "(number of observations divided by 2)"

 check_arg_lt(arg_value = split_min_events,
              arg_name = "split_min_events",
              bound = n_events,
              append_to_msg = "(number of events)")

 check_arg_lt(arg_value = split_min_obs,
              arg_name = "split_min_obs",
              bound = nrow(x),
              append_to_msg = "(number of observations)")


  if(any(oobag_pred_horizon <= 0))

   stop("Out of bag prediction horizon (oobag_pred_horizon) must be > 0",
        call. = FALSE)

 } else {

  # use training data to provide sensible default
  oobag_pred_horizon <- stats::median(y[, 1])


 sorted <-
  collapse::radixorder(y[, 1],  # order for risk sets
                       -y[, 2]) # order for oob C-statistic.

 if(is.null(weights)) weights <- rep(1, nrow(x))

 x_sort <- x[sorted, , drop = FALSE]
 y_sort <- y[sorted, , drop = FALSE]
 w_sort <- weights[sorted]

 if(length(tree_seeds) == 1 && n_tree > 1){
  tree_seeds <- sample(x = n_tree*10, size = n_tree, replace = FALSE)
 } else if(is.null(tree_seeds)){
  tree_seeds <- sample(x = n_tree*10, size = n_tree, replace = FALSE)

 vi_max_pvalue = 0.01

 orsf_out <- orsf_cpp(x = x_sort,
                      y = y_sort,
                      w = w_sort,
                      tree_type_R = tree_type_R,
                      tree_seeds = as.integer(tree_seeds),
                      loaded_forest = list(),
                      n_tree = n_tree,
                      mtry = mtry,
                      sample_with_replacement = sample_with_replacement,
                      sample_fraction = sample_fraction,
                      vi_type_R = switch(importance,
                                         "none" = 0,
                                         "negate" = 1,
                                         "permute" = 2,
                                         "anova" = 3),
                      vi_max_pvalue = vi_max_pvalue,
                      leaf_min_events = leaf_min_events,
                      leaf_min_obs = leaf_min_obs,
                      split_rule_R = switch(split_rule,
                                            "logrank" = 1,
                                            "cstat" = 2),
                      split_min_events = split_min_events,
                      split_min_obs = split_min_obs,
                      split_min_stat = split_min_stat,
                      split_max_cuts = n_split,
                      split_max_retry = n_retry,
                      lincomb_R_function = control$lincomb_R_function,
                      lincomb_type_R = switch(control$lincomb_type,
                                              'glm' = 1,
                                              'random' = 2,
                                              'net' = 3,
                                              'custom' = 4),
                      lincomb_eps = control$lincomb_eps,
                      lincomb_iter_max = control$lincomb_iter_max,
                      lincomb_scale = control$lincomb_scale,
                      lincomb_alpha = control$lincomb_alpha,
                      lincomb_df_target = control$lincomb_df_target,
                      lincomb_ties_method = switch(tolower(control$lincomb_ties_method),
                                                   'breslow' = 0,
                                                   'efron'   = 1),
                      pred_type_R = switch(oobag_pred_type,
                                           "none" = 0,
                                           "risk" = 1,
                                           "surv" = 2,
                                           "chf"  = 3,
                                           "mort" = 4,
                                           "leaf" = 8),
                      pred_mode = FALSE,
                      pred_aggregate = oobag_pred_type != 'leaf',
                      pred_horizon = oobag_pred_horizon,
                      oobag = oobag_pred,
                      oobag_R_function = f_oobag_eval,
                      oobag_eval_type_R = switch(type_oobag_eval,
                                                 'none' = 0,
                                                 'cstat' = 1,
                                                 'user' = 2),
                      oobag_eval_every = oobag_eval_every,
                      pd_type_R = 0,
                      pd_x_vals = list(matrix(0, ncol=1, nrow=1)),
                      pd_x_cols = list(matrix(1L, ncol=1, nrow=1)),
                      pd_probs = c(0),
                      n_thread = n_thread,
                      write_forest = TRUE,
                      run_forest = !no_fit,
                      verbosity = as.integer(verbose_progress))

 # if someone says no_fit and also says don't attach the data,
 # give them a warning but also do the right thing for them.
 orsf_out$data <- if(attach_data) data else NULL

 if(importance != 'none' && !no_fit){
  rownames(orsf_out$importance) <- colnames(x)
  orsf_out$importance <-
   rev(orsf_out$importance[order(orsf_out$importance), , drop=TRUE])


  # makes labels for oobag evaluation type
  orsf_out$eval_oobag$stat_type <-
   switch(EXPR = as.character(orsf_out$eval_oobag$stat_type),
          "0" = "None",
          "1" = "Harrell's C-statistic",
          "2" = "User-specified function")


  # put the oob predictions into the same order as the training data.
  unsorted <- collapse::radixorder(sorted)

  if(oobag_pred_type == 'leaf'){
   all_rows <- seq(nrow(data))
   for(i in seq(n_tree)){
    rows_inbag <- setdiff(all_rows, orsf_out$forest$rows_oobag[[i]]+1)
    orsf_out$pred_oobag[rows_inbag, i] <- NA

  orsf_out$pred_oobag <- orsf_out$pred_oobag[unsorted, , drop = FALSE]
  orsf_out$pred_oobag[is.nan(orsf_out$pred_oobag)] <- NA_real_

  # mortality predictions should always be 1 column
  # b/c they do not depend on the prediction horizon
  if(oobag_pred_type == 'mort'){
   orsf_out$pred_oobag <-
    orsf_out$pred_oobag[, 1L, drop = FALSE]

   orsf_out$eval_oobag$stat_values <-
    orsf_out$eval_oobag$stat_values[, 1, drop = FALSE]



 orsf_out$pred_horizon <- oobag_pred_horizon

 n_leaves_mean <- compute_mean_leaves(orsf_out$forest)

 attr(orsf_out, 'control')             <- control
 attr(orsf_out, 'mtry')                <- mtry
 attr(orsf_out, 'n_obs')               <- nrow(y_sort)
 attr(orsf_out, 'n_tree')              <- n_tree
 attr(orsf_out, 'names_y')             <- names_y_data
 attr(orsf_out, "names_x")             <- names_x_data
 attr(orsf_out, "names_x_ref")         <- colnames(x)
 attr(orsf_out, "types_x")             <- types_x_data
 attr(orsf_out, 'n_events')            <- n_events
 attr(orsf_out, 'max_time')            <- y_sort[nrow(y_sort), 1]
 attr(orsf_out, 'event_times')         <- unique(y_sort[ y_sort[,2]==1, 1])
 attr(orsf_out, "unit_info")           <- c(ui_y, ui_x)
 attr(orsf_out, "fctr_info")           <- fi
 attr(orsf_out, 'n_leaves_mean')       <- n_leaves_mean
 attr(orsf_out, 'n_split')             <- n_split
 attr(orsf_out, 'leaf_min_events')     <- leaf_min_events
 attr(orsf_out, 'leaf_min_obs')        <- leaf_min_obs
 attr(orsf_out, 'split_min_events')    <- split_min_events
 attr(orsf_out, 'split_min_obs')       <- split_min_obs
 attr(orsf_out, 'split_min_stat')      <- split_min_stat
 attr(orsf_out, 'na_action')           <- na_action
 attr(orsf_out, 'control')             <- control
 attr(orsf_out, 'numeric_bounds')      <- numeric_bounds
 attr(orsf_out, 'means')               <- means
 attr(orsf_out, 'modes')               <- modes
 attr(orsf_out, 'standard_deviations') <- standard_deviations
 attr(orsf_out, 'trained')             <- !no_fit
 attr(orsf_out, 'n_retry')             <- n_retry
 attr(orsf_out, 'f_oobag_eval')        <- f_oobag_eval
 attr(orsf_out, 'type_oobag_eval')     <- type_oobag_eval
 attr(orsf_out, 'oobag_pred')          <- oobag_pred
 attr(orsf_out, 'oobag_fun')           <- oobag_fun
 attr(orsf_out, 'oobag_pred_type')     <- oobag_pred_type
 attr(orsf_out, 'oobag_eval_every')    <- oobag_eval_every
 attr(orsf_out, 'oobag_pred_horizon')  <- oobag_pred_horizon
 attr(orsf_out, 'importance')          <- importance
 attr(orsf_out, 'importance_values')   <- orsf_out$importance
 attr(orsf_out, 'group_factors')       <- group_factors
 attr(orsf_out, 'weights_user')        <- weights
 attr(orsf_out, 'verbose_progress')    <- verbose_progress
 attr(orsf_out, 'vi_max_pvalue')       <- vi_max_pvalue
 attr(orsf_out, 'split_rule')          <- split_rule
 attr(orsf_out, 'n_thread')            <- n_thread
 attr(orsf_out, 'tree_type')           <- tree_type_R
 attr(orsf_out, 'tree_seeds')          <- tree_seeds
 attr(orsf_out, 'sample_with_replacement') <- sample_with_replacement
 attr(orsf_out, 'sample_fraction')         <- sample_fraction

 class(orsf_out) <- "orsf_fit"

 if(importance != 'none' && !no_fit){

  # temporarily attach data
  if(!attach_data) orsf_out$data <- data

  orsf_out$importance <- orsf_vi(orsf_out,
                                 importance = importance,
                                 group_factors = group_factors)

  # Can drop it now
  if(!attach_data) orsf_out$data <- NULL




orsf_data_prep <- function(data, ...){

orsf_data_prep.list <- function(data, ...){

 lengths <- vapply(data, length, integer(1))

 if(! all(lengths == lengths[1])){

  length_tbl <- table(lengths)
  length_mode <- as.numeric(names(length_tbl)[which.max(length_tbl)])

  mismatch <- lengths[names(which(lengths != length_mode))]

  mismatch <-
   paste(" -", names(mismatch),
         'has length', mismatch,
         collapse = '\n')

  mismatch <-
         '\n - all other variables have length ', length_mode,
         sep = '')

  stop("unable to cast data (a list) into a data.frame.\n",
       mismatch, call. = FALSE)


 data <-
  tryCatch(as.data.frame(data), error = function(e) e$message)

  stop("Could not coerce data (a list) into a data.frame object.\n",
       "Running as.data.frame(data) ",
       "produced this error message:\n\"", data, "\"",
       call. = FALSE)



orsf_data_prep.recipe <- function(data, ...){

 getElement(data, 'template')


#' @rdname orsf
#' @export
orsf_train <- function(object){

#' Estimate training time
#' @param object an untrained `aorsf` object
#' @param n_tree_subset (_integer_)  how many trees should be fit in order
#'   to estimate the time needed to train `object`. The default value is 50,
#'   as this usually gives a good enough approximation.
#' @return a [difftime] object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # specify but do not train the model by setting no_fit = TRUE.
#' object <- orsf(pbc_orsf, Surv(time, status) ~ . - id,
#'                n_tree = 500, no_fit = TRUE)
#' # grow 50 trees to approximate the time it will take to grow 500 trees
#' time_estimated <- orsf_time_to_train(object, n_tree_subset = 50)
#' print(time_estimated)
#' # let's see how close the approximation was
#' time_true_start <- Sys.time()
#' fit <- orsf_train(object)
#' time_true_stop <- Sys.time()
#' time_true <- time_true_stop - time_true_start
#' print(time_true)
#' # error
#' abs(time_true - time_estimated)

orsf_time_to_train <- function(object, n_tree_subset = 50){

 time_preproc_start <- Sys.time()

 y  <- prep_y_from_orsf(object)
 x  <- prep_x_from_orsf(object)

 sorted <- order(y[, 1],  # order this way for risk sets
                 -y[, 2]) # order this way for oob C-statistic.

 time_preproc_stop <- Sys.time()

 output <- orsf_train_(object,
                       n_tree = n_tree_subset,
                       x = x,
                       y = y,
                       sorted = sorted)

 time_train_stop <- Sys.time()

 mult_by <- get_n_tree(object) / n_tree_subset

 difftime(time_preproc_stop, time_preproc_start) +
  difftime(time_train_stop, time_preproc_stop) * mult_by


#' internal training function
#' the purpose of this function is to have more control over fit parameters
#'   so that I can do tasks other than train the specific aorsf specification,
#'   e.g., estimate how much time it will take to train it.
#' @param object see orsf()
#' @param n_tree default is NULL. If this input is specified, then it will
#'   be used instead of the n_tree attribute in object.
#' @param x default is NULL. If this input is specified, then it will
#'   be used instead of creating an x matrix by normal means.
#' @param y default is NULL. If this input is specified, then it will
#'   be used instead of creating a y matrix by normal means.
#' @param sorted default is NULL. If this input is specified, then it will
#'   be used instead of sorting the y matrix.
#' @return a trained aorsf model
#' @noRd
orsf_train_ <- function(object,
                        n_tree = NULL,
                        x = NULL,
                        y = NULL,
                        sorted  = NULL){

  stop("object has already been trained", call. = FALSE)

  stop("object must have training data attached.",
       " Set attach_data = TRUE in orsf()",
       call. = FALSE)

  y <- prep_y_from_orsf(object)

  x <- prep_x_from_orsf(object)

  n_tree <- get_n_tree(object)

  sorted <- collapse::radixorder(y[, 1], -y[, 2])

 weights <- get_weights_user(object)

 x_sort <- x[sorted, ]
 y_sort <- y[sorted, ]
 w_sort <- weights[sorted]

 oobag_eval_every <- min(n_tree, get_oobag_eval_every(object))

 control <- get_control(object)

 orsf_out <- orsf_cpp(x = x_sort,
                      y = y_sort,
                      w = w_sort,
                      tree_type_R = 3,
                      tree_seeds = get_tree_seeds(object),
                      loaded_forest = list(),
                      n_tree = n_tree,
                      mtry = get_mtry(object),
                      sample_with_replacement = get_sample_with_replacement(object),
                      sample_fraction = get_sample_fraction(object),
                      vi_type_R = switch(get_importance(object),
                                         "none" = 0,
                                         "negate" = 1,
                                         "permute" = 2,
                                         "anova" = 3),
                      vi_max_pvalue = get_vi_max_pvalue(object),
                      oobag_R_function = get_f_oobag_eval(object),
                      leaf_min_events = get_leaf_min_events(object),
                      leaf_min_obs = get_leaf_min_obs(object),
                      split_rule_R = switch(get_split_rule(object),
                                            "logrank" = 1,
                                            "cstat" = 2),
                      split_min_events = get_split_min_events(object),
                      split_min_obs = get_split_min_obs(object),
                      split_min_stat = get_split_min_stat(object),
                      split_max_cuts = get_n_split(object),
                      split_max_retry = get_n_retry(object),

                      lincomb_R_function = control$lincomb_R_function,
                      lincomb_type_R = switch(control$lincomb_type,
                                              'glm' = 1,
                                              'random' = 2,
                                              'net' = 3,
                                              'custom' = 4),
                      lincomb_eps = control$lincomb_eps,
                      lincomb_iter_max = control$lincomb_iter_max,
                      lincomb_scale = control$lincomb_scale,
                      lincomb_alpha = control$lincomb_alpha,
                      lincomb_df_target = control$lincomb_df_target,
                      lincomb_ties_method = switch(tolower(control$lincomb_ties_method),
                                                   'breslow' = 0,
                                                   'efron'   = 1),
                      pred_type_R = switch(get_oobag_pred_type(object),
                                           "none" = 0,
                                           "risk" = 1,
                                           "surv" = 2,
                                           "chf"  = 3,
                                           "mort" = 4),
                      pred_mode = FALSE,
                      pred_aggregate = get_oobag_pred_type(object) != 'leaf',
                      pred_horizon = get_oobag_pred_horizon(object),
                      oobag = get_oobag_pred(object),
                      oobag_eval_type_R = switch(get_type_oobag_eval(object),
                                                 'none' = 0,
                                                 'cstat' = 1,
                                                 'user' = 2),
                      oobag_eval_every = oobag_eval_every,
                      pd_type_R = 0,
                      pd_x_vals = list(matrix(0, ncol=1, nrow=1)),
                      pd_x_cols = list(matrix(1L, ncol=1, nrow=1)),
                      pd_probs = c(0),
                      n_thread = get_n_thread(object),
                      write_forest = TRUE,
                      run_forest = TRUE,
                      verbosity = get_verbose_progress(object))

 object$pred_oobag   <- orsf_out$pred_oobag
 object$eval_oobag   <- orsf_out$eval_oobag
 object$forest       <- orsf_out$forest
 object$importance   <- orsf_out$importance
 object$pred_horizon <- get_oobag_pred_horizon(object)

 if(get_importance(object) != 'none'){

  rownames(object$importance) <- colnames(x)

  object$importance <-
   rev(object$importance[order(object$importance), , drop=TRUE])

  attr(object, 'importance_values') <- object$importance

  object$importance <- orsf_vi(object,
                               importance = get_importance(object),
                               group_factors = get_group_factors(object))



  # clear labels for oobag evaluation type
  object$eval_oobag$stat_type <-
   switch(EXPR = as.character(object$eval_oobag$stat_type),
          "0" = "None",
          "1" = "Harrell's C-statistic",
          "2" = "User-specified function")

  # put the oob predictions into the same order as the training data.
  unsorted <- collapse::radixorder(sorted)
  object$pred_oobag <- object$pred_oobag[unsorted, , drop = FALSE]

  # mortality predictions should always be 1 column
  # b/c they do not depend on the prediction horizon
  if(get_oobag_pred_type(object) == 'mort'){
   object$pred_oobag <-
    object$pred_oobag[, 1L, drop = FALSE]

   object$eval_oobag$stat_values <-
    object$eval_oobag$stat_values[, 1, drop = FALSE]


 attr(object, "n_leaves_mean") <- compute_mean_leaves(orsf_out$forest)

 attr(object, 'trained') <- TRUE



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aorsf documentation built on Oct. 26, 2023, 5:08 p.m.