
Defines functions orsf_vi_oobag_ orsf_vi_ orsf_vi_anova orsf_vi_permute orsf_vi_negate orsf_vi

Documented in orsf_vi orsf_vi_anova orsf_vi_negate orsf_vi_permute

#' ORSF variable importance
#' Estimate the importance of individual variables using oblique random
#'   survival forests.
#' @inheritParams predict.orsf_fit
#' @param group_factors (_logical_) `r roxy_group_factors()`
#' @param importance `r roxy_importance_header()`
#' - `r roxy_importance_anova()`
#' - `r roxy_importance_negate()`
#' - `r roxy_importance_permute()`
#' @param oobag_fun `r roxy_oobag_fun_header()` after negating coefficients
#'   (if importance = 'negate') or permuting the values of a predictor
#'   (if importance = 'permute')
#' - `r roxy_oobag_fun_default()`
#' - `r roxy_oobag_fun_user()`
#'     + `r roxy_oobag_fun_inputs()`
#'     + `r roxy_oobag_fun_ymat()`
#'     + `r roxy_oobag_fun_svec()`
#'     + `r roxy_oobag_fun_return()`
#'     + the same `oobag_fun` should have been used when you created `object`
#'       so that the initial value of out-of-bag prediction accuracy is
#'       consistent with the values that will be computed while variable
#'       importance is estimated.
#' For more details, see the out-of-bag
#' [vignette](https://docs.ropensci.org/aorsf/articles/oobag.html).
#' @section Variable importance methods:
#' __negation importance__: `r roxy_vi_describe('negate')`
#' __permutation importance__: `r roxy_vi_describe('permute')`
#' __analysis of variance (ANOVA) importance__: `r roxy_vi_describe('anova')`
#' @return `orsf_vi` functions return a named numeric vector.
#' - Names of the vector are the predictor variables used by `object`
#' - Values of the vector are the estimated importance of the given predictor.
#' The returned vector is sorted from highest to lowest value, with higher
#'  values indicating higher importance.
#' @details
#' When an `orsf_fit` object is fitted with importance = 'anova', 'negate', or
#'  'permute', the output will have a vector of importance values based on
#'  the requested type of importance. However, you may still want to call
#'  `orsf_vi()` on this output if you want to group factor levels into one
#'  overall importance value.
#' `orsf_vi()` is a general purpose function to extract or compute variable
#'   importance estimates from an `'orsf_fit'` object (see [orsf]).
#'   `orsf_vi_negate()`, `orsf_vi_permute()`, and `orsf_vi_anova()` are wrappers
#'   for `orsf_vi()`. The way these functions work depends on whether the
#'   `object` they are given already has variable importance estimates in it
#'   or not (see examples).
#' @export
#' @includeRmd Rmd/orsf_vi_examples.Rmd
#' @references
#' `r roxy_cite_harrell_1982()`
#' `r roxy_cite_breiman_2001()`
#' `r roxy_cite_menze_2011()`
#' `r roxy_cite_jaeger_2023()`
orsf_vi <- function(object,
                    group_factors = TRUE,
                    importance = NULL,
                    oobag_fun = NULL,
                    n_thread = 1,
                    verbose_progress = FALSE,

 check_dots(list(...), .f = orsf_vi)

 # not sure if anyone would ever call orsf_vi(importance = 'none'),
 # but this is here just for them.
  if(importance == 'none') importance <- NULL

 check_orsf_inputs(importance = importance)

 type_vi <- get_importance(object)

 if(type_vi == 'none' && is.null(importance))
  stop("object has no variable importance values to extract and the type ",
       "of importance to compute is not specified. ",
       "Try setting importance = 'permute', or 'negate', or 'anova' ",
       "in orsf() or setting importance = 'permute' or 'negate' in ",
       call. = FALSE)

 if(!is.null(importance)) type_vi <- importance

          group_factors = group_factors,
          type_vi = type_vi,
          oobag_fun = oobag_fun,
          n_thread = n_thread,
          verbose_progress = verbose_progress)


#' @rdname orsf_vi
#' @export
orsf_vi_negate <-
          group_factors = TRUE,
          oobag_fun = NULL,
          n_thread = 1,
          verbose_progress = FALSE,
          ...) {
  check_dots(list(...), .f = orsf_vi_negate)
           type_vi = 'negate',
           oobag_fun = oobag_fun,
           n_thread = n_thread,
           verbose_progress = verbose_progress)

#' @rdname orsf_vi
#' @export
orsf_vi_permute <-
          group_factors = TRUE,
          oobag_fun = NULL,
          n_thread = 1,
          verbose_progress = FALSE,
          ...) {
  check_dots(list(...), .f = orsf_vi_permute)
           type_vi = 'permute',
           oobag_fun = oobag_fun,
           n_thread = n_thread,
           verbose_progress = verbose_progress)

#' @rdname orsf_vi
#' @export
orsf_vi_anova <- function(object,
                          group_factors = TRUE,
                          ...) {
 check_dots(list(...), .f = orsf_vi_anova)
          type_vi = 'anova',
          oobag_fun = NULL,
          verbose_progress = FALSE)

#' Variable importance working function
#' @inheritParams orsf_vi_negate
#' @param type_vi the type of variable importance technique to use.
#' @noRd
orsf_vi_ <- function(object,

 if(!is_aorsf(object)) stop("object must inherit from 'orsf_fit' class.",
                            call. = FALSE)

 if(get_importance(object) != 'anova' && type_vi == 'anova')
  stop("ANOVA importance can only be computed while an orsf object",
       " is being fitted. To get ANOVA importance values, re-grow your",
       " orsf object with importance = 'anova'",
       call. = FALSE)

  stop("training data were not found in object, ",
       "but are needed to collapse factor importance values. ",
       "Did you use attach_data = FALSE when ",
       "running orsf()?", call. = FALSE)

 out <- switch(
  'anova' = as.matrix(get_importance_values(object)),
  'negate' = orsf_vi_oobag_(object, type_vi, oobag_fun,
                            n_thread, verbose_progress),
  'permute' = orsf_vi_oobag_(object, type_vi, oobag_fun,
                             n_thread, verbose_progress)

 # nan's occur if a variable was never used, so:
 out[is.nan(out)] <- 0

 if(group_factors) {

  fi <- get_fctr_info(object)


   for(f in fi$cols[!fi$ordr]){

    f_lvls <- fi$lvls[[f]]
    f_rows <- match(paste(f, f_lvls[-1], sep = '_'), rownames(out))
    f_wts <- 1

    if(length(f_lvls) > 2){
     f_wts <- prop.table(x = table(object$data[[f]])[-1])

    f_vi <- sum(out[f_rows] * f_wts, na.rm = TRUE)

    out[f_rows] <- f_vi
    rownames(out)[f_rows] <- f


   if(!is_empty(fi$cols[!fi$ordr])) out <- unique(out)



 rev(out[order(out), , drop=TRUE])


#' Variable importance oobag working function
#' used to pass data and function specification to C++
#' @inheritParams orsf_vi_
#' @noRd
orsf_vi_oobag_ <- function(object,

 # can remove this b/c prediction accuracy is now computed at tree level
 # if(!contains_oobag(object)){
 #  stop("cannot compute ",
 #       switch(type_vi, 'negate' = 'negation', 'permute' = 'permutation'),
 #       " importance if the orsf_fit object does not have out-of-bag error",
 #       " (see oobag_pred in ?orsf).",
 #       call. = FALSE)
 # }

 if(contains_vi(object) &&
    is.null(oobag_fun) &&
    get_importance(object) == type_vi){

  out <- matrix(get_importance_values(object), ncol = 1)

  rownames(out) <- names(get_importance_values(object))




  f_oobag_eval <- function(x) x
  type_oobag_eval <- 'cstat'

 } else {

  f_oobag_eval <- oobag_fun
  type_oobag_eval <- 'user'


 y <- prep_y_from_orsf(object)
 x <- prep_x_from_orsf(object)

 # Put data in the same order that it was in when object was fit
 sorted <- order(y[, 1], -y[, 2])

 control <- get_control(object)

 orsf_out <- orsf_cpp(x = x[sorted, , drop = FALSE],
                      y = y[sorted, , drop = FALSE],
                      w = get_weights_user(object),
                      tree_type_R = get_tree_type(object),
                      tree_seeds = get_tree_seeds(object),
                      loaded_forest = object$forest,
                      n_tree = get_n_tree(object),
                      mtry = get_mtry(object),
                      sample_with_replacement = get_sample_with_replacement(object),
                      sample_fraction = get_sample_fraction(object),
                      vi_type_R = switch(type_vi,
                                         'negate' = 1,
                                         'permute' = 2),
                      vi_max_pvalue = get_vi_max_pvalue(object),
                      oobag_R_function = f_oobag_eval,
                      leaf_min_events = get_leaf_min_events(object),
                      leaf_min_obs = get_leaf_min_obs(object),
                      split_rule_R = switch(get_split_rule(object),
                                            "logrank" = 1,
                                            "cstat" = 2),
                      split_min_events = get_split_min_events(object),
                      split_min_obs = get_split_min_obs(object),
                      split_min_stat = get_split_min_stat(object),
                      split_max_cuts = get_n_split(object),
                      split_max_retry = get_n_retry(object),
                      lincomb_R_function = control$lincomb_R_function,
                      lincomb_type_R = switch(control$lincomb_type,
                                              'glm' = 1,
                                              'random' = 2,
                                              'net' = 3,
                                              'custom' = 4),
                      lincomb_eps = control$lincomb_eps,
                      lincomb_iter_max = control$lincomb_iter_max,
                      lincomb_scale = control$lincomb_scale,
                      lincomb_alpha = control$lincomb_alpha,
                      lincomb_df_target = control$lincomb_df_target,
                      lincomb_ties_method = switch(tolower(control$lincomb_ties_method),
                                                   'breslow' = 0,
                                                   'efron'   = 1),
                      pred_type_R = 4,
                      pred_mode = FALSE,
                      pred_aggregate = TRUE,
                      pred_horizon = get_oobag_pred_horizon(object),
                      oobag = FALSE,
                      oobag_eval_type_R = switch(type_oobag_eval,
                                                 'cstat' = 1,
                                                 'user' = 2),
                      oobag_eval_every = get_n_tree(object),
                      pd_type_R = 0,
                      pd_x_vals = list(matrix(0, ncol=1, nrow=1)),
                      pd_x_cols = list(matrix(1L, ncol=1, nrow=1)),
                      pd_probs = c(0),
                      n_thread = n_thread,
                      write_forest = FALSE,
                      run_forest = TRUE,
                      verbosity = get_verbose_progress(object))

 out <- orsf_out$importance
 rownames(out) <- colnames(x)


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aorsf documentation built on Oct. 26, 2023, 5:08 p.m.