Man pages for apaTables
Create American Psychological Association (APA) Style Tables

albumalbum data from textbook
apa.1way.tableCreates a table of means and standard deviations for a 1-way...
apa.2way.tableCreates a table of means and standard deviations for a 2-way...
apa.aov.tableCreates a fixed-effects ANOVA table in APA style
apa.cor.tableCreates a correlation table in APA style with means and...
apa.d.tableCreates a d-values for all paired comparisons in APA style
apa.ezANOVA.tableCreates an ANOVA table in APA style based output of ezANOVA...
apa.reg.boot.tableCreates a regresion table in APA style with bootstrap...
apa.reg.tableCreates a regresion table in APA style
apaTablesCreate American Psychological Association (APA) Style Tables
dating_widedating data from textbook
drink_attitude_widedrink attitude data from textbook
EysenckEysenck data
fidler_thompsonFidler & Thompson (2001) Fixed-Effects ANOVA data confidence interval for partial eta-squared in a...
gogglesgoggles data from textbook
viagraviagra data from textbook
apaTables documentation built on Jan. 13, 2021, 11:22 p.m.