Man pages for apache.sedona
R Interface for Apache Sedona

apache.sedona-packageapache.sedona: R Interface for Apache Sedona
approx_countFind the approximate total number of records within a Spatial...
crs_transformPerform a CRS transformation.
minimum_bounding_boxFind the minimal bounding box of a geometry.
new_bounding_boxConstruct a bounding box object.
sdf_register.spatial_rddImport data from a spatial RDD into a Spark Dataframe.
sedona_apply_spatial_partitionerApply a spatial partitioner to a Sedona spatial RDD.
sedona_build_indexBuild an index on a Sedona spatial RDD.
sedona_knn_queryQuery the k nearest spatial objects.
sedona_range_queryExecute a range query.
sedona_read_dsv_to_typed_rddCreate a typed SpatialRDD from a delimiter-separated values...
sedona_read_geojsonRead geospatial data into a Spatial RDD
sedona_read_shapefile_to_typed_rdd(Deprecated) Create a typed SpatialRDD from a shapefile or...
sedona_render_choropleth_mapVisualize a Sedona spatial RDD using a choropleth map.
sedona_render_heatmapVisualize a Sedona spatial RDD using a heatmap.
sedona_render_scatter_plotVisualize a Sedona spatial RDD using a scatter plot.
sedona_save_spatial_rddSave a Spark dataframe containing exactly 1 spatial column...
sedona_spatial_joinPerform a spatial join operation on two Sedona spatial RDDs.
sedona_spatial_join_count_by_keyPerform a spatial count-by-key operation based on two Sedona...
sedona_spatial_rdd_aggregation_routineSpatial RDD aggregation routine
sedona_spatial_rdd_data_sourceCreate a SpatialRDD from an external data source.
sedona_visualization_routinesVisualization routine for Sedona spatial RDD.
sedona_write_wkbWrite SpatialRDD into a file.
spark_read_shapefileRead geospatial data into a Spark DataFrame.
spark_write_geojsonWrite geospatial data from a Spark DataFrame.
spatial_join_opSpatial join operator
spatial_queryExecute a spatial query
to_spatial_rddExport a Spark SQL query with a spatial column into a Sedona...
apache.sedona documentation built on Oct. 12, 2023, 5:11 p.m.