spatial_query: Execute a spatial query

spatial_queryR Documentation

Execute a spatial query


Given a spatial RDD, run a spatial query parameterized by a spatial object x.



A Sedona spatial RDD.


The query object.


Index to use to facilitate the KNN query. If NULL, then do not build any additional spatial index on top of x. Supported index types are "quadtree" and "rtree".


Type of result to return. If "rdd" (default), then the k nearest objects will be returned in a Sedona spatial RDD. If "sdf", then a Spark dataframe containing the k nearest objects will be returned. If "raw", then a list of k nearest objects will be returned. Each element within this list will be a JVM object of type org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry.

apache.sedona documentation built on Oct. 12, 2023, 5:11 p.m.