spatial_join_op: Spatial join operator

spatial_join_opR Documentation

Spatial join operator


R interface for a Sedona spatial join operator



Spatial RDD containing geometries to be queried.


Spatial RDD containing the query window(s).


Type of the join query (must be either "contain" or "intersect"). If join_type is "contain", then a geometry from spatial_rdd will match a geometry from the query_window_rdd if and only if the former is fully contained in the latter. If join_type is "intersect", then a geometry from spatial_rdd will match a geometry from the query_window_rdd if and only if the former intersects the latter.


Spatial partitioning to apply to both spatial_rdd and query_window_rdd to facilitate the join query. Can be either a grid type (currently "quadtree" and "kdbtree" are supported) or a custom spatial partitioner object. If partitioner is NULL, then assume the same spatial partitioner has been applied to both spatial_rdd and query_window_rdd already and skip the partitioning step.


Controls how spatial_rdd and query_window_rdd will be indexed (unless they are indexed already). If "NONE", then no index will be constructed and matching geometries will be identified in a doubly nested- loop iterating through all possible pairs of elements from spatial_rdd and query_window_rdd, which will be inefficient for large data sets.

apache.sedona documentation built on Oct. 12, 2023, 5:11 p.m.