
Defines functions valid_predict_types get_pca_score_function score.apd_pca score_apd_pca_bridge score_apd_pca_numeric

Documented in score.apd_pca

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------- Model function implementation ------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

score_apd_pca_numeric <- function(model, predictors) {
  if (!("pcs" %in% names(model))) {
    rlang::abort("The model must contain a pcs argument.")

  # Predict output and subset using `num_comp`
  predicted_output <- stats::predict(model$pcs, predictors)
  predicted_output <- predicted_output[, 1:model$num_comp, drop = FALSE]

  # Compute distances between new pca values and the pca means
  dists <- find_distance_to_pca_means(predicted_output, model$pca_means)

  predicted_output <-
    as_tibble(predicted_output) %>%
    setNames(names0(ncol(predicted_output), "PC")) %>%
    mutate(distance = dists)

  # Compute percentile of new pca values
  new_pctls <- purrr::map2_dfc(
    model$pctls %>%
    predicted_output %>% mutate_all(abs),
    grid = model$pctls$percentile
  ) %>%
    dplyr::rename_all(paste0, "_pctl")


# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------ Model function bridge ------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

score_apd_pca_bridge <- function(type, model, predictors) {
  predictors <- as.matrix(predictors)

  score_function <- get_pca_score_function(type)
  predictions <- score_function(model, predictors)

  hardhat::validate_prediction_size(predictions, predictors)


# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------- Model function interface ----------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Predict from a `apd_pca`
#' @param object A `apd_pca` object.
#' @param new_data A data frame or matrix of new samples.
#' @param type A single character. The type of predictions to generate.
#' Valid options are:
#' - `"numeric"` for numeric predictions.
#' @param ... Not used, but required for extensibility.
#' @details The function computes the principal components of the new data and
#' their percentiles as compared to the training data. The number of principal
#' components computed depends on the `threshold` given at fit time. It also
#' computes the multivariate distance between each principal component and its
#' mean.
#' @return
#' A tibble of predictions. The number of rows in the tibble is guaranteed
#' to be the same as the number of rows in `new_data`.
#' @examples
#' train <- mtcars[1:20, ]
#' test <- mtcars[21:32, -1]
#' # Fit
#' mod <- apd_pca(mpg ~ cyl + log(drat), train)
#' # Predict, with preprocessing
#' score(mod, test)
#' @export
score.apd_pca <- function(object, new_data, type = "numeric", ...) {
  forged <- hardhat::forge(new_data, object$blueprint)
  rlang::arg_match(type, valid_predict_types())
  score_apd_pca_bridge(type, object, forged$predictors)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------- Helper functions ------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

get_pca_score_function <- function(type) {
    numeric = score_apd_pca_numeric

valid_predict_types <- function() {

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