
Defines functions set_layer_names arc_read

Documented in arc_read

#' Read an ArcGIS FeatureLayer, Table, or ImageServer
#' [arc_read()] combines the functionality of [arc_open()] with [arc_select()]
#' or [arc_raster()] to read an ArcGIS `FeatureLayer`, `Table`, or `ImageServer` to an
#' `sf` or `SpatRaster` object. Optionally, set, check, or modify
#' names for the returned data frame or sf object using the `col_names` and
#' `name_repair` parameters.
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' @inheritParams arc_open
#' @param col_names Default `TRUE`. If `TRUE`, use the default column names for
#'   the feature. If `col_names` is a character vector with the same length as
#'   the number of columns in the layer, the default names are replaced with the
#'   new names. If `col_names` has one fewer name than the default column names,
#'   the existing sf column name is retained. If `col_names` is the string
#'   `"alias"`, names are set to match the alias names for the layer, if available.
#' @param col_select Default `NULL`. A character vector of the field names to be
#'   returned. By default, all fields are returned.
#' @param n_max Defaults to 10000 or an option set with
#'   `options("arcgislayers.n_max" = <max records>)`. Maximum number of records
#'   to return.
#' @inheritParams arc_select
#' @inheritParams arc_raster
#' @param name_repair Default `"unique"`. See [vctrs::vec_as_names()] for
#'   details. If `name_repair = NULL`, names are set directly.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to [arc_select()] if URL is a
#'   `FeatureLayer` or `Table` or [arc_raster()] if URL is an `ImageLayer`.
#' @returns An sf object, a `data.frame`, or an object of class `SpatRaster`.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   furl <- "https://sampleserver6.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/Census#' /MapServer/3"
#'   # read entire service
#'   arc_read(furl)
#'   # apply tolower() to column names
#'   arc_read(url, name_repair = tolower)
#'   # use paste0 to prevent CRAN check NOTE
#'   furl <- paste0(
#'     "https://sampleserver6.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/",
#'     "EmergencyFacilities/FeatureServer/0"
#'   )
#'  # use field aliases as column names
#'  arc_read(furl, col_names = "alias")
#'  # read an ImageServer directly
#'  img_url <- "https://landsat2.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/Landsat/MS/ImageServer"
#'  arc_read(
#'    img_url,
#'    width = 100, height = 100,
#'    xmin = -71, ymin = 43,
#'    xmax = -67, ymax = 47.5,
#'    bbox_crs = 4326
#'  )
#' }
#' @export
arc_read <- function(
    col_names = TRUE,
    col_select = NULL,
    n_max = getOption("arcgislayers.n_max", default = 10000),
    name_repair = "unique",
    crs = NULL,
    fields = NULL,
    token = arc_token()
) {
  service <- arc_open(url = url, token = token)

  crs <- crs %||% sf::st_crs(service)

  # if the server is an ImageServer we use arc_raster
  if (inherits(service, "ImageServer")) {
    layer <- arc_raster(
      x = service,
      crs = crs,
      token = token


  } else if (!obj_is_layer(service)) {
    # if it is not a layer we abort
    # implicitly checks for Layer type and permits continuing
        "{.arg url} is not a supported type:
      {.val FeatureLayer}, {.val Table}, or {.val ImageServer}",
        "i" = "found {.val {class(service)}}"

  layer <- arc_select(
    x = service,
    fields = col_select %||% fields,
    crs = crs,
    n_max = n_max,
    token = token,

    col_names = col_names,
    name_repair = name_repair,
    alias = service[["fields"]][["alias"]]

#' Set names for layer or table
#' @noRd
set_layer_names <- function(
    col_names = NULL,
    name_repair = NULL,
    alias = NULL,
    call = rlang::caller_env()
) {
  layer_nm <- names(x)

  # Use existing names by default
  nm <- layer_nm
  sf_column_nm <- attr(x, "sf_column")

  if (is.character(col_names)) {
    # Assign alias values as name if col_names = "alias"
    if (identical(col_names, "alias")) {
      col_names <- alias

    nm <- col_names

  nm_len <- length(nm)

  if (rlang::is_false(col_names)) {
    # Use X1, X2, etc. as names if col_names is FALSE
    nm <- paste0("X", seq(to = nm_len))

  # If x is a sf object and sf column is not in names, check to ensure names
  # work with geometry column
  if (inherits(x, "sf") && sf_column_nm != nm[[nm_len]]) {
    layer_nm_len <- length(layer_nm)
    if (length(nm) == layer_nm_len) {
      # If same number of names as layer columns, use last name for geometry
      x <- sf::st_set_geometry(x, nm[[length(layer_nm)]])
    } else if (length(nm) == (layer_nm_len - 1)) {
      # If same number of names as layer columns, use existing geometry name
      nm <- c(nm, sf_column_nm)

  if (!is.null(name_repair)) {
    rlang::check_installed("vctrs", call = call)
    nm <- vctrs::vec_as_names(
      names = nm,
      repair = name_repair,
      repair_arg = "name_repair",
      call = call

    nm = nm

Try the arcgislayers package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

arcgislayers documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:42 a.m.