
Defines functions .coordinates_sampling

.coordinates_sampling <- function(df, coord1, coord2, coord.out, location.tag){
  df[, coord.out] <- df[, coord1] # copy the minimal value
  sel.rows <- which(df[, coord1] != df[, coord2])
  # tag fuzzy location:
  df[ sel.rows, paste0(coord.out, ".fuzzy") ] <- T
  # get random coordinate:
  results <- apply(df[sel.rows, c(coord1, coord2)], 1,
                   function(x) sample(seq(x[1], x[2]), 1) )
  df[sel.rows, coord.out] <- results
  df[sel.rows, "location_mode"] <- location.tag

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archeoViz documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:04 a.m.