
Defines functions addHooksToPrintGitHub

Documented in addHooksToPrintGitHub

##  archivist package for R
##  archivist.github package for R
#' @title Add \pkg{archivist} Hooks to \pkg{rmarkdown} markdown/LaTeX Reports and Archive Artifact on GitHub
#' @description
#' \code{addHooksToPrintGitHub} adds an overloaded version of the print function for objects of selected class. 
#' The overloaded function will add all objects of selected class to the \link{Repository} and then will add hooks to the HTML report (generated in \pkg{rmarkdown}) for these objects (\code{artifacts} - \link{archivist-package}).
#' This is GitHub version of \code{addHooksToPrint} and it automatically stores artifacts on GitHub - see examples.
#' This function is well explained on this \href{http://r-bloggers.com/r-hero-saves-backup-city-with-archivist-and-github}{http://r-bloggers.com/r-hero-saves-backup-city-with-archivist-and-github} blog post.
#' @param class A character containing a name of class (one or more) that should be archived.
#' @param repo A character containing a name of a GitHub repository on which the Repository is archived.
#' If \code{repo = NULL} then hooks will be added to files in local directories.
#' @param user A character containing a name of a GitHub user on whose account the \code{repo} is created.
#' @param password A character denoting GitHub user password. Can be set globally with \code{aoptions("password", password)}.
#' See \link{agithub}.
#' @param format The same as in \link{alink}.
#' @author 
#' Przemyslaw Biecek (\link{addHooksToPrint}), \email{przemyslaw.biecek@@gmail.com} \cr
#' Marcin Kosinski (\link{addHooksToPrintGitHub}), \email{m.p.kosinski@@gmail.com} 
#' @note
#' One can specify \code{userTags} as in \link{archive} for artifacts by adding \code{"tags"} attribute.
#' See note secion about that in \link{archive}.
#' Bug reports and feature requests can be sent to \href{https://github.com/pbiecek/archivist/issues}{https://github.com/pbiecek/archivist/issues}
#' @references 
#' More about \pkg{archivist.github} can be found on 
#' \href{http://marcinkosinski.github.io/archivist.github/}{marcinkosinski.github.io/archivist.github/} 
#' and about \pkg{archivist} in posts' history on \href{https://pbiecek.github.io/archivist/articles/posts.html}{https://pbiecek.github.io/archivist/articles/posts.html}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # only in Rmd report, links to GitHub repository and archive artifact
#' #' # empty GitHub Repository creation
#' authoriseGitHub(ClientID, ClientSecret) -> github_token
#' # authoriseGitHub also does: aoptions("github_token", github_token)
#' aoptions("user", user.name)
#' aoptions("password", user.password)
#' createGitHubRepo("Museum", default = TRUE) # it does aoptions("repo", "Museum")
#' addHooksToPrintGitHub(class="ggplot") # takes default parameters from ?aoptions
#' qplot(mpg, wt, data = mtcars, geom = "path")
#' summaryRemoteRepo()
#' showRemoteRepo()
#' }
#' @family archivist
#' @rdname addHooksToPrintGitHub
#' @export
addHooksToPrintGitHub <- function(class = "ggplot",
                                  repo = aoptions("repo"),
																	user = aoptions("user"),
																	password = aoptions("password"),
																	format = "markdown"){
	stopifnot(is.character(class), is.character(repo), is.character(user),
						is.character(password), is.character(format))
  # # set local repo to repoDir
  # if (!file.exists( repoDir )) 
  #   createLocalRepo(repoDir)  
  # setLocalRepo(repoDir)
  for (class1 in class) {
    namespace <- gsub(grep(getAnywhere(paste0("print.",class1))$where, 
                           pattern="namespace:", value=T), 
                      pattern="namespace:", replacement="")
    if (length(namespace) == 0) {
      stop(paste0("The function print.", class1, " has not been found. Evaluation stopped for further classes."))
    fun <- paste0('function(x, artifactName = deparse(substitute(x)), ...) {
al <- archive(x, artifactName = artifactName, repo = \"', repo,'\", user = \"', user, '\", password = \"', password, '\", format =\"', format, '\", alink=TRUE)
                	cat("Load: ", al, "\n", sep="")
                  ',namespace,':::print.',class1,'(x, ...)

    fun <- eval(parse(text=fun))
    veryDirtyHack <- 1
    assign(paste0("print.", class1), fun, pos=veryDirtyHack) # 1 should stand for Global Env

Try the archivist.github package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

archivist.github documentation built on May 2, 2019, 8:50 a.m.