suess: del14C in the atmosphere from 1700-1950

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del14C in the atmosphere from 1700-1950


Six reservoir model prediction of the \delta^14C in the atmosphere from approximately 1700-1950 as provided by Bacastow and Keeling (1973).




A data frame with 149 observations on the following 3 variables.




Levels of \delta^14C


Sources used by Bacastow et al. (1973). lermanN = Northern Hemisphere measures from Lerman (1970), lermanS = Southern Hemisphere measures from Lerman (1970), suess = Northern Hemisphere measures from Suess (1955, 1965), stuiver = Northern Hemisphere measures from Stuiver (1963).


Bacastow, R., Keeling, C. D., Woodwell, G. M., & Pecan, E. V. (1973). Atmospheric carbon dioxide and radiocarbon in the natural carbon cycle. II. Changes from AD 1700 to 2070 as deduced from a geochemical model (No. CONF-720510–). Univ. of California, San Diego, La Jolla; Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (USA).


Secondary sources used by Bacastow et al. (1973):

Lerman, J. C., Mook, W. G., & Vogel, J. C. (1970). C14 in tree rings from different localities. In Radiocarbon Variations and Absolute Chronology. Proceedings, XII Nobel Symposium. New York: Wiley. p (pp. 275-301).

Stuiver, M. (1963). Yale natural radiocarbon measurements IX. Radiocarbon, 11, 545-658.

Suess, H. E. (1965). Secular variations of the cosmic-ray-produced carbon 14 in the atmosphere and their interpretations. Journal of Geophysical Research, 70(23), 5937-5952.

Suess, H. E. (1955). Radiocarbon concentration in modern wood. Science, 122(3166), 415-417.


with(suess, plot(Year, del14C, col = Source, pch = as.numeric(Source)))
with(suess, legend("topright", legend = levels(Source), col = 1:4, pch = 1:4))
lines(lowess(suess$Year, suess$del14C, f = .25), lwd = 2)

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