Man pages for atpolR
ATPOL Grid Implementation

atpol100katpol100k creates ATPOL grid 100km x 100km and returns it as...
atpol10katpol10k returns ATPOL grid 10x10 km and returns it as sf...
atpol1katpol1k creates ATPOL grid 1km x 1km and returns it as sf...
atpol_divatpol_div creates ATPOL grid divided by 2, 4 or 5 (based on...
boundaryPLboundaryPL reads the file data/pl_boundary.Rds with...
check_atpol_squareReverse engineering of published ATPOL grids
grid_to_latlongrid_to_latlon converts the ATPOL grid to latitude and...
latlon_to_gridlatlon_to_grid(lat, lon, length) converts geographical...
plotPoitsOnAtpolplotPoitsOnAtpol() plots the observations on ATPOL 10km x...
atpolR documentation built on Sept. 5, 2022, 9:06 a.m.