
Defines functions standardize

Documented in standardize

standardize <-
function(x, batch) {

	stop("Data contains missing values.")
    stop("'batch' has to be of class 'factor'.")
    stop("'x' has to be of class 'matrix'.") 

   batches = levels(batch)
   nbatches = length(batches)
   if(nbatches > 1) {
     # Adjust for additive batch effects (Reference batch?!):
     adjustmentmod = lm(x~batch)
     design = model.matrix(~batch)
     adjustmentcoef = coef(adjustmentmod)
     xcenter = x-design%*%adjustmentcoef
   else {
	 adjustmentcoef <- colMeans(x)
     xcenter = scale(x, center=adjustmentcoef, scale=FALSE)	 
   # Calculate batch-specific standard deviations:
   sdb = as.list(rep(0,nbatches))
   for (i in 1:nbatches) {
      sdb[[i]] = apply(xcenter[batch==batches[i],],2,sd)
   xadj = xcenter
   for (i in 1:nbatches) {
     sdabovezero <- which(sdb[[i]]!=0)
     xadj[batch==batches[i],sdabovezero] = scale(xcenter[batch==batches[i],sdabovezero],center=rep(0,ncol(xcenter[,sdabovezero])),scale=sdb[[i]][sdabovezero])
   params <- list(xadj=xadj)
   params$nbatches <- nbatches
   params$batch <- batch
   class(params) <- "standardize"

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bapred documentation built on June 22, 2022, 9:08 a.m.