
Defines functions rm_since_packages

Documented in rm_since_packages

#' removes installed packages according to a specific date
#' @param date the date of interest in yyyy-mm-dd format
#' @param position takes three arguments "at", "before" or "after". "at" displays the packages installed at the chosen date, "before" before that date and "after" after that date)
#' @param lib a character vector giving the library directories. Defaults to the first element in .libPaths()
#' @return a character vector
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Displaying the packages installed today
#' today_packages()
#' }

rm_since_packages <- function(date, position, lib = .libPaths()){

  decision <- switch(utils::menu(choices = c("NO", "No Way!", "No !!!", "Yes", "Let me think a little bit"), title= glue::glue("Removing the packages that you've installed {position} {date} ?")),"NO", "NO", "NO", "YES", "NO")

  if (decision == "YES"){

    pack_paths <- fs::dir_ls(lib)

    mod_time <- file.mtime(pack_paths)

    mod_time <- as.Date(lubridate::ymd_hms(mod_time))

    data <- data.frame(pack_paths, mod_time)

    if(position == "at"){

      packs <- data[data$mod_time == as.Date(date), ]

    } else if (position == "before") {

      packs <- data[data$mod_time < as.Date(date), ]

    } else {

      packs <- data[data$mod_time > as.Date(date), ]


    # getting the names of the packages (which is the last part of the path)
    pack_names <-  sapply(fs::path_split(packs$pack_paths), utils::tail, 1)

    # removing packages

    message(glue::glue("{pack_names} removed ~~~o_o~~~ "))

  } else {

    message("All right, think again ...")



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batata documentation built on March 8, 2021, 5:06 p.m.