bayesGARCH: Bayesian Estimation of the GARCH(1,1) Model with Student-t...

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Note Author(s) References See Also Examples


Performs the Bayesian estimation of the GARCH(1,1) model with Student-t innovations.


  bayesGARCH(y, mu.alpha = c(0,0), Sigma.alpha = 1000 * diag(1,2), 
             mu.beta = 0, Sigma.beta = 1000,
             lambda = 0.01, delta = 2, control = list())



vector of observations of size T. NA values are not allowed.


hyper-parameter mu_alpha (prior mean) for the truncated Normal prior on parameter alpha:=(alpha0 alpha1)'. Default: a 2x1 vector of zeros.


hyper-parameter Sigma_alpha (prior covariance matrix) for the truncated Normal prior on parameter alpha. Default: a 2x2 diagonal matrix whose variances are set to 1'000, i.e., a diffuse prior. Note that the matrix must be symmetric positive definite.


hyper-parameter mu_beta (prior mean) for the truncated Normal prior on parameter beta. Default: zero.


hyper-parameter Sigma_beta>0 (prior variance) for the truncated Normal prior on parameter beta. Default: 1'000, i.e., a diffuse prior.


hyper-parameter lambda>0 for the translated Exponential distribution on parameter nu. Default: 0.01.


hyper-parameter delta>=2 for the translated Exponential distribution on parameter nu. Default: 2 (to ensure the existence of the conditional variance).


list of control parameters (See *Details*).


The function bayesGARCH performs the Bayesian estimation of the GARCH(1,1) model with Student-t innovations. The underlying algorithm is based on Nakatsuma (1998, 2000) for generating the parameters of the GARCH(1,1) scedastic function alpha:=(alpha0 alpha1)' and beta and on Geweke (1993) and Deschamps (2006) for the generating the degrees of freedom parameter nu. Further details and examples can be found in Ardia (2008) and Ardia and Hoogerheide (2010). Finally, we refer to Ardia (2009) for an extension of the algorithm to Markov-switching GARCH models.

The control argument is a list that can supply any of the following components:


number of MCMC chain(s) to be generated. Default: n.chain=1.


length of each MCMC chain. Default: l.chain=10000.


vector of starting values of chain(s). Default: start.val=c(0.01,0.1,0.7,20). A matrix of size nx4 containing starting values in rows can also be provided. This will generate n chains starting at the different row values.


function which allows the user to add constraints on the model parameters. Default: NULL, i.e. not additional constraints are imposed (see below).


frequency of reports. Default: refresh=10 iterations.


number of printed digits in the reports. Default: digits=4.


A list of class mcmc.list (R package coda).


By using bayesGARCH you agree to the following rules:

The GARCH(1,1) model with Student-t innovations may be written as follows:

y(t) = e(t)*(varrho * h(t))^(1/2)

for t=1,...,T, where the conditional variance equation is defined as:

h(t) := alpha0 + alpha1 * y(t-1)^2 + beta * h(t-1)

where alpha0>0,alpha1,beta>=0 to ensure a positive conditional variance. We set the initial variance to h(0):=0 for convenience. The parameter varrho:=(nu-2)/nu is a scaling factor which ensures the conditional variance of y(t) to be h(t). Finally, e(t) follows a Student-t distribution with nu degrees of freedom.

The prior distributions on alpha is a bivariate truncated Normal distribution:

p(alpha) prop N2(alpha | mu_alpha, Sigma_alpha) I[alpha>0]

where mu_alpha is the prior mean vector, Sigma_alpha is the prior covariance matrix and I[alpha>0] is the indicator function.

The prior distribution on beta is a univariate truncated Normal distribution:

p(theta) prop N(beta | mu_beta, Sigma_beta) I[beta>0]

where mu_beta is the prior mean and Sigma_beta is the prior variance.

The prior distribution on nu is a translated Exponential distribution:

p(nu) = lambda * exp(-lambda(nu-delta)) I[nu>delta]

where lambda>0 and delta>=2. The prior mean for nu is delta + 1/lambda.

The joint prior on parameter psi:=(alpha,beta,nu) is obtained by assuming prior independence:

p(psi) = p(alpha) * p(beta) * p(nu).

The default hyperparameters mu_alpha, Sigma_alpha, mu_beta, Sigma_beta and lambda define a rather vague prior. The hyper-parameter delta>=2 ensures the existence of the conditional variance. The kth conditional moment for e(t) is guaranteed by setting delta>=k.

The Bayesian estimation of the GARCH(1,1) model with Normal innovations is obtained as a special case by setting lambda=100 and delta=500. In this case, the generated values for nu are centered around 500 which ensure approximate Normality for the innovations.

The function addPriorConditions allows to add prior conditions on the model parameters psi:=(alpha0 alpha1 beta nu)'. The function must return TRUE if the constraint holds and FALSE otherwise.

By default, the function is:

    addPriorConditions <- function(psi)

and therefore does not add any other constraint than the positivity of the parameters which are obtained through the prior distribution for ψ.

You simply need to modify addPriorConditions in order to add constraints on the model parameters ψ. For instance, to impose the covariance-stationary conditions to hold, i.e. α_1 + β < 1, just define the function addPriorConditions as follows:

    addPriorConditions <- function(psi)
      psi[2] + psi[3] < 1

Note that adding prior constraints on the model parameters can diminish the acceptance rate and therefore lead to a very inefficient sampler. This would however indicate that the condition is not supported by the data.

The estimation strategy implemented in bayesGARCH is fully automatic and does not require any tuning of the MCMC sampler. The generation of the Markov chains is however time consuming and estimating the model over several datasets on a daily basis can therefore take a significant amount of time. In this case, the algorithm can be easily parallelized, by running a single chain on several processors. Also, when the estimation is repeated over updated time series (i.e. time series with more recent observations), it is wise to start the algorithm using the posterior mean or median of the parameters obtained at the previous estimation step. The impact of the starting values (burn-in phase) is likely to be smaller and thus the convergence faster.

Finally, note that as any MH algorithm, the sampler can get stuck to a given value, so that the chain does not move anymore. However, the sampler uses Taylor-made candidate densities that are especially ‘constructed’ at each step, so it is almost impossible for this MCMC sampler to get stuck at a given value for many subsequent draws. In the unlikely case that such ill behavior would occur, one could scale the data (to have standard deviation 1), or run the algorithm with different initial values or a different random seed.


David Ardia


Ardia, D. (2009) Bayesian Estimation of a Markov-Switching Threshold Asymmetric GARCH Model with Student-t Innovations. Econometrics Journal 12(1), pp. 105-126. doi: 10.1111/j.1368-423X.2008.00253.x

Ardia, D., Hoogerheide, L.F. (2010) Bayesian Estimation of the GARCH(1,1) Model with Student-t Innovations. R Journal 2(2), pp.41-47. doi: 10.32614/RJ-2010-014

Ardia, D. (2008) Financial Risk Management with Bayesian Estimation of GARCH Models. Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems 612. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany. ISBN 978-3-540-78656-6, e-ISBN 978-3-540-78657-3, doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-78657-3

Deschamps, P.J. (2006) A Flexible Prior Distribution for Markov Switching Autoregressions with Student-t Errors. Journal of Econometrics 133, pp.153-190.

Geweke, J.F. (1993) Bayesian Treatment of the Independent Student-t Linear Model. Journal of Applied Econometrics 8, pp.19-40.

Nakatsuma, T. (2000) Bayesian Analysis of ARMA-GARCH Models: A Markov Chain Sampling Approach. Journal of Econometrics 95(1), pp.57-69.

Nakatsuma, T. (1998) A Markov-Chain Sampling Algorithm for GARCH Models. Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics 3(2), pp.107-117.

See Also

garchFit (R package fGarch) for the classical Maximum Likelihood estimation of GARCH models.



  y <- dem2gbp[1:750]

  ## RUN THE SAMPLER (2 chains)
  MCMC <- bayesGARCH(y, control = list(n.chain = 2, l.chain = 200))

  ## MCMC ANALYSIS (using coda)
  smpl <- formSmpl(MCMC, = 50)

  smpl <- as.matrix(smpl)

  MCMC <- bayesGARCH(y, lambda = 100, delta = 500,
                     control = list(n.chain = 2, l.chain = 200))

  addPriorConditions <- function(psi){psi[2] + psi[3] < 1}
  MCMC <- bayesGARCH(y, lambda = 100, delta = 500,
                     control = list(n.chain = 2, l.chain = 200, 
                     addPriorConditions = addPriorConditions))

Example output

chain:  1  iteration:  10  parameters:  0.0473 0.1646 0.668 77.1187 
chain:  1  iteration:  20  parameters:  0.0452 0.2181 0.6324 50.9228 
chain:  1  iteration:  30  parameters:  0.0342 0.2186 0.6677 46.393 
chain:  1  iteration:  40  parameters:  0.0271 0.2128 0.7251 32.807 
chain:  1  iteration:  50  parameters:  0.0302 0.1569 0.7286 24.3119 
chain:  1  iteration:  60  parameters:  0.0267 0.1763 0.7486 18.3085 
chain:  1  iteration:  70  parameters:  0.0252 0.2114 0.7151 15.2974 
chain:  1  iteration:  80  parameters:  0.0271 0.2127 0.7061 14.1358 
chain:  1  iteration:  90  parameters:  0.0271 0.1809 0.7395 13.2707 
chain:  1  iteration:  100  parameters:  0.0343 0.1959 0.6613 14.7607 
chain:  1  iteration:  110  parameters:  0.0511 0.1752 0.6677 18.9667 
chain:  1  iteration:  120  parameters:  0.0394 0.2331 0.6639 17.9445 
chain:  1  iteration:  130  parameters:  0.0292 0.1938 0.712 11.2606 
chain:  1  iteration:  140  parameters:  0.0255 0.1431 0.7562 11.3813 
chain:  1  iteration:  150  parameters:  0.0283 0.1485 0.7359 11.6727 
chain:  1  iteration:  160  parameters:  0.0216 0.1696 0.77 7.9163 
chain:  1  iteration:  170  parameters:  0.0279 0.1705 0.7194 8.6845 
chain:  1  iteration:  180  parameters:  0.0378 0.1699 0.6625 7.627 
chain:  1  iteration:  190  parameters:  0.0403 0.3083 0.6039 7.1882 
chain:  1  iteration:  200  parameters:  0.0442 0.2481 0.6187 6.409 
chain:  2  iteration:  10  parameters:  0.0339 0.2584 0.6653 96.6218 
chain:  2  iteration:  20  parameters:  0.0391 0.2504 0.6328 72.3617 
chain:  2  iteration:  30  parameters:  0.0412 0.2245 0.6537 59.483 
chain:  2  iteration:  40  parameters:  0.0415 0.2462 0.6444 54.6463 
chain:  2  iteration:  50  parameters:  0.0346 0.2415 0.6749 34.685 
chain:  2  iteration:  60  parameters:  0.0285 0.2212 0.7076 46.413 
chain:  2  iteration:  70  parameters:  0.0332 0.212 0.7045 33.2349 
chain:  2  iteration:  80  parameters:  0.038 0.1717 0.6982 34.5699 
chain:  2  iteration:  90  parameters:  0.0299 0.1593 0.7374 36.961 
chain:  2  iteration:  100  parameters:  0.0279 0.2314 0.6875 38.0709 
chain:  2  iteration:  110  parameters:  0.0443 0.2371 0.6127 30.4726 
chain:  2  iteration:  120  parameters:  0.054 0.246 0.5826 25.4455 
chain:  2  iteration:  130  parameters:  0.0509 0.2081 0.6493 20.2063 
chain:  2  iteration:  140  parameters:  0.0459 0.2269 0.6169 30.8129 
chain:  2  iteration:  150  parameters:  0.0412 0.2313 0.6341 27.2102 
chain:  2  iteration:  160  parameters:  0.0424 0.2355 0.6543 26.4526 
chain:  2  iteration:  170  parameters:  0.0294 0.2714 0.6836 13.8314 
chain:  2  iteration:  180  parameters:  0.0287 0.1452 0.7525 11.4426 
chain:  2  iteration:  190  parameters:  0.0236 0.1247 0.7901 10.2146 
chain:  2  iteration:  200  parameters:  0.0224 0.1446 0.7598 10.755 

n.chain:  2 
l.chain:  200  50 
batch.size:  1 
smpl size:  300 

Iterations = 1:300
Thinning interval = 1 
Number of chains = 1 
Sample size per chain = 300 

1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
   plus standard error of the mean:

          Mean        SD  Naive SE Time-series SE
alpha0  0.0335  0.009424 0.0005441       0.002662
alpha1  0.2031  0.042057 0.0024281       0.009744
beta    0.6932  0.056524 0.0032634       0.018136
nu     19.8380 10.613832 0.6127899       4.885155

2. Quantiles for each variable:

          2.5%      25%      50%      75%    97.5%
alpha0 0.01767  0.02665  0.03269  0.03996  0.05354
alpha1 0.13858  0.17162  0.19762  0.23013  0.29714
beta   0.58734  0.64866  0.69819  0.73621  0.78968
nu     6.92325 11.28248 16.00333 27.33288 43.30813

chain:  1  iteration:  10  parameters:  0.0355 0.2077 0.6891 500.0032 
chain:  1  iteration:  20  parameters:  0.0387 0.2114 0.669 500.0888 
chain:  1  iteration:  30  parameters:  0.0507 0.2581 0.5966 500.0272 
chain:  1  iteration:  40  parameters:  0.0806 0.2402 0.4823 500.0264 
chain:  1  iteration:  50  parameters:  0.0705 0.2742 0.5368 500.0024 
chain:  1  iteration:  60  parameters:  0.0639 0.2045 0.5896 500.0072 
chain:  1  iteration:  70  parameters:  0.0394 0.2132 0.6762 500.0097 
chain:  1  iteration:  80  parameters:  0.0622 0.2643 0.5421 500.0102 
chain:  1  iteration:  90  parameters:  0.0659 0.2293 0.5487 500.0048 
chain:  1  iteration:  100  parameters:  0.0476 0.2303 0.6407 500.0047 
chain:  1  iteration:  110  parameters:  0.0637 0.2082 0.5981 500.0041 
chain:  1  iteration:  120  parameters:  0.049 0.2093 0.6264 500.0355 
chain:  1  iteration:  130  parameters:  0.044 0.2744 0.6372 500.0039 
chain:  1  iteration:  140  parameters:  0.0438 0.1699 0.7013 500.0087 
chain:  1  iteration:  150  parameters:  0.0348 0.2298 0.6985 500.0098 
chain:  1  iteration:  160  parameters:  0.0423 0.1962 0.6877 500.0008 
chain:  1  iteration:  170  parameters:  0.0568 0.2556 0.6006 500.0024 
chain:  1  iteration:  180  parameters:  0.0505 0.2499 0.6105 500.0073 
chain:  1  iteration:  190  parameters:  0.0576 0.2092 0.5892 500.0066 
chain:  1  iteration:  200  parameters:  0.044 0.2544 0.6369 500.0003 
chain:  2  iteration:  10  parameters:  0.0321 0.2527 0.6922 500.0014 
chain:  2  iteration:  20  parameters:  0.038 0.2214 0.6558 500.0024 
chain:  2  iteration:  30  parameters:  0.0465 0.1758 0.6608 500.0029 
chain:  2  iteration:  40  parameters:  0.0358 0.2436 0.6501 500.0061 
chain:  2  iteration:  50  parameters:  0.0406 0.2012 0.6775 500.0004 
chain:  2  iteration:  60  parameters:  0.0317 0.1906 0.7216 500.0231 
chain:  2  iteration:  70  parameters:  0.0304 0.2327 0.7026 500.0002 
chain:  2  iteration:  80  parameters:  0.0411 0.2313 0.6314 500.0117 
chain:  2  iteration:  90  parameters:  0.0535 0.1916 0.6232 500.0006 
chain:  2  iteration:  100  parameters:  0.0568 0.2045 0.6432 500.0153 
chain:  2  iteration:  110  parameters:  0.0644 0.3206 0.5004 500.001 
chain:  2  iteration:  120  parameters:  0.0623 0.186 0.6353 500.0052 
chain:  2  iteration:  130  parameters:  0.0618 0.2287 0.5527 500.0078 
chain:  2  iteration:  140  parameters:  0.0406 0.16 0.7109 500.0067 
chain:  2  iteration:  150  parameters:  0.0382 0.1442 0.7131 500.0006 
chain:  2  iteration:  160  parameters:  0.0449 0.2145 0.6555 500.0022 
chain:  2  iteration:  170  parameters:  0.0376 0.2475 0.6433 500.0084 
chain:  2  iteration:  180  parameters:  0.0561 0.1922 0.6331 500.0141 
chain:  2  iteration:  190  parameters:  0.0382 0.2231 0.6664 500.0105 
chain:  2  iteration:  200  parameters:  0.0244 0.2049 0.7433 500.0016 
chain:  1  iteration:  10  parameters:  0.0311 0.1806 0.7297 500.002 
chain:  1  iteration:  20  parameters:  0.0325 0.2461 0.6704 500.056 
chain:  1  iteration:  30  parameters:  0.0353 0.1912 0.6993 500.0242 
chain:  1  iteration:  40  parameters:  0.0312 0.2285 0.6985 500.0133 
chain:  1  iteration:  50  parameters:  0.0379 0.2141 0.697 500.0061 
chain:  1  iteration:  60  parameters:  0.0383 0.2301 0.6628 500.0026 
chain:  1  iteration:  70  parameters:  0.0398 0.171 0.7084 500.0013 
chain:  1  iteration:  80  parameters:  0.0319 0.1833 0.713 500.009 
chain:  1  iteration:  90  parameters:  0.038 0.2019 0.6734 500.0026 
chain:  1  iteration:  100  parameters:  0.0317 0.2058 0.6946 500.0013 
chain:  1  iteration:  110  parameters:  0.0502 0.1687 0.6692 500.005 
chain:  1  iteration:  120  parameters:  0.0239 0.2251 0.7405 500.0008 
chain:  1  iteration:  130  parameters:  0.0201 0.1897 0.7577 500.0066 
chain:  1  iteration:  140  parameters:  0.0248 0.1537 0.774 500.0015 
chain:  1  iteration:  150  parameters:  0.0279 0.2363 0.703 500.0006 
chain:  1  iteration:  160  parameters:  0.0302 0.2034 0.7189 500.0003 
chain:  1  iteration:  170  parameters:  0.0358 0.2138 0.6975 500.0027 
chain:  1  iteration:  180  parameters:  0.0412 0.2152 0.6578 500.0167 
chain:  1  iteration:  190  parameters:  0.0433 0.1965 0.6787 500.0012 
chain:  1  iteration:  200  parameters:  0.039 0.219 0.6536 500.0017 
chain:  2  iteration:  10  parameters:  0.0272 0.1807 0.7378 500.0139 
chain:  2  iteration:  20  parameters:  0.0455 0.1636 0.6786 500.0264 
chain:  2  iteration:  30  parameters:  0.0342 0.1638 0.7338 500.0157 
chain:  2  iteration:  40  parameters:  0.0386 0.1807 0.7077 500.0027 
chain:  2  iteration:  50  parameters:  0.0379 0.22 0.6607 500.0219 
chain:  2  iteration:  60  parameters:  0.0526 0.3436 0.5422 500.0285 
chain:  2  iteration:  70  parameters:  0.107 0.2086 0.4865 500.0006 
chain:  2  iteration:  80  parameters:  0.0783 0.2861 0.4534 500.029 
chain:  2  iteration:  90  parameters:  0.0923 0.3137 0.4085 500.0084 
chain:  2  iteration:  100  parameters:  0.0836 0.3554 0.4355 500.0082 
chain:  2  iteration:  110  parameters:  0.0762 0.293 0.5142 500.0138 
chain:  2  iteration:  120  parameters:  0.0742 0.2344 0.5108 500.0153 
chain:  2  iteration:  130  parameters:  0.0415 0.2848 0.5945 500.0016 
chain:  2  iteration:  140  parameters:  0.0538 0.1666 0.6315 500.0068 
chain:  2  iteration:  150  parameters:  0.0494 0.2902 0.565 500 
chain:  2  iteration:  160  parameters:  0.0523 0.2231 0.6561 500.0044 
chain:  2  iteration:  170  parameters:  0.0423 0.2709 0.6179 500.0089 
chain:  2  iteration:  180  parameters:  0.0442 0.2032 0.6636 500.0001 
chain:  2  iteration:  190  parameters:  0.0545 0.2587 0.5859 500.0127 
chain:  2  iteration:  200  parameters:  0.0504 0.2609 0.5913 500.0031 

bayesGARCH documentation built on May 17, 2021, 1:09 a.m.