Man pages for bayesRecon
Probabilistic Reconciliation via Conditioning

bayesRecon-packagebayesRecon: Probabilistic Reconciliation via Conditioning
carparts_exampleExample of a time series from carparts
extr_mkt_eventsExtreme market events dataset
extr_mkt_events_basefcBase forecasts for the extreme market events dataset
get_reconc_matricesBuild hierarchy matrices
infantMortalityInfant Mortality grouped time series dataset
M3_exampleExample of a time series from the M3 forecasting competition
M5_CA1_basefcExample of hierarchical forecasts for a store from the M5...
PMF.get_meanGet the mean of the distribution from a PMF object
PMF.get_quantileGet quantile from a PMF object
PMF.get_varGet the variance of the distribution from a PMF object
PMF.sampleSample from the distribution given as a PMF object
PMF.summaryReturns summary of a PMF object
reconc_BUISBUIS for Probabilistic Reconciliation of forecasts via...
reconc_gaussianAnalytical reconciliation of Gaussian base forecasts
reconc_MCMCMCMC for Probabilistic Reconciliation of forecasts via...
reconc_MixCondProbabilistic forecast reconciliation of mixed hierarchies...
reconc_TDcondProbabilistic forecast reconciliation of mixed hierarchies...
schaferStrimmer_covSchäfer Strimmer covariance shrinkage
temporal_aggregationTemporal aggregation of a time series
bayesRecon documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:56 a.m.