reconc_TDcond: Probabilistic forecast reconciliation of mixed hierarchies...

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reconc_TDcondR Documentation

Probabilistic forecast reconciliation of mixed hierarchies via top-down conditioning


Uses the top-down conditioning algorithm to draw samples from the reconciled forecast distribution. Reconciliation is performed in two steps: first, the upper base forecasts are reconciled via conditioning, using only the hierarchical constraints between the upper variables; then, the bottom distributions are updated via a probabilistic top-down procedure.


  bottom_in_type = "pmf",
  distr = NULL,
  num_samples = 20000,
  return_type = "pmf",
  suppress_warnings = FALSE,
  seed = NULL



aggregation matrix (n_upper x n_bottom).


A list containing the bottom base forecasts, see details.


A list containing the upper base forecasts, see details.


A string with three possible values:

  • 'pmf' if the bottom base forecasts are in the form of pmf, see details;

  • 'samples' if the bottom base forecasts are in the form of samples;

  • 'params' if the bottom base forecasts are in the form of estimated parameters.


A string describing the type of bottom base forecasts ('poisson' or 'nbinom').

This is only used if bottom_in_type=='params'.


Number of samples drawn from the reconciled distribution. This is ignored if bottom_in_type='samples'; in this case, the number of reconciled samples is equal to the number of samples of the base forecasts.


The return type of the reconciled distributions. A string with three possible values:

  • 'pmf' returns a list containing the reconciled marginal pmf objects;

  • 'samples' returns a list containing the reconciled multivariate samples;

  • 'all' returns a list with both pmf objects and samples.


Logical. If TRUE, no warnings about samples are triggered. If FALSE, warnings are generated. Default is FALSE. See Details.


Seed for reproducibility.


The base bottom forecasts fc_bottom must be a list of length n_bottom, where each element is either

  • a PMF object (see details below), if bottom_in_type='pmf';

  • a vector of samples, if bottom_in_type='samples';

  • a list of parameters, if bottom_in_type='params':

    • lambda for the Poisson base forecast if distr='poisson', see Poisson;

    • size and prob (or mu) for the negative binomial base forecast if distr='nbinom', see NegBinomial.

The base upper forecasts fc_upper must be a list containing the parameters of the multivariate Gaussian distribution of the upper forecasts. The list must contain only the named elements mu (vector of length n_upper) and Sigma (n_upper x n_upper matrix).

The order of the upper and bottom base forecasts must match the order of (respectively) the rows and the columns of A.

A PMF object is a numerical vector containing the probability mass function of a discrete distribution. Each element corresponds to the probability of the integers from 0 to the last value of the support. See also PMF.get_mean, PMF.get_var, PMF.sample, PMF.get_quantile, PMF.summary for functions that handle PMF objects.

If some of the reconciled upper samples lie outside the support of the bottom-up distribution, those samples are discarded and a warning is triggered. The warning reports the percentage of samples kept.


A list containing the reconciled forecasts. The list has the following named elements:

  • bottom_reconciled: a list containing the pmf, the samples (matrix n_bottom x num_samples) or both, depending on the value of return_type;

  • upper_reconciled: a list containing the pmf, the samples (matrix n_upper x num_samples) or both, depending on the value of return_type.


Zambon, L., Azzimonti, D., Rubattu, N., Corani, G. (2024). Probabilistic reconciliation of mixed-type hierarchical time series. The 40th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, accepted.

See Also

reconc_MixCond(), reconc_BUIS()



# Consider a simple hierarchy with two bottom and one upper
A <- matrix(c(1,1),nrow=1)
# The bottom forecasts are Poisson with lambda=15
lambda <- 15
n_tot <- 60
fc_bottom <- list()
fc_bottom[[1]] <- apply(matrix(seq(0,n_tot)),MARGIN=1,FUN=function(x) dpois(x,lambda=lambda))
fc_bottom[[2]] <- apply(matrix(seq(0,n_tot)),MARGIN=1,FUN=function(x) dpois(x,lambda=lambda))

# The upper forecast is a Normal with mean 40 and std 5
fc_upper<- list(mu=40, Sigma=matrix(c(5^2)))

# We can reconcile with reconc_TDcond
res.TDcond <- reconc_TDcond(A, fc_bottom, fc_upper)

# Note that the bottom distributions are shifted to the right


# The upper distribution remains similar

## Example 2: reconciliation with unbalanced hierarchy
# We consider the example in Fig. 9 of Zambon et al. (2024).

# The hierarchy has 5 bottoms and 3 uppers
A <- matrix(c(1,1,1,1,1,
              0,0,1,1,0),nrow=3,byrow = TRUE)
# Note that the 5th bottom only appears in the highest level, this is an unbalanced hierarchy. 
n_upper  = nrow(A)
n_bottom = ncol(A)

# The bottom forecasts are Poisson with lambda=15
lambda <- 15
n_tot <- 60
fc_bottom <- list()
for(i in seq(n_bottom)){
  fc_bottom[[i]] <- apply(matrix(seq(0,n_tot)),MARGIN=1,FUN=function(x) dpois(x,lambda=lambda))

# The upper forecasts are a multivariate Gaussian
mu = c(75, 30, 30)
Sigma = matrix(c(5^2,5,5,
                 5, 10, 0,
                 5, 0,10), nrow=3, byrow = TRUE)
fc_upper<- list(mu=mu, Sigma=Sigma)
## Not run: 
# If we reconcile with reconc_TDcond it won't work
res.TDcond <- reconc_TDcond(A, fc_bottom, fc_upper)

## End(Not run)

# We can balance the hierarchy with by duplicating the node b5
# In practice this means: 
# i) consider the time series observations for b5 as the upper u4,
# ii) fit the multivariate ts model for u1, u2, u3, u4. 

# In this example we simply assume that the forecast for u1-u4 is 
# Gaussian with the mean and variance of u4 given by the parameters in b5. 
mean_b5 <- lambda
var_b5  <- lambda
mu = c(75, 30, 30,mean_b5)
Sigma = matrix(c(5^2,5,5,5,
                 5, 10, 0, 0,
                 5, 0, 10, 0,
                 5, 0,  0, var_b5), nrow=4, byrow = TRUE)
fc_upper<- list(mu=mu, Sigma=Sigma)

# We also need to update the aggregation matrix
A <- matrix(c(1,1,1,1,1,
              0,0,0,0,1),nrow=4,byrow = TRUE)
# We can now reconcile with TDcond
res.TDcond <- reconc_TDcond(A, fc_bottom, fc_upper)

# Note that the reconciled distribution of b5 and u4 are identical, 
# keep this in mind when using the results of your reconciliation!
max(abs(res.TDcond$bottom_reconciled$pmf[[5]]- res.TDcond$upper_reconciled$pmf[[4]]))

bayesRecon documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:08 p.m.