
Defines functions fit_regimes

Documented in fit_regimes

# Some of the following code copied (and modified) from
# https://github.com/luisdamiano/stancon18
# under CC-BY 4.0

#' Fit models with differing numbers of regimes to trend data
#' @param y Data, time series or trend from fitted DFA model.
#' @param sds Optional time series of standard deviations of estimates.
#'   If passed in, residual variance not estimated. Defaults to `NULL`.
#' @param n_regimes Number of regimes to evaluate, defaults 2
#' @param ... Other parameters to pass to [rstan::sampling()].
#' @param iter MCMC iterations, defaults to 2000.
#' @param thin MCMC thinning rate, defaults to 1.
#' @param chains MCMC chains, defaults to 1 (note that running multiple chains
#'   may result in a label switching problem where the regimes are identified
#'   with different IDs across chains).
#' @export
#' @importFrom rstan sampling
#' @importFrom loo extract_log_lik loo
#' @import Rcpp
#' @examples
#' data(Nile)
#' fit_regimes(log(Nile), iter = 50, n_regimes = 1)
fit_regimes <- function(y,
                        sds = NULL,
                        n_regimes = 2,
                        iter = 2000,
                        thin = 1,
                        chains = 1,
                        ...) {
  est_sigma <- 0
  if (is.null(sds)) {
    # estimate sigma, instead of using fixed values
    sds <- rep(0, length(y))
    est_sigma <- 1

  if (n_regimes < 1) stop("`n_regimes` must be an integer >= 1.", call. = FALSE)

  if (identical(as.integer(n_regimes), 1L)) {
    stan_data <- list(
      T = length(y),
      K = 1,
      x_t = y,
      sigma_t = sds,
      est_sigma = est_sigma,
      pars = c("mu_k", "sigma_k", "log_lik")

    m <- rstan::sampling(
      object = stanmodels$regime_1,
      data = stan_data,
      iter = iter,
      chains = chains,
      init = function() {
        hmm_init(n_regimes, y)

  if (n_regimes > 1) {
    stan_data <- list(
      T = length(y),
      K = n_regimes,
      x_t = y,
      sigma_t = sds,
      est_sigma = est_sigma,
      pars = c(
        "p_1k", "A_ij", "mu_k", "sigma_k", "log_lik", "unalpha_tk", "gamma_tk",
        "unbeta_tk", "ungamma_tk", "alpha_tk", "beta_tk", "zstar_t",

    m <- rstan::sampling(
      object = stanmodels$hmm_gaussian,
      data = stan_data,
      iter = iter,
      thin = thin,
      chains = chains,
      init = function() {
        hmm_init(n_regimes, y)

  log_lik <- loo::extract_log_lik(m, merge_chains = FALSE)
  # n_chains = dim(rstan::extract(m, "log_lik", permuted=FALSE))[2]
  rel_eff <- loo::relative_eff(exp(log_lik))
  # calculate looic
  looic <- loo::loo(log_lik, r_eff = rel_eff)$estimates["looic", 1]

  list(model = m, y = y, looic = looic)

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bayesdfa documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:17 p.m.