View source: R/rbayesBLP_rcpp.R
rbayesBLP | R Documentation |
implements a hybrid MCMC algorithm for aggregate level sales data in a market with differentiated products. bayesm version 3.1-0 and prior verions contain an error when using instruments with this function; this will be fixed in a future version.
rbayesBLP(Data, Prior, Mcmc)
Data |
list(X, share, J, Z) |
Prior |
list(sigmasqR, theta_hat, A, deltabar, Ad, nu0, s0_sq, VOmega) |
Mcmc |
list(R, keep, nprint, H, initial_theta_bar, initial_r, initial_tau_sq, initial_Omega, initial_delta, s, cand_cov, tol) |
A list containing:
thetabardraw |
Sigmadraw |
rdraw |
tausqdraw |
Omegadraw |
deltadraw |
acceptrate |
scalor of acceptance rate of Metropolis-Hasting |
s |
scale parameter used for Metropolis-Hasting |
cand_cov |
var-cov matrix used for Metropolis-Hasting |
Data = list(X, share, J, Z)
J: | number of alternatives, excluding an outside option |
X: | J*T x K matrix (no outside option, which is normalized to 0). |
If IV is used, the last column of X is the endogeneous variable. |
share: | J*T vector (no outside option). |
Note that both the share vector and the X matrix are organized by the jt index. |
j varies faster than t , i.e. (j=1,t=1), (j=2,t=1), ..., (j=J,T=1), ..., (j=J,t=T) |
Z: | J*T x I matrix of instrumental variables (optional)
Prior = list(sigmasqR, theta_hat, A, deltabar, Ad, nu0, s0_sq, VOmega)
sigmasqR: | K*(K+1)/2 vector for r prior variance (def: diffuse prior for \Sigma ) |
theta_hat: | K vector for \theta_bar prior mean (def: 0 vector) |
A: | K x K matrix for \theta_bar prior precision (def: 0.01*diag(K) ) |
deltabar: | I vector for \delta prior mean (def: 0 vector) |
Ad: | I x I matrix for \delta prior precision (def: 0.01*diag(I) ) |
nu0: | d.f. parameter for \tau_sq and \Omega prior (def: K+1) |
s0_sq: | scale parameter for \tau_sq prior (def: 1) |
VOmega: | 2 x 2 matrix parameter for \Omega prior (def: matrix(c(1,0.5,0.5,1),2,2) )
Mcmc = list(R, keep, nprint, H, initial_theta_bar, initial_r, initial_tau_sq, initial_Omega, initial_delta, s, cand_cov, tol)
[only R
and H
R: | number of MCMC draws |
keep: | MCMC thinning parameter -- keep every keep th draw (def: 1) |
nprint: | print the estimated time remaining for every nprint 'th draw (def: 100, set to 0 for no print) |
H: | number of random draws used for Monte-Carlo integration |
initial_theta_bar: | initial value of \theta_bar (def: 0 vector) |
initial_r: | initial value of r (def: 0 vector) |
initial_tau_sq: | initial value of \tau_sq (def: 0.1) |
initial_Omega: | initial value of \Omega (def: diag(2) ) |
initial_delta: | initial value of \delta (def: 0 vector) |
s: | scale parameter of Metropolis-Hasting increment (def: automatically tuned) |
cand_cov: | var-cov matrix of Metropolis-Hasting increment (def: automatically tuned) |
tol: | convergence tolerance for the contraction mapping (def: 1e-6) |
u_ijt = X_jt \theta_i + \eta_jt + e_ijt
type I Extreme Value (logit)
N(\theta_bar, \Sigma)
N(0, \tau_sq)
This structure implies a logit model for each consumer (\theta
Aggregate shares (share
) are produced by integrating this consumer level
logit model over the assumed normal distribution of \theta
N(0, diag(sigmasqR))
N(\theta_hat, A^-1)
nu0*s0_sq / \chi^2 (nu0)
Note: we observe the aggregate level market share, not individual level choices.
Note: r
is the vector of nonzero elements of cholesky root of \Sigma
Instead of \Sigma
we draw r
, which is one-to-one correspondence with the positive-definite \Sigma
u_ijt = X_jt \theta_i + \eta_jt + e_ijt
type I Extreme Value (logit)
N(\theta_bar, \Sigma)
X_jt = [X_exo_jt, X_endo_jt]
X_endo_jt = Z_jt \delta_jt + \zeta_jt
vec(\zeta_jt, \eta_jt)
N(0, \Omega)
N(0, diag(sigmasqR))
N(\theta_hat, A^-1)
N(deltabar, Ad^-1)
IW(nu0, VOmega)
Step 1 (\Sigma
Given \theta_bar
and \tau_sq
, draw r
via Metropolis-Hasting.
Covert the drawn r
to \Sigma
Note: if user does not specify the Metropolis-Hasting increment parameters
and cand_cov
), rbayesBLP
automatically tunes the parameters.
Step 2 without IV (\theta_bar
, \tau_sq
Given \Sigma
, draw \theta_bar
and \tau_sq
via Gibbs sampler.
Step 2 with IV (\theta_bar
, \delta
, \Omega
Given \Sigma
, draw \theta_bar
, \delta
, and \Omega
via IV Gibbs sampler.
r_cand = r_old + s*N(0,cand_cov)
Fix the candidate covariance matrix as cand_cov0 = diag(rep(0.1, K), rep(1, K*(K-1)/2)).
Start from s0 = 2.38/sqrt(dim(r))
Run 500 MCMC chain.
If acceptance rate < 30% => update s1 = s0/5.
If acceptance rate > 50% => update s1 = s0*3.
(Store r draws if acceptance rate is 20~80%.)
s0 = s1
} until acceptance rate is 30~50%
Scale matrix C = s1*sqrt(cand_cov0)
Correlation matrix R = Corr(r draws)
Use C*R*C as s^2*cand_cov.
Peter Rossi and K. Kim, Anderson School, UCLA,
For further discussion, see Bayesian Analysis of Random Coefficient Logit Models Using Aggregate Data by Jiang, Manchanda, and Rossi, Journal of Econometrics, 2009.
if(nchar(Sys.getenv("LONG_TEST")) != 0) {
## Simulate aggregate level data
simulData <- function(para, others, Hbatch) {
# Hbatch does the integration for computing market shares
# in batches of size Hbatch
## parameters
theta_bar <- para$theta_bar
Sigma <- para$Sigma
tau_sq <- para$tau_sq
T <- others$T
J <- others$J
p <- others$p
H <- others$H
K <- J + p
## build X
X <- matrix(runif(T*J*p), T*J, p)
inter <- NULL
for (t in 1:T) { inter <- rbind(inter, diag(J)) }
X <- cbind(inter, X)
## draw eta ~ N(0, tau_sq)
eta <- rnorm(T*J)*sqrt(tau_sq)
X <- cbind(X, eta)
share <- rep(0, J*T)
for (HH in 1:(H/Hbatch)){
## draw theta ~ N(theta_bar, Sigma)
cho <- chol(Sigma)
theta <- matrix(rnorm(K*Hbatch), nrow=K, ncol=Hbatch)
theta <- t(cho)%*%theta + theta_bar
## utility
V <- X%*%rbind(theta, 1)
expV <- exp(V)
expSum <- matrix(colSums(matrix(expV, J, T*Hbatch)), T, Hbatch)
expSum <- expSum %x% matrix(1, J, 1)
choiceProb <- expV / (1 + expSum)
share <- share + rowSums(choiceProb) / H
## the last K+1'th column is eta, which is unobservable.
X <- X[,c(1:K)]
return (list(X=X, share=share))
## true parameter
theta_bar_true <- c(-2, -3, -4, -5)
Sigma_true <- rbind(c(3,2,1.5,1), c(2,4,-1,1.5), c(1.5,-1,4,-0.5), c(1,1.5,-0.5,3))
cho <- chol(Sigma_true)
r_true <- c(log(diag(cho)), cho[1,2:4], cho[2,3:4], cho[3,4])
tau_sq_true <- 1
## simulate data
T <- 300
J <- 3
p <- 1
K <- 4
H <- 1000000
Hbatch <- 5000
dat <- simulData(para=list(theta_bar=theta_bar_true, Sigma=Sigma_true, tau_sq=tau_sq_true),
others=list(T=T, J=J, p=p, H=H), Hbatch)
X <- dat$X
share <- dat$share
## Mcmc run
R <- 2000
H <- 50
Data1 <- list(X=X, share=share, J=J)
Mcmc1 <- list(R=R, H=H, nprint=0)
out <- rbayesBLP(Data=Data1, Mcmc=Mcmc1)
## acceptance rate
## summary of draws
### plotting draws
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