
Defines functions cv.svd.gabriel

Documented in cv.svd.gabriel

#' Cross-Validation for choosing the rank of an SVD approximation.
#' Perform Wold- or Gabriel-style cross-validation for determining the
#' appropriate rank SVD approximation of a matrix.
#' These functions are for cross-validating the SVD of a matrix.  They assume a
#' model $X = U D V' + E$ with the terms being signal and noise, and try to
#' find the best rank to truncate the SVD of \code{x} at for minimizing
#' prediction error.  Here, prediction error is measured as sum of squares of
#' residuals between the truncated SVD and the signal part.
#' For both types of cross-validation, in each replicate we leave out part of
#' the matrix, fit an SVD approximation to the left-in part, and measure
#' prediction error on the left-out part.
#' In Wold-style cross-validation, the holdout set is "speckled", a random set
#' of elements in the matrix.  The missing elements are predicted using
#' \code{\link{impute.svd}}.
#' In Gabriel-style cross-validation, the holdout set is "blocked".  We permute
#' the rows and columns of the matrix, and leave out the lower-right block.  We
#' use a modified Schur-complement to predict the held-out block.  In
#' Gabriel-style, there are \code{krow*kcol} total folds.
#' @rdname cvsvd
#' @aliases cv.svd cv.svd.gabriel cv.svd.wold
#' @param x the matrix to cross-validate.
#' @param k the number of folds (for Wold-style CV).
#' @param krow the number of row folds (for Gabriel-style CV).
#' @param kcol the number of column folds (for Gabriel-style CV).
#' @param maxrank the maximum rank to cross-validate up to.
#' @param tol the convergence tolerance for \code{\link{impute.svd}}.
#' @param maxiter the maximum number of iterations for
#' \code{\link{impute.svd}}.
#' @return \item{call }{the function call} \item{msep }{the mean square error
#' of prediction (MSEP); this is a matrix whose columns contain the mean square
#' errors in the predictions of the holdout sets for ranks 0, 1, ...,
#' \code{maxrank} across the different replicates.} \item{maxrank }{the maximum
#' rank for which prediction error is estimated; this is equal to
#' \code{nrow(msep)+1}.}
#' \item{krow }{the number of row folds (for Gabriel-style only).} \item{kcol
#' }{the number of column folds (for Gabriel-style only).} \item{rowsets }{the
#' partition of rows into \code{krow} holdout sets (for Gabriel-style only).}
#' \item{colsets }{the partition of the columns into \code{kcol} holdout sets
#' (for Gabriel-style only).}
#' \item{k }{the number of folds (for Wold-style only).} \item{sets }{the
#' partition of indices into \code{k} holdout sets (for Wold-style only).}
#' @note Gabriel's version of cross-validation was for leaving out a single
#' element of the matrix, which corresponds to n-by-p-fold.  Owen and Perry
#' generalized Gabriel's idea to larger holdouts, showing that 2-by-2-fold
#' cross-validation often works better.
#' Wold's original version of cross-validation did not use the EM algorithm to
#' estimate the SVD.  He recommend using the NIPALS algorithm instead, which
#' has since faded into obscurity.
#' Wold-style cross-validation takes a lot more computation than Gabriel-style.
#' The \code{maxrank}, \code{tol}, and \code{maxiter} have been chosen to give
#' up some accuracy in the name of expediency.  They may need to be adjusted to
#' get the best results.
#' @author Patrick O. Perry
#' @seealso \code{\link{impute.svd}}, \code{\link{plot.cvsvd}},
#' \code{\link{print.cvsvd}} \code{\link{summary.cvsvd}}
#' @references 
#' Gabriel, K.R. (2002). Le biplot - outil d'explaration de
#' données multidimensionelles.  \emph{Journal de la Société 
#' française de statistique}, Volume 143 (2002) no. 3-4, pp. 5-55.
#' B.
#' Owen, A.B. and Perry, P.O. (2009). Bi-cross-validation of the SVD and the
#' non-negative matrix factorization.  \emph{Annals of Applied Statistics}
#' \bold{3}(2) 564--594.
#' Wold, S. (1978).  Cross-validatory estimation of the number of components in
#' factor and principal components models.  \emph{Technometrics} \bold{20}(4)
#' 397--405.
#' @export
#' @examples
#'   # generate a rank-2 matrix plus noise
#'   n <- 50; p <- 20; k <- 2
#'   u <- matrix( rnorm( n*k ), n, k )
#'   v <- matrix( rnorm( p*k ), p, k )
#'   e <- matrix( rnorm( n*p ), n, p )
#'   x <- u %*% t(v) + e
#'   # perform 5-fold Wold-style cross-validtion
#'   (cvw <- cv.svd.wold( x, 5, maxrank=10 ))
#'   # perform (2,2)-fold Gabriel-style cross-validation
#'   (cvg <- cv.svd.gabriel( x, 2, 2, maxrank=10 ))
cv.svd.gabriel <- function(x, krow=2, kcol=2, 
                           maxrank = floor(min(n - n/krow, p - p/kcol))) {
    x <- as.matrix( x )
    n <- nrow(x)
    p <- ncol(x)
    if (n < 2)
        stop ("x should have at least two rows")
    if (p < 2)
        stop ("x should have at least two columns")
    if ((krow > n) || (krow <= 1)) 
        stop("krow outside allowable range")
    if ((kcol > p) || (kcol <= 1))
        stop("kcol outside allowable range")
    if (maxrank < 0)
        stop("maxrank should be non-negative")
    krow.o <- krow; krow <- round_fold(n, krow);
    kcol.o <- kcol; kcol <- round_fold(p, kcol);
    if (krow != krow.o) 
        warning("krow has been set to ", krow)
    if (kcol != kcol.o)
        warning("kcol has been set to ", kcol)
    s.r <- choose_sets(n, krow)
    s.c <- choose_sets(p, kcol)

    n0 <- n - max( table( s.r ) )
    p0 <- p - max( table( s.c ) )
    maxrank.o <- maxrank
    maxrank   <- min( n0, p0, round( maxrank.o ) )
    if (!missing(maxrank) && maxrank != maxrank.o)
        warning("maxrank has been set to ", maxrank)
    msept <- .Call( "R_cv_svd_gabriel", x, krow, kcol, maxrank, 
                     as.integer( s.r-1 ), as.integer( s.c-1 ) )
    msep  <- t(msept)
    colnames( msep ) <- 0:maxrank
    res    <- list( call=match.call(), krow=krow, kcol=kcol, maxrank=maxrank, 
                    msep=msep, rowsets=s.r, colsets=s.c)
    class( res ) <- c("cvsvd_gabriel", "cvsvd")

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