
## ----inst-flow-core, eval=FALSE-----------------------------------------------
#  if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
#      install.packages("BiocManager")
#  BiocManager::install("flowCore")

## ----read-fcs-defaults, eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------
#  library(beadplexr)
#  .file_name <-
#    system.file("extdata", "K2-C07-A7.fcs", package = "beadplexr")
#  # Load the fcs file with all defaults
#  df <- read_fcs(.file_name = .file_name)

## ----raw-events, eval=FALSE,'hold'----------------------------------
#  facs_plot(df)
#  facs_plot(df, .x = "FL2-H", .y = "FL6-H")

## ----read-fcs-no-filter, eval=FALSE,'hold', eval=FALSE--------------
#  df <- read_fcs(.file_name = .file_name, .filter = NULL)
#  facs_plot(df)
#  facs_plot(df, .x = "FL2-H", .y = "FL6-H")

## ----fcs-h-filter, eval=FALSE,'hold'--------------------------------
#  df <- read_fcs(.file_name = .file_name, .fsc_ssc = c("FSC-H", "SSC-H"),
#                    .filter = list("FSC-H" = c(3.75e5L, 5.5e5L),
#                                   "SSC-H" = c(4e5, 1e6),
#                                   "FL6-H" = c(7L, Inf)))
#  facs_plot(df, .x = "FSC-H", .y = "SSC-H")
#  facs_plot(df, .x = "FL2-H", .y = "FL6-H")

## ----read-fcs-fl2-filter, eval=FALSE,'hold', eval=FALSE-------------
#  df <- read_fcs(.file_name = .file_name, .fsc_ssc = c("FSC-H", "SSC-H"),
#                    .filter = list("FSC-H" = c(3.75e5L, 5.5e5L),
#                                   "SSC-H" = c(4e5, 1e6),
#                                   "FL6-H" = c(7L, Inf),
#                                   "FL2-H" = c(8, 10)))
#  facs_plot(df, .x = "FSC-H", .y = "SSC-H")
#  facs_plot(df, .x = "FL2-H", .y = "FL6-H")

## ----pseudo-color, eval=FALSE,'hold'--------------------------------
#  df <- read_fcs(.file_name = .file_name, .fsc_ssc = c("FSC-A", "SSC-A"),
#                    .filter = list("FSC-A" = c(4e5, 6e5L),
#                                   "SSC-A" = c(4e5, 1e6),
#                                   "FL6-H" = c(7L, Inf)))
#  # We have relatively few events (around 2500), so decreasing the number of bins
#  # make the scale more visible
#  facs_plot(df, .type = "hexbin", .bins = 50)
#  facs_plot(df, .x = "FL2-H", .y = "FL6-H", .type = "hexbin")

## ----eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------
#  #' Read a fcs file.
#  #'
#  #' This is a wrapper around reading a FACS data file using \code{flowCore},
#  #' transforming the channels with bead signal events using
#  #' \code{arcsinhTransform()} from \code{flowCore}, automatic removing boundary
#  #' events of the forward and side scatter channels, subsetting channels (if
#  #' needed), and cast to a \code{data.frame}.
#  #'
#  #' @param .file_name The path and name of the file to be read.
#  #' @param .fsc_ssc The names of the forward and side scatter channels. A
#  #'   character vector of length of two.
#  #' @param .bead_channels The names of the channels with bead events. A character
#  #'   vector of length of at least two.
#  #' @param .filter Optional list of upper and lower cut-off for individual
#  #'   channels. Use \code{.filter = NULL} for no filtering at all.
#  #' @param .compensation A character vector, a compensation matrix, or
#  #'   \code{NULL}. See 'Details' for extended information of the argument.
#  #'
#  #' @param ... additional arguments passed to \code{flowCore::read.FCS}
#  #'
#  #' @details
#  #'
#  #' The \code{.compensation} argument takes a character vector or an actual
#  #' compensation matrix. In case of the latter, it must be a object of class
#  #' \code{matrix}. If an object of class \code{character} is given to the
#  #' \code{.compensation} argument, it can be the keyword 'guess' or a search
#  #' pattern matching the keyword in the fcs file that contains the compensation
#  #' matrix. If the keyword 'guess' is passed, the function looks for a matrix at
#  #' the keywords "SPILL" and "SPILLOVER", and if none are found it takes the
#  #' first matrix which contains the parameter names as column names. Finally, the
#  #' values of \code{.compensation} can also be \code{NULL}, in which case, no
#  #' compensation is performed.
#  #'
#  #' To summarize, the argument \code{.compensation} can be:
#  #'
#  #' \describe{
#  #'   \item{A matrix}{The compensation matrix to apply}
#  #'   \item{A character}{
#  #'     \describe{
#  #'       \item{The word 'guess'}{Looks for a matrix at the keywords "SPILL"
#  #'       and "SPILLOVER". If none found the first matrix with parameter names is
#  #'       applied}
#  #'       \item{A search string}{The first matrix found within the keywords
#  #'       matching the given search string is applied. The search string can be a
#  #'       regular expression}
#  #'     }
#  #'   }
#  #'   \item{NULL}{Nothing is done}
#  #' }
#  #'
#  #' @return A \code{data.frame} with the columns given in \code{.fsc_ssc} and \code{.bead_channels}.
#  #' @export
#  #'
#  #' @seealso \code{\link[flowCore]{rectangleGate}} for instructions to the
#  #'   \code{.filter} list argument, \code{\link[flowCore]{boundaryFilter}}
#  #'   for automatic removal of boundary events, and
#  #'   \code{\link[flowCore]{arcsinhTransform}} for the transformation.
#  #'
#  #'
#  #' @examples
#  #' library(beadplexr)
#  #'
#  #' .file_name <- system.file("extdata", "K2-C07-A7.fcs",
#  #'                           package = "beadplexr")
#  #'
#  #' # Load the fcs file, with no filter
#  #' df <- read_fcs(.file_name = .file_name, .filter = NULL)
#  #'
#  #' plot(df[, c("FSC-A", "SSC-A")])
#  #' plot(df[, c("FL2-H", "FL6-H")])
#  #'
#  #' # Load the fcs file, with default filter
#  #' df <- read_fcs(.file_name = .file_name, .fsc_ssc = c("FSC-H", "SSC-H"))
#  #'
#  #' plot(df[, c("FSC-H", "SSC-H")])
#  #' plot(df[, c("FL2-H", "FL6-H")])
#  #'
#  #' # Load the fcs file, with custom filter
#  #' df <- read_fcs(.file_name = .file_name,
#  #'                   .filter = list("FSC-A" = c(2e5L, 3.3e5L),
#  #'                                  "SSC-A" = c(2e5, 1e6L),
#  #'                                  "FL2-H" = c(11L, 14L),
#  #'                                  "FL6-H" = c(9L, Inf)))
#  #'
#  #' plot(df[, c("FSC-A", "SSC-A")])
#  #' plot(df[, c("FL2-H", "FL6-H")])
#  #'
#  #' # Specify three bead channels
#  #'
#  #' df <- read_fcs(.file_name = .file_name,
#  #'                   .bead_channels = c("FL6-H", "FL2-H", "FL1-H"))
#  #'
#  #' plot(df[, c("FSC-A", "SSC-A")])
#  #' plot(df[, c("FL2-H", "FL6-H")])
#  #' plot(df[, c("FL1-H", "FL2-H")])
#  #' plot(df[, c("FL1-H", "FL6-H")])
#  #'
#  read_fcs <- function(.file_name, .fsc_ssc = c("FSC-A", "SSC-A"), .bead_channels = c("FL6-H", "FL2-H"),
#                       .filter = list("FSC-A" = c(2e5L, 8e5L), "SSC-A"= c(2e5L, 1e6L), "FL6-H" = c(7.3, Inf)),
#                       .compensation = "guess", ...){
#    if(!is.null(.fsc_ssc)){
#      if(length(.fsc_ssc) != 2 | !is.character(.fsc_ssc)){
#        stop(".fsc_ssc must be a character vector of length 2")
#      }
#    }
#    if(!is.null(.bead_channels)){
#      if(length(.bead_channels) < 2 | !is.character(.bead_channels)){
#        stop(".bead_channels must be a character vector of at least 2")
#      }
#    }
#    if(!is.null(.filter)){
#      filter_names <- names(.filter)
#      filter_names <- filter_names[which(!filter_names %in% c(.fsc_ssc, .bead_channels))]
#      if(length(filter_names) > 0){
#        warn_str <-
#          paste(
#            "The filter parameters",
#            paste(filter_names, collapse = ", "),
#            "were not found in '.fsc_ssc' or '.bead_channels', and have been removed"
#          )
#        warning(warn_str)
#        .filter[filter_names] <- NULL
#        if(length(.filter) == 0){
#          .filter <-  NULL
#        }
#      }
#    }
#    flowCore::read.FCS(filename = .file_name, transformation = FALSE, ...) %>%
#      transform_bead_channels(.bead_channels = .bead_channels) %>%
#      apply_compensation(.compensation = .compensation) %>%
#      remove_boundary_events(.channels = c(.fsc_ssc)) %>%
#      subset_channels(.filter = .filter) %>%
#      as_data_frame_flow_frame(.channels = c(.fsc_ssc, .bead_channels))
#  }
#  #' Remove boundary events.
#  #'
#  #' A wrapper around application of \code{flowCore}'s \code{boundaryFilter}.
#  #'
#  #' @param .flow_frame A \code{flowFrame}. Usually the result of \code{read.FCS} from \code{flowCore}.
#  #' @param .channels A character vector with the channels to apply the filter to (mostly just forward and side scatter).
#  #'
#  #' @return A \code{FlowFrame} with border events removed.
#  #'
#  #' @seealso \code{\link[flowCore]{boundaryFilter}} for comments on the filter.
#  #'
#  #' @keywords internal
#  #'
#  #' @examples
#  #' \dontrun{
#  #' library(beadplexr)
#  #' library(flowCore)
#  #'
#  #' .file_name <- system.file("extdata", "K2-C07-A7.fcs",
#  #'                           package = "beadplexr")
#  #'  # Load the fcs file
#  #'  .flow_frame <- read.FCS(filename = .file_name,
#  #'                          transformation = FALSE)
#  #'
#  #' # Plot with all events
#  #' w_bdr <- .flow_frame@exprs
#  #' plot(w_bdr[, c("FSC-A", "SSC-A")])
#  #'
#  #' # Remove boundary events
#  #' .flow_frame <- remove_boundary_events(.flow_frame,
#  #'                           .channels = c("FSC-A", "SSC-A"))
#  #'
#  #' wo_bdr <-
#  #' plot(wo_bdr[, c("FSC-A", "SSC-A")])
#  #' }
#  remove_boundary_events <- function(.flow_frame, .channels){
#    if(is.null(.channels)){
#      return(.flow_frame)
#    }
#    bf <- flowCore::boundaryFilter(x = .channels, side = "both", filterId = "Automatic Boundary")
#    bf <- flowCore::filter(x = .flow_frame, filter = bf)
#    flowCore::Subset(.flow_frame, bf)
#  }
#  #' Subset channels
#  #'
#  #' A wrapper around the application of \code{flowCore}'s \code{rectangleGate}.
#  #'
#  #' @param .flow_frame A \code{flowFrame}. Usually the result of \code{read.FCS}
#  #'   from \code{flowCore}.
#  #' @param .filter An Optional list of upper and lower cutoff for individual
#  #'   channels. Default is no filtering at all.
#  #'
#  #' @return A \code{FlowFrame} with border events removed.
#  #'
#  #' @seealso \code{\link[flowCore]{rectangleGate}} for instructions to the
#  #'   \code{.filter} list argument
#  #'
#  #' @keywords internal
#  #'
#  #' @examples
#  #' \dontrun{
#  #' library(beadplexr)
#  #' library(flowCore)
#  #'
#  #' .file_name <- system.file("extdata", "K2-C07-A7.fcs",
#  #'                             package = "beadplexr")
#  #' # Load the fcs file
#  #'  .flow_frame <- read.FCS(filename = .file_name,
#  #'                           transformation = FALSE)
#  #'
#  #'  # Plot with all events
#  #'  all_events <- .flow_frame@exprs
#  #'  plot(all_events[, c("FSC-A", "SSC-A")])
#  #'  # Events are untransformed
#  #'  plot(all_events[, c("FL2-H", "FL6-H")])
#  #'
#  #'  # A silly thing that does nothing
#  #'  .flow_frame <- subset_channels(.flow_frame)
#  #'  filter_1 <- .flow_frame@exprs
#  #'  plot(filter_1[, c("FSC-A", "SSC-A")])
#  #'
#  #'  # Filter on forward scatter
#  #'  .flow_frame <- subset_channels(.flow_frame,
#  #'                                 .filter = list("FSC-A" = c(1e3L, 2e6)))
#  #'  filter_2 <- .flow_frame@exprs
#  #'  plot(filter_2[, c("FSC-A", "SSC-A")])
#  #'
#  #'  # Filter on forward and side scatter
#  #'  .flow_frame <- subset_channels(.flow_frame,
#  #'                                 .filter = list("FSC-A" = c(2e5L, 6.5e5L),
#  #'                                                 "SSC-A" = c(2e5, 1e6L)))
#  #'  filter_3 <- .flow_frame@exprs
#  #'  plot(filter_3[, c("FSC-A", "SSC-A")])
#  #'
#  #'  # Filter on the unfiltered bead channels (please transform first)
#  #'  .flow_frame <- subset_channels(.flow_frame,
#  #'                                 .filter = list("FL2-H" = c(5e4L, 6e5L),
#  #'                                                "FL6-H" = c(0, 3e5L)))
#  #'  filter_4 <- .flow_frame@exprs
#  #'  plot(filter_4[, c("FL2-H", "FL6-H")])
#  #'
#  #'  # And everything at once
#  #'  .flow_frame <- read.FCS(filename = .file_name,
#  #'                         transformation = FALSE)
#  #' .flow_frame <- subset_channels(.flow_frame,
#  #'                                .filter = list("FSC-A" = c(2e5L, 6.5e5L),
#  #'                                               "SSC-A" = c(2e5, 1e6L),
#  #'                                               "FL2-H" = c(5e4L, 6e5L),
#  #'                                               "FL6-H" = c(0, 3e5L)))
#  #' filter_5 <- .flow_frame@exprs
#  #' plot(filter_5[, c("FSC-A", "SSC-A")])
#  #' plot(filter_5[, c("FL2-H", "FL6-H")])
#  #' }
#  subset_channels <- function(.flow_frame, .filter = NULL){
#    if(is.null(.filter)){
#      return(.flow_frame)
#    }
#    gf <- flowCore::rectangleGate(.filter, filterId = "Manual Boundary")
#    gf <- flowCore::filter(x = .flow_frame, filter = gf)
#    flowCore::Subset(.flow_frame, gf)
#  }
#  #' Cast \code{flowFrame} to \code{data_frame}.
#  #'
#  #' Extracts the flow events from the \code{flowFrame} as a \code{data_frame}
#  #'
#  #' @param .flow_frame A \code{flowFrame}. Usually the result of \code{read.FCS} from \code{flowCore}.
#  #' @param .channels A character vector with the event channels to extract. Default is all channels.
#  #'
#  #' @return A \code{data_frame}
#  #' @keywords internal
#  #'
#  #' @examples
#  #' \dontrun{
#  #' library(beadplexr)
#  #' library(flowCore)
#  #' .file_name <- system.file("extdata", "K2-C07-A7.fcs",
#  #'                           package = "beadplexr")
#  #' # Load the fcs file
#  #' .flow_frame <- read.FCS(filename = .file_name,
#  #'                         transformation = FALSE)
#  #'
#  #' # Get all channels
#  #' as_data_frame_flow_frame(.flow_frame)
#  #'
#  #' # Just interesting
#  #' as_data_frame_flow_frame(.flow_frame,
#  #'                          .channels = c("FSC-A", "SSC-A",
#  #'                                        "FL2-H", "FL6-H"))
#  #' }
#  as_data_frame_flow_frame <- function(.flow_frame, .channels = NULL){
#    if(is.null(.channels)){
#      .channels <- flowCore::featureNames(.flow_frame)
#    }
#    .flow_frame@exprs[, .channels] %>%
#      #tibble::as_tibble()
#  }
#  #' Transform parameters with bead events.
#  #'
#  #' Channels with bead events are transformed using \code{flowCore}'s \code{arcsinhTransform()}.
#  #'
#  #' @param .flow_frame A \code{flowFrame}. Usually the result of \code{read.FCS} from \code{flowCore}.
#  #' @param .bead_channels A character vector of the length of 2 with the names of the channels to transform.
#  #'
#  #' @return A \code{flowFrame} with the beads channels transformed
#  #'
#  #' @keywords internal
#  #'
#  #' @seealso \code{\link[flowCore]{arcsinhTransform}} for the transformation.
#  #'
#  #' @examples
#  #' \dontrun{
#  #' library(beadplexr)
#  #' library(flowCore)
#  #' .file_name <- system.file("extdata", "K2-C07-A7.fcs",
#  #'                           package = "beadplexr")
#  #' # Load the fcs file
#  #' .flow_frame <- read.FCS(filename = .file_name,
#  #'                                  transformation = FALSE)
#  #' # Transform channels
#  #' .flow_frame <- transform_bead_channels(.flow_frame = .flow_frame,
#  #'                             .bead_channels =
#  #'                                 c("FL6-H", "FL2-H"))
#  #' }
#  transform_bead_channels <- function(.flow_frame, .bead_channels){
#    if(is.null(.bead_channels)){
#      return(.flow_frame)
#    }
#    if(length(.bead_channels) < 2){
#      stop(".bead_channels must at least be of length 2")
#    }
#    # If any of the values in bead_channels are not found we cannot transform or
#    # do anything
#    in_fn <- .bead_channels %in% flowCore::featureNames(.flow_frame)
#    if(FALSE %in% in_fn){
#      stop(paste(paste(.bead_channels[!in_fn], collapse = " and "), "not found in the flow frame", sep = " "))
#    }
#    # Transform channels and return
#    transformtion_list <- flowCore::transformList(.bead_channels, flowCore::arcsinhTransform(), transformationId = "defaultArcsinhTransform")
#    flowCore::transform(.flow_frame, transformtion_list)
#  }
#  #' Apply compensation
#  #'
#  #' A compensation matrix is applied
#  #'
#  #' @param .flow_frame A \code{flowFrame}. Usually the result of \code{read.FCS}
#  #'   from \code{flowCore}.
#  #' @param .compensation A character vector, a compensation matrix, or
#  #'   \code{NULL}. See 'Details' for extended information of the argument.
#  #'
#  #' @details
#  #'
#  #' The \code{.compensation} argument takes a character vector or an actual
#  #' compensation matrix. In case of the latter, it must be a object of class
#  #' \code{matrix}. If an object of class \code{character} is given to the
#  #' \code{.compensation} argument, it can be the keyword 'guess' or a search
#  #' pattern matching the keyword in the fcs file that contains the compensation
#  #' matrix. If the keyword 'guess' is passed, the function looks for a matrix at
#  #' the keywords "SPILL" and "SPILLOVER", and if none are found it takes the
#  #' first matrix which contains the parameter names as column names. Finally, the
#  #' values of \code{.compensation} can also be \code{NULL}, in which case, no
#  #' compensation is performed.
#  #'
#  #' To summarize, the argument \code{.compensation} can be:
#  #'
#  #' \describe{
#  #'   \item{A numerical matrix}{The compensation matrix to apply}
#  #'   \item{A character}{
#  #'     \describe{
#  #'       \item{The word 'guess'}{Looks for a matrix at the keywords "SPILL"
#  #'       and "SPILLOVER". If none found the first matrix with parameter names is
#  #'       applied}
#  #'       \item{A search string}{The first matrix found within the keywords
#  #'       matching the given search string is applied. The search string can be a
#  #'       regular expression}
#  #'     }
#  #'   }
#  #'   \item{NULL}{Nothing is done}
#  #' }
#  #'
#  #' @return A compensated \code{flowFrame}
#  #'
#  #' @keywords internal
#  #'
#  #'
#  #' @seealso \code{\link[flowCore]{compensation-class}} for the compensation.
#  #'
#  #' @examples
#  #' \dontrun{
#  #' library(beadplexr)
#  #' library(flowCore)
#  #' .file_name <- system.file("extdata", "K2-C07-A7.fcs",
#  #'                           package = "beadplexr")
#  #' # Load the fcs file
#  #' .flow_frame <- read.FCS(filename = .file_name,
#  #'                                  transformation = FALSE)
#  #' # Apply compensation by guessing the matrix
#  #' .flow_frame <- apply_compensation(.flow_frame = .flow_frame,
#  #'                             .compensation = "guess")
#  #' }
#  #'
#  apply_compensation <- function(.flow_frame, .compensation){
#    # Got nothing, do nothing
#    if(is.null(.compensation)){
#      return(.flow_frame)
#    }
#    if(is.character(.compensation) & length(.compensation) > 1){
#      warning(".compensation can only have the length of 1. I am using just the first element")
#      .compensation <- .compensation[1]
#    }
#    # Test if .x is a numerical matrix with the parameters
#    .get_potential_comp_matrices <- function(.x, .p){
#      if(inherits(.x, "matrix") & is.numeric(.x)){
#        TRUE %in% (.p %in% colnames(.x))
#      }else{
#        FALSE
#      }
#    }
#    # Search keywords and unify warning
#    .search_for_keywords <- function(.keywords, .pattern){
#      .matches <- grepl(.pattern, .keywords, = TRUE) %>% which
#      if(length(.matches) > 1){
#        warning("Found more than one potential compensation matrix. Applying the first.")
#        .matches <- .matches[1]
#      }
#      .matches
#    }
#    # We get either a character or something which can be turned into a numerical matrix
#    if(is.character(.compensation)){
#      ff_keywords <- flowCore::keyword(.flow_frame)
#      ff_parameters <- flowCore::colnames(.flow_frame)
#      # No matter if we guess or were given a search word, we need a numerical
#      # matrix where the parameters are in the column names. Otherwise, the actual
#      # compensation application will fail.
#      num_matrix <- ff_keywords %>%
#        purrr::map_lgl(.get_potential_comp_matrices, .p = ff_parameters)
#      num_matrix <- ff_keywords[num_matrix]
#      # If we found nothing we cannot do nothing - except give a warning
#      if(length(num_matrix) == 0){
#        warning("No compensation applied. I could not find an appropriate matrix in the flow frame.")
#        return(.flow_frame)
#      }
#      if(.compensation == "guess"){
#        # Do the numerical matricies have names that we could expect?
#        match_names <- names(num_matrix) %>% .search_for_keywords(.pattern = "SPILL")
#        if(length(match_names) > 0){
#          comp_matrix <- num_matrix[[match_names]]
#        }else{
#          # We found no standard keywords. If we have more than one potential
#          # matrix, we warn
#          if(length(num_matrix) > 1){
#            warning("Found more than one potential compensation matrix. Applying the first.")
#          }
#          comp_matrix <- num_matrix[[1]]
#        }
#      }else{
#        # A search we have
#        match_names <- names(num_matrix) %>% .search_for_keywords(.pattern = .compensation)
#        if(length(match_names) > 0){
#          comp_matrix <- num_matrix[[match_names]]
#        }else{
#          warning("Your search word gave no match. No compensation applied")
#          return(.flow_frame)
#        }
#      }
#    }
#    else{
#      if(is.numeric(.compensation)){
#        comp_matrix <- .compensation
#      }else{
#        stop("I don't know how to deal with what you gave me. Please check the documentation.")
#      }
#    }
#    flowCore::compensate(.flow_frame, comp_matrix)
#  }

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beadplexr documentation built on July 9, 2023, 5:59 p.m.