
Defines functions prepare_networks df_from_A

Documented in df_from_A prepare_networks

#' @title Prepare networks
#' @description
#' Taking a list of networks as matrices, returns a list of igraph objects
#' @param w A list of network matrices
#' @param directed whether the edges are directed or not
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(anemonefish)
#' networks <- prepare_networks(anemonefish, TRUE)
#' print(networks$Timur)
prepare_networks <- function(w, directed = TRUE)
   w <- name_networks(w) # Check that the networks are named, name them otherwise
   interactions_df <- plyr::llply(w, df_from_A)
   networks <- plyr::llply(interactions_df, function(x) igraph::graph.data.frame(x, directed = directed))
   class(networks) <- "econetwork"

#' @title data.frame from adjancency matrix
#' @param A an adjacency matrix
#' @description Transforms an Adjacency matrix into a data frame
df_from_A <- function(A)
   A[A>0] <- 1
   if(is.null(colnames(A))) stop("The input matrices must have named columns")
   if(is.null(rownames(A))) stop("The input matrices must have named rows")
   A_df <- NULL
   for(i in c(1:NROW(A)))
      for(j in c(1:NCOL(A)))
         if(A[i,j] == 1) A_df <- rbind(A_df, c(rownames(A)[i], colnames(A)[j]))

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betalink documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:51 a.m.