
Defines functions is.na.bignum_bigfloat as_bigfloat.character as_bigfloat.default as.character.bignum_bigfloat as.double.bignum_bigfloat as.integer.bignum_bigfloat as.logical.bignum_bigfloat vec_cast.character.bignum_bigfloat vec_cast.bignum_bigfloat.character vec_cast.bignum_bigfloat.bignum_biginteger vec_cast.double.bignum_bigfloat vec_cast.bignum_bigfloat.double vec_cast.integer.bignum_bigfloat vec_cast.bignum_bigfloat.integer vec_cast.logical.bignum_bigfloat vec_cast.bignum_bigfloat.logical vec_cast.bignum_bigfloat.bignum_bigfloat vec_ptype2.bignum_biginteger.bignum_bigfloat vec_ptype2.bignum_bigfloat.bignum_biginteger vec_ptype2.double.bignum_bigfloat vec_ptype2.bignum_bigfloat.double vec_ptype2.integer.bignum_bigfloat vec_ptype2.bignum_bigfloat.integer vec_ptype2.logical.bignum_bigfloat vec_ptype2.bignum_bigfloat.logical vec_ptype2.bignum_bigfloat.bignum_bigfloat vec_ptype_abbr.bignum_bigfloat vec_ptype_full.bignum_bigfloat is_bigfloat as_bigfloat bigfloat new_bigfloat

Documented in as_bigfloat bigfloat is_bigfloat

#' High-Precision Numeric Vectors
#' @description
#' `bigfloat()` and `as_bigfloat()` construct a vector designed to store numbers
#' with 50 decimal digits of precision.
#' `is_bigfloat()` checks if an object is of class `bignum_bigfloat`.
#' @inheritParams biginteger
#' @return An S3 vector of class `bignum_bigfloat`.
#' @examples
#' # default options limit displayed precision
#' bigfloat(1) / 3
#' # display full precision
#' format(bigfloat(1) / 3, sigfig = 50, notation = "dec")
#' @seealso
#' [`NA_bigfloat_`] to represent missing values.
#' [`format()`][format.bignum_bigfloat()] for pretty printing.
#' `vignette("operations")` for supported operations.
#' @name bigfloat

#' Internal constructor for bigfloat
#' @param x Character vector for conversion
#' @param cxx Boolean specifying whether to pass data through C++ functions.
#'   Set to `FALSE` for namespace export of constants.
#' @noRd
new_bigfloat <- function(x = character(), cxx = TRUE) {
  vec_assert(x, character())

  if (cxx) {
  } else {
    new_vctr(x, class = c("bignum_bigfloat", "bignum_vctr")) # nocov

#' @rdname bigfloat
#' @export
bigfloat <- function(x = character()) {

#' @rdname bigfloat
#' @export
as_bigfloat <- function(x) {

#' @rdname bigfloat
#' @export
is_bigfloat <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "bignum_bigfloat")

#' @export
vec_ptype_full.bignum_bigfloat <- function(x, ...) {

#' @export
vec_ptype_abbr.bignum_bigfloat <- function(x, ...) {

# Coerce -----------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
vec_ptype2.bignum_bigfloat.bignum_bigfloat <- function(x, y, ...) x

#' @export
vec_ptype2.bignum_bigfloat.logical <- function(x, y, ...) x
#' @export
vec_ptype2.logical.bignum_bigfloat <- function(x, y, ...) y

#' @export
vec_ptype2.bignum_bigfloat.integer <- function(x, y, ...) x
#' @export
vec_ptype2.integer.bignum_bigfloat <- function(x, y, ...) y

#' @export
vec_ptype2.bignum_bigfloat.double <- function(x, y, ...) x
#' @export
vec_ptype2.double.bignum_bigfloat <- function(x, y, ...) y

#' @export
vec_ptype2.bignum_bigfloat.bignum_biginteger <- function(x, y, ...) x
#' @export
vec_ptype2.bignum_biginteger.bignum_bigfloat <- function(x, y, ...) y

# Cast -------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
vec_cast.bignum_bigfloat.bignum_bigfloat <- function(x, to, ...) {

#' @export
vec_cast.bignum_bigfloat.logical <- function(x, to, ...) {

#' @export
vec_cast.logical.bignum_bigfloat <- function(x, to, ..., x_arg = "", to_arg = "") {
  out <- c_bigfloat_to_logical(x)
  lossy <- !vec_in(x, vec_c(0, 1, NA_bigfloat_, NaN))
  maybe_lossy_cast(out, x, to, lossy, x_arg = x_arg, to_arg = to_arg)

#' @export
vec_cast.bignum_bigfloat.integer <- function(x, to, ...) {

#' @export
vec_cast.integer.bignum_bigfloat <- function(x, to, ..., x_arg = "", to_arg = "") {
  out <- c_bigfloat_to_integer(x)
  lossy <- xor(is.na(x), is.na(out))
  maybe_lossy_cast(out, x, to, lossy, x_arg = x_arg, to_arg = to_arg)

#' @export
vec_cast.bignum_bigfloat.double <- function(x, to, ...) {

#' @export
vec_cast.double.bignum_bigfloat <- function(x, to, ..., x_arg = "", to_arg = "") {
  out <- c_bigfloat_to_double(x)
  x_loopback <- vec_cast(out, new_bigfloat())
  x_na <- is.na(x)
  lossy <- (x_loopback != x & !x_na) | xor(x_na, is.na(x_loopback))
  maybe_lossy_cast(out, x, to, lossy, x_arg = x_arg, to_arg = to_arg)

#' @export
vec_cast.bignum_bigfloat.bignum_biginteger <- function(x, to, ..., x_arg = "", to_arg = "") {
  out <- new_bigfloat(vec_data(x))
  x_loopback <- vec_cast(out, new_biginteger())
  x_na <- is.na(x)
  lossy <- (x_loopback != x & !x_na) | xor(x_na, is.na(x_loopback))
  maybe_lossy_cast(out, x, to, lossy, x_arg = x_arg, to_arg = to_arg)

#' @export
vec_cast.bignum_bigfloat.character <- function(x, to, ..., x_arg = "", to_arg = "") {
  stop_incompatible_cast(x, to, x_arg = x_arg, to_arg = to_arg)

#' @export
vec_cast.character.bignum_bigfloat <- function(x, to, ..., x_arg = "", to_arg = "") {
  stop_incompatible_cast(x, to, x_arg = x_arg, to_arg = to_arg)

#' @export
as.logical.bignum_bigfloat <- function(x, ...) {
  warn_on_lossy_cast(vec_cast(x, logical()))

#' @export
as.integer.bignum_bigfloat <- function(x, ...) {
  warn_on_lossy_cast(vec_cast(x, integer()))

#' @export
as.double.bignum_bigfloat <- function(x, ...) {
  warn_on_lossy_cast(vec_cast(x, double()))

#' @export
as.character.bignum_bigfloat <- function(x, ...) {

#' @export
as_bigfloat.default <- function(x) {
  warn_on_lossy_cast(vec_cast(x, new_bigfloat()))

#' @export
as_bigfloat.character <- function(x) {

#' @export
is.na.bignum_bigfloat <- function(x) {

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bignum documentation built on May 4, 2023, 9:10 a.m.