


options(bigstatsr.check.parallel.blas = FALSE)


test_that("maha_trans() works", {

  X <- readRDS(system.file("testdata", "three-pops.rds", package = "bigutilsr"))
  svd <- svds(scale(X), k = 5)
  U <- svd$u
  U.maha <- maha_trans(U)
  expect_equal(rowSums(U.maha^2), dist_ogk(U))

  mat <- matrix(rnorm(500), 100, 5)
  maha <- covrob_ogk(U)
  mat.maha <- maha_trans(mat, estim = maha)
               stats::mahalanobis(mat, maha$center, maha$cov))


test_that("LOF() works", {

  X <- readRDS(system.file("testdata", "three-pops.rds", package = "bigutilsr"))
  svd <- svds(scale(X), k = 10)
  # plot(head(svd$d, -1), log = "xy")
  llof <- LOF(svd$u)
  expect_identical(LOF(svd$u, ncores = 2), llof)
  # hist(llof, breaks = 20)
  lof <- LOF(svd$u, log = FALSE)
  expect_equal(log(lof), llof)
  expect_equal(sum(llof > tukey_mc_up(llof)), 0)
  llof_maha <- LOF(svd$u, robMaha = TRUE)
  # hist(llof_maha)
  expect_equal(sum(llof_maha > tukey_mc_up(llof_maha)), 0)

  X2 <- rbind(X[1, ], X)  # duplicate first row
  svd2 <- svds(scale(X2), k = 10)
  llof2 <- LOF(svd2$u)
  expect_equal(which(llof2 > tukey_mc_up(llof2)), 1:2)
  llof2_maha <- LOF(svd2$u, robMaha = TRUE)
  expect_equal(which(llof2_maha > tukey_mc_up(llof2_maha)), 1:2)


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bigutilsr documentation built on April 14, 2021, 1:06 a.m.