Man pages for binomen
'Taxonomic' Specification and Parsing Methods

binomen-packageTaxonomic class specification and parsing methods
binomialA class to represent a taxonomic binomial
gethierGet hierarchy as a data.frame
groupingA class to represent a taxonomic classification
make_taxonMake taxon from class
make_taxon_fromclassMake taxon from class
partsPick out parts by name
pickPick names
pipePipe operator
popPop names out
rank_tableLookup-table for IDs of taxonomic ranks
scatterScatter each taxon in a taxondf to a taxon object
spanParse taxon or taxondf objects by a range of names
strainParse taxon or taxondf objects by a range of names
taxaA class to represent a list of taxa
taxonA class to represent a single taxon
taxon_classesTaxonomic class methods
taxon_dfTaxon data.frame
taxonrefA class to represent a taxonomic reference
taxonrefsA class to represent a list of taxonomic references
binomen documentation built on May 30, 2017, 7:38 a.m.