summary.vpts: Inspect a time series of vertical profiles ('vpts')

View source: R/vpts.R

summary.vptsR Documentation

Inspect a time series of vertical profiles (vpts)


R base functions for inspecting a time series of vertical profiles (vpts) object.

Select a vertical profile (vp) or a time series of vertical profiles (vpts) by index from a vpts.


## S3 method for class 'vpts'
summary(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'vpts'
print(x, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L), ...)


## S3 method for class 'vpts'

## S3 method for class 'vpts'



A vpts object.


Additional arguments affecting the summary produced.


A vpts object.


The number of significant digits to use when printing. Defaults to max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L).


Integer. Index/indices specifying which range of vertical profiles to extract.


A time series of vertical profiles contains time-ordered vertical profiles (⁠vp)⁠ of a single radar. This time series can be regular (vp are equally spaced in time) or irregular (time steps between vp are of unequal length), indicated in the field regular. Irregular time series can be projected onto a regular time grid with regularize_vpts(). A time series of vertical profile (vp) object is a list containing:

  • radar: Radar identifier.

  • datetime: Nominal times of the profiles (named dates in bioRad < 0.4.0) in UTC.

  • height: Lowest height of the height bins in the profiles in m above sea level.

  • daterange: Minimum and maximum nominal time of the profiles in UTC.

  • timesteps: Time differences between the profiles. Element i gives the difference between profile i and i+1.

  • data: A list of quantities, each containing a datetime by height matrix with the values. Use get_quantity() to access these and see summary.vp() for a description of available quantities.

  • attributes: List of the vertical profile's what, where, and how attributes, copied from the first profile.

  • regular: Logical indicating whether the time series is regular or not.


For summary.vpts(): prints the summary of thevpts object.

For print.vpts(): prints the summary of the vpts object.

For is.vpts(): TRUE for an object of class vpts, otherwise FALSE.

For dim.vpts(): number of datetimes, heights and quantities in a time series of vertical profiles (vpts).

For ⁠[.vpts⁠: A vpts object containing a subset of vertical profiles (vp) or a vp object when subsetting a single vertical profile (vp).


  • NA: Maps to nodata in the ODIM convention: value to denote areas void of data (never radiated).

  • NaN: Maps to undetect in the ODIM convention: denote areas below the measurement detection threshold (radiated but nothing detected). The value is also used when there are too few datapoints to calculate a quantity.

  • 0: Maps to 0 in the ODIM convention: denote areas where the quantity has a measured value of zero (radiated and value zero detected or inferred).

See Also

  • bind_into_vpts()

  • read_vpts()

  • filter_vpts()

  • regularize_vpts()

  • example_vpts

  • get_quantity()

  • plot.vp()


  • [vpts()


# Check if an object is of class vpts

# Get summary info
example_vpts # Same as summary(example_vpts) or print(example_vpts)

# Get dimensions
# The example vpts contains 1934 profiles (i.e. datetimes)

# Subset vpts to extract 10th profile
example_vpts[10] # A vp object

# Subset vpts to extract the 20th to 100th profile
example_vpts[20:100] # A vpts object with 81 profiles

# Subset vpts to remove the first 10 profiles
example_vpts[-1:-10] # A vpts object with 10 less profiles

bioRad documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:13 p.m.