
Defines functions check_night.pvol check_night.vpi check_night.vpts check_night.list check_night.vp check_night.default check_night

Documented in check_night check_night.default check_night.list check_night.pvol check_night.vp check_night.vpi check_night.vpts

#' Check if it is night at a given time and place
#' Checks if it is night (`TRUE`/`FALSE`) for a combination of
#' latitude, longitude, date and sun elevation. When used on a bioRad object
#' (`pvol`, `vp`, `vpts`, `vpi`) this information is extracted from the
#' bioRad object directly.
#' @param x A `pvol`, `vp`, `vpts`, `vpi` object, a POSIXct date or a string
#'   interpretable by [base::as.POSIXct()].
#' @param lon Numeric. Longitude, in decimal degrees.
#' @param lat Numeric. Latitude, in decimal degrees.
#' @param tz Character. Time zone. Ignored when `date` already has an associated
#'   time zone.
#' @param elev Numeric (vector). Sun elevation in degrees defining nighttime.
#'   May also be a numeric vector of length two, with first element giving
#'   sunset elevation, and second element sunrise elevation.
#' @param offset Numeric (vector). Time duration in seconds by which to shift
#'   the start and end of nighttime. May also be a numeric vector of length two,
#'   with first element added to moment of sunset and second element added to
#'   moment of sunrise.
#' @param ... Optional lat, lon arguments.
#' @return `TRUE` when night, `FALSE` when day, `NA` if unknown
#' (either datetime or geographic location missing). For `vpts` a
#' vector of `TRUE`/`FALSE` values is returned.
#' @export
#' @details
#' `check_night()` evaluates to `FALSE` when the sun has a higher
#' elevation than parameter `elev`, otherwise `TRUE`.
#' Approximate astronomical formula are used, therefore the day/night
#' transition may be off by a few minutes.
#' The angular diameter of the sun is about 0.536 degrees, therefore the moment
#' of sunrise/sunset corresponds to half that elevation at -0.268 degrees.
#' Approximate astronomical formula are used, therefore the day/night transition
#' may be off by a few minutes.
#' `offset` can be used to shift the moment of sunset and sunrise by a temporal
#' offset, for example, `offset = c(600,-900)` will assume nighttime starts 600
#' seconds after sunset (as defined by `elev`) and stops 900 seconds before
#' sunrise.
#' @examples
#' # Check if it is night at UTC midnight in the Netherlands on January 1st:
#' check_night("2016-01-01 00:00", 5, 53)
#' # Check on bioRad objects directly:
#' check_night(example_vp)
#' check_night(example_vpts)
#' # Select nighttime profiles that are between 3 hours after sunset
#' # and 2 hours before sunrise:
#' index <- check_night(example_vpts, offset = c(3,-2)*3600)
#' example_vpts[index]
check_night <- function(x, ..., elev = -0.268, offset = 0) {
  UseMethod("check_night", x)

#' @rdname check_night
#' @export
check_night.default <- function(x,
                                tz = "UTC",
                                elev = -0.268,
                                offset = 0) {
  # input checks

  x <- as.POSIXct(x, tz = tz)

  if (length(x) > 1 && length(lon) == 1) {
    lon <- rep(lon, length(x)) # to accomodate lon subsetting below
    lat <- rep(lat, length(x)) # to accomodate lon subsetting below
  elev_sunset <- ifelse(length(elev) == 2, elev[1], elev)
  elev_sunrise <- ifelse(length(elev) == 2, elev[2], elev)
  # calculate sunrises
  trise <- sunrise(x, lon, lat, tz = tz, elev = elev_sunrise)
  # calculate sunsets
  tset <- sunset(x, lon, lat, tz = tz, elev = elev_sunset)

  # make sure the observation is always in between
  # two subsequent sunrise/sunset events:
  trise_ordered <- trise
  tset_ordered <- tset
  # sunrise -1 day
  idx <- which(x < tset  & trise > tset)
  if (length(idx) > 0) {
    trise_ordered[idx] <-
      sunrise(x[idx] - 24 * 3600,
              tz = tz,
              elev = elev_sunrise)
  # sunrise +1 day
  idx <- which(x > tset  & trise < tset)
  if (length(idx) > 0) {
    trise_ordered[idx] <-
      sunrise(x[idx] + 24 * 3600,
              tz = tz,
              elev = elev_sunrise)
  # sunset -1 day
  idx <- which(x < trise & trise < tset)
  if (length(idx) > 0) {
    tset_ordered[idx] <-
      sunset(x[idx] - 24 * 3600,
             tz = tz,
             elev = elev_sunset)
  # sunset +1 day
  idx <- which(x > trise & trise > tset)
  if (length(idx) > 0) {
    tset_ordered[idx] <-
      sunset(x[idx] + 24 * 3600,
        lon[idx], lat[idx],
        tz = tz,
        elev = elev_sunset
  # store in original variable
  trise <- trise_ordered
  tset <- tset_ordered

  # add offset shifts
  offset_sunset <- ifelse(length(offset) == 2, offset[1], offset)
  offset_sunrise <- ifelse(length(offset) == 2, offset[2], offset)

  # prepare output
  output <- rep(NA, length(x))

  # cases trise < tset
  itsday <- (x > trise + offset_sunrise & x < tset + offset_sunset)
  output[trise < tset] <- itsday[trise < tset]
  # if order of sunrise and sunset switches due to offsets, daytime length is
  # zero
  output[trise < tset  &
           (tset + offset_sunset) - (trise + offset_sunrise) <= 0] <- FALSE

  # cases trise >= tset
  itsday <- (x < tset + offset_sunset | x > trise + offset_sunrise)
  output[trise >= tset] <- itsday[trise >= tset]
  # if order of sunrise and sunset switches due to offsets, nighttime length is
  # zero
  output[trise >= tset &
           (trise + offset_sunrise) - (tset + offset_sunset) <= 0] <- TRUE


#' @rdname check_night
#' @export
check_night.vp <- function(x, ..., elev = -0.268, offset = 0) {
  stopifnot(inherits(x, "vp"))
  check_night(x$datetime, x$attributes$where$lon, x$attributes$where$lat,
    elev = elev, offset = offset

#' @rdname check_night
#' @export
check_night.list <- function(x, ..., elev = -0.268, offset = 0) {
  vptest <- sapply(x, function(y) methods::is(y, "vp"))
  if (FALSE %in% vptest) {
    stop("`x` must be list of `vp` objects.")
  sapply(x, check_night.vp, elev = elev, offset = offset)

#' @rdname check_night
#' @export
check_night.vpts <- function(x, ..., elev = -0.268, offset = 0) {
  stopifnot(inherits(x, "vpts"))
    elev = elev,
    offset = offset

#' @rdname check_night
#' @export
check_night.vpi <- function(x, ..., elev = -0.268, offset = 0) {
  stopifnot(inherits(x, "vpi"))
  check_night(x$datetime, attributes(x)$lon, attributes(x)$lat,
    elev = elev, offset = offset

#' @rdname check_night
#' @export
check_night.pvol <- function(x, ..., elev = -0.268, offset = 0) {
  stopifnot(inherits(x, "pvol"))
              elev = elev,
              offset = offset)

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bioRad documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:13 p.m.