
Defines functions sunset sunrise

Documented in sunrise sunset

#' Calculate sunrise or sunset for a time and place
#' @param date POSIXct. Date interpretable by [base::as.Date()].
#' @param lon Numeric. Longitude in decimal degrees.
#' @param lat Numeric. Latitude in decimal degrees.
#' @param elev Numeric. Sun elevation in degrees.
#' @param tz Character. Time zone of `date`, ignored if `date` already has an
#'   associated time zone.
#' @param force_tz Logical. If `TRUE`, the output is converted to the timezone
#'   set by `tz`.
#' @return The moment of sunrise or sunset for the date set by `date`and time zone as specified
#' (by `date` and `tz`) or in UTC if not specified.
#' @details
#' The day for which sunrise and sunset are calculated is given by the input date.
#' Sunrise and sunset are calculated relative to the moment of solar noon for that date,
#' i.e. the first sunrise before the moment of solar noon, and the first sunset after the
#' moment of solar noon. Therefore, depending on the timezone provided, it is possible that
#' the nearest sunrise prior to solar noon occurs a day earlier than the input date.
#' Similarly, sunset may occur a day later than the input date. See examples for details.
#' The angular diameter of the sun is about 0.536 degrees,
#' therefore the moment of sunrise/sunset corresponds to half that elevation
#' at -0.268 degrees.
#' This is a convenience function mapping to [suntools::crepuscule].
#' Approximate astronomical formula are used, therefore the moment of
#' sunrise / sunset may be off by a few minutes
#' If `force_tz` is `TRUE`, the output is converted to the timezone
#' set by `tz`
#' @examples
#' # sunrise in the Netherlands
#' sunrise("2016-01-01", 5, 53)
#' # sunset in the Netherlands
#' sunset("2016-01-01", 5, 53)
#' # civil twilight in Ithaca, NY
#' sunrise("2016-01-01", -76.5, 42.4, elev = -6)
#' # next sunset in South Dakota, USA
#' sunset("2016-11-15", -98, 45)
#' # Beware that some days have two sunsets, or
#' # two sunrises! E.g. on 5 Oct (local timezone) at
#' # this location  sunset is actually on the 6 Oct
#' # in UTC time zone, i.e. the next day
#' sunset("2016-10-5", -98, 45)
#' # One day later, sunset is again on 6 Oct:
#' sunset("2016-10-6", -98, 45)
#' # working in local time zones typically avoids such ambiguities:
#' sunset(lubridate::as_datetime("2016-06-05",tz="America/Chicago"), -98, 45)
#' sunset(lubridate::as_datetime("2016-06-06",tz="America/Chicago"), -98, 45)
#' # use force_tz to force output to a specific time zone, by default UTC:
#' sunset(lubridate::as_datetime("2016-06-05",tz="America/Chicago"), -98, 45, force_tz=TRUE)
#' sunset(lubridate::as_datetime("2016-06-06",tz="America/Chicago"), -98, 45, force_tz=TRUE)
#' # Also beware of jumps in sunrise and sunset date with longitude:
#' sunrise("2016-11-01", 100, 45)
#' sunrise("2016-11-01", 102, 45)
#' @name sunrise_sunset
#' @details
#' The day for which sunrise and sunset are calculated is given by the input date.
#' Sunrise and sunset are calculated relative to the moment of solar noon for that date,
#' i.e. the first sunrise before the moment of solar noon, and the first sunset after the
#' moment of solar noon. Therefore, depending on the timezone provided, it is possible that
#' the nearest sunrise prior to solar noon occurs a day earlier than the input date.
#' Similarly, sunset may occur a day later than the input date. See examples for details.
#' The angular diameter of the sun is about 0.536 degrees,
#' therefore the moment of sunrise/sunset corresponds to half that elevation
#' at -0.268 degrees.
#' This is a convenience function mapping to [suntools::crepuscule].
#' Approximate astronomical formula are used, therefore the moment of
#' sunrise / sunset may be off by a few minutes
#' If `force_tz` is `TRUE`, the output is converted to the timezone
#' set by `tz`
#' @examples
#' # Sunrise in the Netherlands
#' sunrise("2016-01-01", 5, 53)
#' # Sunset in the Netherlands
#' sunset("2016-01-01", 5, 53)
#' # Civil twilight in Ithaca, NY
#' sunrise("2016-01-01", -76.5, 42.4, elev = -6)
#' # Next sunset in South Dakota, USA
#' sunset("2016-11-15", -98, 45)
#' # Beware that some days have two sunsets, or two sunrises! E.g. on 5 Oct
#' # (local timezone) at this location sunset is actually on the 6 Oct in UTC,
#' # i.e. the next day
#' sunset("2016-10-5", -98, 45)
#' # One day later, sunset is again on 6 Oct
#' sunset("2016-10-6", -98, 45)
#' # Working in local time zones typically avoids such ambiguities
#' sunset(lubridate::as_datetime("2016-06-05", tz = "America/Chicago"), -98, 45)
#' sunset(lubridate::as_datetime("2016-06-06", tz = "America/Chicago"), -98, 45)
#' # Use force_tz to force output to a specific time zone, by default UTC
#' sunset(lubridate::as_datetime("2016-06-05", tz = "America/Chicago"), -98, 45, force_tz = TRUE)
#' sunset(lubridate::as_datetime("2016-06-06", tz = "America/Chicago"), -98, 45, force_tz = TRUE)
#' # Also beware of jumps in sunrise and sunset date with longitude
#' sunrise("2016-11-01", 100, 45)
#' sunrise("2016-11-01", 102, 45)

#' @rdname sunrise_sunset
#' @export
sunrise <- function(date, lon, lat, elev = -0.268, tz = "UTC", force_tz = FALSE) {
  locations <- data.frame(lon = lon, lat = lat)
  locations <- sp::SpatialPoints(locations, proj4string = sp::CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
  datetime <- as.POSIXct(date, tz = tz) # tz ignored if already set
  suntimes <- suntools::crepuscule(locations, datetime, solarDep = -elev, direction = "dawn", POSIXct.out = TRUE)
  if(force_tz) suntimes$time <- lubridate::as_datetime(suntimes$time, tz=tz)

#' @rdname sunrise_sunset
#' @export
sunset <- function(date, lon, lat, elev = -0.268, tz = "UTC", force_tz = FALSE) {
  locations <- data.frame(lon = lon, lat = lat)
  locations <- sp::SpatialPoints(locations, proj4string = sp::CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
  datetime <- as.POSIXct(date, tz = tz) # tz ignored if already set
  suntimes <- suntools::crepuscule(locations, datetime, solarDep = -elev, direction = "dusk", POSIXct.out = TRUE)
  if(force_tz) suntimes$time <- lubridate::as_datetime(suntimes$time, tz=tz)

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bioRad documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:13 p.m.